Things tagged 'walking'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

31 issues found for 'walking':

  • Consultation: Suffolk Design: Streets Guide

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Suffolk Design: Streets Guide

    Our consultation is for a new Streets Guide, which will assist designing streets for new residential developments especially by promoting walking and cycling.

    You are invited to comment on the Suffolk Design: Streets Guide by completing the survey.

    The consultation will run from 16 December 2020 until 5pm 10 February 2021.

    What we are consulting on

    This emerging guidance will assist with the design of new residential developments showing how best to create sustainable transport layouts that promote walking and cycling

    The District, Borough and County Councils of Suffolk have been working to improve the design new development through the Suffolk Design initiative. As part of this programme, the County Council commissioned Stantec to produce a new Street Guide to update guidance for residential streets.

    Attached is a draft of the emerging Street Design Guide and you are invited to shape the final version of the document.

    Download the consultation document:

    Suffolk Design: Streets Guide (PDF, 5MB).

    Next Steps

    Following an eight week public consultation on Suffolk Design: Streets Guide, a report of the consultation will be published when the Streets Guide is presented to Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet.

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  • A41 Finchley Road - Swiss Cottage to Childs Hill

    Created by JonC // 0 threads

    TfL propose bus and walking improvements along Finchley Road between Hillgrove Road (Swiss Cottage) and Hendon Way (Childs Hill),

    No direct references to improving cycling along this route. Mostly in Camden. 

    Only the Hendon Way junction is in Barnet. See Barnet Cyclists issue A41-A598 Burgess Hill for discussion of that junction.

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  • Paths on Lammerlaws

    Created by chdot // 1 thread

    Before the railway came the Lammerlaws (Lamberlaws on some maps) stretched inland almost as far as the Parish Church.

    Now it’s mostly thought of as the name for the ‘wild’ bit of the peninsula at the of Lammerlaws Road.

    The Community Council produced an improvement plan for the area in 2018.

    The ambition has since been scaled back.

    The area is part of an SSSI so any work requires permission from SNH. It is expected to be given.

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  • Winton Primary School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme and left turn ban to improve air quality around Winton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Killick Street and Collier Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Killick Street, between Southern Street and Collier Street, and Collier Street, between Killick Street and Calshot Street, between 8.30am-9.15am and 3.15pm-4.00pm during school term time. A no left turn will also operate on Southern Street during those times.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Hugh Myddelton School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Hugh Myddelton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street, between 8.20am-9.15am and 3.00pm-3.45pm during school term time.
    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.
    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed streets. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Harlesden Primary School Travel Plan

    Henry Lancashire // 1 thread

    Brent Council write:

    As part of our sustainable transport policy, we are progressively improving key walking routes to schools and making them safer for all road users such as children. This documents outlines our proposal to improve pedestrian access to Harlesden Primary School in Minet Avenue.

    Why are we proposing this change?
    As a part of the recent expansion programme for Harlesden Primary School the school entrance
    was relocated from Acton Lane to Minet Avenue. Brent Council has received many complaints
    from the school and parents in relation to their concerns about the safety of pupils trying to access
    the school due to congestion and obstructive parking. In addition there have been a number of
    accidents reported by the school involving school pupils and motor vehicles in the section of Minet
    Avenue between Acton Lane and the gated closure outside the school.
    Brent Council also receives regular complaints with regards to vehicles driving through the
    emergency services access gate that was installed to reduce traffic and improve safety in Minet
    Avenue by the school.

    What are the proposed improvements?
    The scheme proposals are shown in the attached drawing. In summary the proposals
    The introduction of a Pedestrian and Cycle zone in Minet Avenue between Acton Lane
    and the existing gated closure, between 8:15 to 9:15am and 2:30 to 4:00pm. Residents
    of this section of Minet Avenue will be issued with a permit (free of charge) and will be
    exempt from the proposed restrictions together with emergency services vehicles, blue
    badge holders and permitted delivery vehicles.
    Introduction of timed “Pedestrian and Cycle” zone signs and a CCTV camera to help the
    enforcement of this area to improve safety of children and all pedestrians.
    The introduction of school keep clear marking outside the two new accesses of the
    Parking bays outside the school will be amended as shown on the plan to facilitate the
    proposals above

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  • Wykeham Primary School Proposed School Travel Plan

    Henry Lancashire // 1 thread

    Brent Council write:

    As part of our sustainable transport policy, we are progressively improving key walking routes to schools and making them safer for all road users such as children. This documents outlines our proposal to improve pedestrian access to Wykeham Primary School in Annesley Close.

