Things tagged 'surface'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

37 issues found for 'surface':

  • Bad path surface in Cut Throat Alley, Ham

    Created by Kate // 1 thread

    This alley connects Ham Street with The Ham Avenues and is an excellent way to avoid the fast traffic in Sandy Lane. It is a cut through which is particularly useful as a safe car-free route for parents and kids on foot and bikes to get to the German School and the Russell School.

    It is also creates a link to help people avoid a stretch of the busy Petersham Road, as it connects with Riverside Drive and on to Kingston.

    It is a dirt track which becomes dangerously and unappealingly muddy for autumn/ winter/ spring. I know some people choose to drive to school rather than attempt this route with children (and buggies).

    If changing the surface is not an option due to drainage then this path should be included in the council's leaf clearing schedule so that the mud does not have the opportunity to develop each autumn. I have tried advising the council to clear the mud - no reponse as yet. Two years ago the Council put down stones on the worst affected part but that created a skidding hazard.

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  • Tibbetts Corner to Telegraph pub path maintenance

    Created by MB // 0 threads

    The cycle (and pedestrian) path between the Telegraph pub & Tibbetts corner needs repair & maintenance. Undergrowth has grown over it, narrowing the path, there are cracks & ridges where tree roots or wear & tear have deteriorated the path & the path markings are no longer clear.

    In addition, the route through the car park is often strewn with broken glass and pot holes.

    If the path were widened back to its original width, resurfaced & remarked, there would be less conflict between pedestrians & cyclists.

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  • Terrible surface condition on cycle path forming part of NCN 20

    Created by DaveE // 0 threads

    The condition of the cyclepath is so bad that a road bike with narrow tyres cannot be comfortably or safely ridden along the cycle side of the segregared path. There are numerous potholes of more than 25mm depth and quite a bit of loose gravel besides a generally very rough surface. The surface is more pothole than surface in places! It is even bad for mountain bikes and especially bad for small wheeled bicycles such as folding bicycles. This is forcing cyclists to use the pedestrian side of the path, with the potential for safety issues and confrontation. Last seen mid July 2013.

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  • A316 Twickenham Road surface and cycleway width

    Created by Paul James // 1 thread

    The surface of the shared use pavement is very bumpy and too narrow for cycles to easily pass pedestrians safely.

    There is plenty of room for a separate cycleway here alongside the pavement by taking some room from the car park and grass verge.

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  • Poor surface and old rail tracks on NCN51 St Peter's Dock

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    St Peter's Dock on the National Cycle Route 51 just north of Stoke Bridge has a really poor surface which collects water, also the old rails that are no longer used and no longer connect to the rest of the rail network are a hazard for cyclists and ideally should be removed.

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  • Tower Bridge road surface problem

    Created by londoncycler // 1 thread

    Six inch high ridge near left side of north bound lane on the south side of the bridge forces cyclists too close to the kerb or into the path of motor vehicles. Issue reported via CTC pothole reporting site. Resurfacing required.

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15 threads found for 'surface':

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