    Why are we proposing this change?
    In 2017 Brent Council introduced a number of road safety improvements in roads around the
    Wykeham Primary school. This was in response to concerns raised by the school, local ward
    councillors and residents submitting a petition to Brent Council. Although we have installed a
    number of improvements to stop the obstructive parking on footways and Carriageway, and to
    reduce congestion in Annesley Close. The situation had not improved and drivers continue to
    obstruct the Carriageway and the Footways during the school peak hours at am and pm.
    The proposals we have introduced include the installation of Pedestrian Guard rails, Street trees
    and the installation of the School Keep Clear marking.

    What are the proposed improvements?
    The scheme proposals are shown in the attached drawing. In summary the proposals include:
    The introduction of a Pedestrian and Cycle zone in Annesley Close from its junction with
    Aboyne Road and the turning circle, between 8:15 to 9:15am and 2:30 to 4:00pm. The
    Permit holders within the proposed zone (Annesley Close), Emergency Service Vehicles,
    blue badge holders and permitted delivery vehicles would be exempted from the
    proposed restrictions.
    Introduction of timed “Pedestrian and Cycle” zone signs to help the enforcement of this
    area to improve safety of children and all pedestrians.

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  • Strafford Road Consultation

    Created by timlennon // 1 thread

    Changes to make school crossing better.
    "Concerns have been raised through the St Mary’s Church of England School Travel Plan regarding the lack of a safe place to cross the road outside of the middle site for the school.

    Officers assessed conditions at the end of school time and found that parents and pupils currently cross in random locations and often between parked cars where sightlines are reduced. Concerns were also raised regarding vehicles travelling at inappropriate speeds."

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  • Lawnswood Roundabout and Bus Lanes

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    As part of the connecting Leeds programme of public transport improvement works, the Adel to Leeds route will be improved with bus lanes, cycle lanes, and pedestrian improvements.

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  • Chigwell Rise cycle route (CAP App. I.6)

    Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread

    Improve Non-Motorised User connectivity in this area and a route between the GGSK College and Chigwell Tube Station.
    * Provide an off-road segregated footway / cycleway (if possible) alongside the eastbound carriageway of the B170 – this may require improvement to the parapet height over the M11.
    * The off-road route could continue to the start of the existing housing at Chester Road, with an on-road cycle lane route
    from here along the eastbound carriageway to Lee Grove.
    * The scheme could then cross Chigwell Rise at the Spanbrook existing crossing point, and then comprise an on-road cycle route along Brook Way and Brook Mews, avoiding Chigwell High Road.
    * Access to Chigwell Tube Station could be via a segregated footway outside the car dealership to either the existing zebra crossing or an upgraded toucan crossing.
    * Provision of a new unlit 3m wide shared cycle/footway through the Nature Reserve, crossing the River Roding via the existing infrastructure already in situ. Requires signage, path surface works, and barrier removal.
    Medium Term
    £600,000 (Assumes all widening within highway boundary and no stats diversions)

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  • London Assembly investigation: Walking & Cycling at Outer London Junctions

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    London Assembly says:

    Our investigation
    What different approaches could TfL and London boroughs take to improve junctions and increase walking and cycling in Outer London?

    Small pockets of improvement don’t change the fact that most London streets are dominated by traffic and noise. They are hostile places even to step out into for a pint of milk.

    On behalf of the London Assembly Transport Committee, Caroline Russell AM is investigating how our streets and junctions can become more people-friendly.

    Get involved
    There are a number of specific questions the Committee is seeking to answer. Please address any questions where you have relevant views and information to share, and feel free to cover any other issues you would like the Committee to consider.

    Are there lessons to be learned from previous junction improvements?

    How can we enable more people to walk and cycle?

    How can we make our streets and junctions less hostile to people getting around by bike and on foot?

    How do you get all road users on board?

    Please email by August 11 and share the investigation on Twitter using #OuterLondonJunctions

    Key Facts
    The Mayor and TfL are promoting walking and cycling as a form of active travel and a way to reduce health inequalities - however, currently, over 40 percent of Londoners fall short of the recommended 150 minutes of activity per week.

    TfL research has found that people who live in Outer London tend to walk less than those who live in Inner London. Public transport coverage is lower and car ownership is higher in Outer London, with cars making up a larger share of journeys. In particular, people who live in Outer London are less likely to walk children to school, walk to see friends or relatives, and walk to pubs, restaurants and cinemas.

    In 2015:
    53 percent of Inner Londoners walked at least five journeys a week, compared to 35 percent of Outer Londoners
    47 percent of Inner Londoners walked as part of longer journeys on other forms of transport at least five times a week, compared to 41 percent of Outer Londoners

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  • Remove or widen gate at Innocent tunnel

    Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 1 thread

    The gate at the north end of the Innocent tunnel only leaves a narrow opening.

    1. It's generally too narrow for trailers etc.

    2. You move from bright light outside into the darkness of the tunnel, and going into the tunnel you often can't see people cycling or walking out; this would not be an issue of the full width of the path was usable.

    3. The gap is at the edge of the path with various surface defects

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  • Thames bridges counter-terrorism barriers

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Since the horrific attacks that took place on Westminster Bridge, and most recently London Bridge, the Metropolitan Police have installed temporary barriers on many central London bridges.

    LCC is fully supportive of the need to take urgent steps to provide extra protection for Londoners and visitors to our city. But we also believe it's right that we look at these measures, that have had to go in very rapidly, to see both what lessons need to be learned for future Highways schemes in the capital, and to see what, if any, tweaks can be undertaken to ensure these barriers can provide the extra security needed as well as allow people, especially London's large number of cycling commuters, to continue to cycle safely with minimal disruption - ideally even with enhanced safety and/or provision.

    Now we want your ideas of any tweaks, modifications or other measures that can be brought forward on the bridges affected so far, and given the measures in so far, to provide vital measures to protect against terrorist attacks, but also to enhance safety and provision for those walking and cycling, and to mitigate the negative effects of the measures so far.

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  • St Andrew's St - Emmanuel St Junction

    Created by Rosalind Lund // 1 thread

    further to the piece in newsletter 128, I wonder if any thought has been given to the difficulty of turning right into Emmanuel Street if you are coming towards the town centre from St Andrew's Street? We go fairly often to the Arts Cinema and this is the obvious way for us to go home, but it is impossible to turn right on the correct side of the bollard at present as it is designed only for left turning cycles coming out of town. There is, however, nothing to suggest that such a right turn is illegal.

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  • Strood High Street Regeneration

    Anon // 1 thread

    Outline proposals for changes to Strood High Street. £9m scheme to take through traffic away from town centre.

    20mph limit on High Street, various actions to prioritise pedestrian movements, re-allocation of carriageway space (lane narrowing).

    Having had a brief chat to the engineers designing the scheme the 20mph limit and reduced lane widths should assist cyclists "taking the lane" in the High Street.

    Commercial Road will have a cycletrack to the south of the carriageway with a crossing of Knight Road. Details are disappointingly vague at this stage.

    Various ASLs and other minor works.

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  • One-Way Road Blocking Cycle Route

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 2 threads

    The tunnel under the railway is narrow, and the road is one-way for all traffic. This means that cyclists using NCN5 cannot get to Bunbury Road (and Bournville Estate) here without dismounting for a considerable distance. Two years ago BCC proposed that cyclists heading towards Bunbury Road (via the short section of cycle path that leads from Bunbury Gardens) hop on to the pavement, but the pavement is very narrow and will be blocked by a single pedestrian. The simple solution is to close the road to the few motorists that use it, and make it two-way for bikes and pedestrians. That's what the Dutch would do, because it encourages people to use a bike for short journeys rather than a car. However, BCC is once again in a state of paralysis and have done neither.

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  • Queensway Hatfield

    Created by Adam Edwards // 2 threads

    Shared use cycle path under construction but delayed completion now set for the end of February 2016. The path with extend the route from Hatfield station up to the town centre and then via the not so good on road lanes to the University and Business Park.

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No planning applications found for 'walking'.

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