Things tagged 'consultation'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

571 issues found for 'consultation':

  • Holborn Vision and Urban Strategy Consultation

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    Camden Council has prepared a draft Vision and Urban Strategy for Holborn and they are running a public consultation open to local residents, businesses, workers, community groups, and everyone else who has an interest in the area.  Their primary aim is to produce a Planning Strategy document to guide Camden's Planning Committee's decisions on construction projects in the area.

    We intend to submit a response by the Cycling Campaign because it clearly interacts with and should complement the Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme for which funding of around £12m has been announced by TFL and Camden.  The draft for the Vision and Urban Strategy references the Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme and outlines its main proposed actions including the proposed segregated cycle tracks on New Oxford Street and Theobolds Road, so there is no reason to fear a conflict. But the responses to this consultation may have some implications for the LN, so we should respond stating our priorities. 

    Both schemes propose the removal of the Holborn gyratory and the closure of its Procter Street arm creating a traffic free space there instead.

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  • Kensington High Street to Notting Hill Gate

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Cycleway: Kensington High Street to Notting HillPublic consultation

    Encouraging cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. We want to make sure cycling is safe, easy, attractive and inclusive for all. We are also concerned about the impacts of poor air quality on our residents, and believe making cycle trips safer is part of the solution to providing alternatives to motor vehicle trips. We hope that new and existing cyclists alike will appreciate being able to use clear, direct routes along quiet side streets.

    We are consulting on a new cycle route, linking Kensington High Street to the cycle route known as Quietway 2 in Notting Hill. It begins at Melbury Road, passes along Abbotsbury Road and Holland Park, crosses Holland Park Avenue into Norland Square, then travels along Queensdale Road, Princedale Road, Walmer Road/Portland Road, Clarendon Road and Blenheim Crescent where the route joins Quietway 2. In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to reduce the speed and volume of traffic, reduce the risk of conflict at junctions and where cycle facilities already exist, upgrade them.

    We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new Cycleway. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the below questionnaire no later than 12 June 2019. For further information, please email us at: or call: 020 7361 3766.

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  • Pears Road, Hounslow

    Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread

    LBH says:

    As part of the redevelopment of Hounslow Town Primary School, we are proposing public realm improvements on Pears Road. We would like to get your views on a number of proposals, including:

    • Permanently closing the emergency access outside the school on Pears Road by constructing a raised shared pedestrian and cycle area 
    • Installing dropped kerbs and bollards at both ends of the new raised area to provide cycle access and prevent vehicle access
    • Implementing “School Keep Clear” markings and parking restrictions at the school entrance at the western end of the closure to prevent obstructive parking.
    • Re-paving some sections of footway and removing pedestrian guardrail to reduce clutter and improve the public realm
    • Installing cycle stands to provide parking for cyclists

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  • Goodwill junction redesign, Harrow

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to redevelop the Headstone Gardens / Harrow View / Headstone Drive traffic light junction to provide a pedestrian phase. All right turns will be banned at the junction to enable this to happen, and all pedestrians will cross at the same time (single-stage crossings). However, this route is a desire line for cycling (especially east-west) but cycling is not accommodated in this design - there are no segregated cycling facilities.

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  • Madison Square Garden (MSG) Sphere Planning Application

    Created by jrothwell // 2 threads

    The Madison Square Garden Company proposes to build a new entertainment venue, "the MSG Sphere", adjacent to Angel Lane and Montfichet Road in the Olympic Park.

    They have proposed a two-way cycle track at pavement level on Montfichet Road past Westfield, and to narrow the carriageway on Angel Lane (removing the current advisory cycle lane.) A small amount of visitor cycle parking is proposed.

    From LLDC's planning page:

    In March 2019, the Planning Policy and Decisions Team received a planning application for a large-scale live music and entertainment venue from The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG). The proposal is for a spherical shaped building next to Stratford Station that would provide an auditorium (capacity for up to 21,500 people), a music venue, nightclub, members lounge, restaurants, bars, and new bridges to create pedestrian connections across the site amongst other things.

    The building is a first for London because externally the spherical building would be composed of a ‘skin’ of LED’s. These LED’s would be programmable and could display images on the surface of the building including adverts.

    Application Documents 

    A detailed planning application and has been submitted which comprises a number of plans, drawings and documents that can be viewed on our website. An advertisement consent has also been submitted which comprises a number of plans and a design statement which is also available on our website.

    Both applications can all be viewed via the Planning Application Register, using the following reference numbers:

    • Full Planning Application: 19/00097/FUL
    • Advertisement Consent Application: 19/00098/ADV

    How can I comment 

    If you have any comments about the MSG Sphere proposal, please write to the Planning Policy and Decisions Team by Friday 28 June 2019. Comments must be submitted in writing via email or post:


    Email:; or

    Post:  Planning Policy and Decisions Team
    London Legacy Development Corporation
    Level 10
    1 Stratford Place
    Montfichet Road
    E20 1EJ


    Public Consultation


    The Planning Policy and Decision Team will be hosting a public consultation event where you can share your thoughts and learn more about the proposal and planning application process.


    The consultation event will take place on 5 June 2019 (4.00PM – 8.30PM) at: ST PAUL AND ST JAMES CHURCH, 65 MARYLAND RD, E15 1JL (Venue details and directions are available via the following link -

    The event will broadly be structured as follows:

    • 4.00PM – 6.00PM – Drop-in and talk to a representative of the LLDC planning team
    • 6.30PM – 8.30PM – Presentation, Question and Answer session followed by Group Discussions

    If you have any questions or special requirements please contact us at:


    Planning Committee


    The planning application will be determined by the LLDC Planning Decision Committee, after the Planning Policy Decisions Team have reviewed the submission and all written responses received during the consultation period. No date is currently set and it is considered that the earliest this could take place is Winter 2019. This page will be updated in due course once the date for Committee is known.

    Planning Documentation 


    Various key documents, which provide an overview of the proposal can be viewed and/or download below. Please be aware some of these documents are quite large and may take sometime to open / download on certain computers:

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  • Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood - First engagement (commonplace)

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood aims to realise the great potential Brixton has for walking and cycling while improving air quality, reducing congestion, supporting local businesses and providing for the growth in jobs and homes planned for the area.

    We successfully bid for funding from Transport for London (TfL) to deliver these aims. At the heart of our proposal is transforming Atlantic Road in the town centre, but the ambition goes well beyond this, with proposals to create ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ in adjacent residential areas that link communities together and ‘healthy routes’ for walking and cycling. Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is the cornerstone of Lambeth’s Draft Transport Strategy, which seeks to allow people to live healthier lives and create better places for everyone to enjoy.

    This is the first stage of consultation, collecting resident and user comments about the area. 

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  • Hackney - Isle of Dogs Cycle Route - detailed design consultation

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    We want your views on our proposals to transform streets in east London linking Hackney and the Isle of Dogs to make it easier and safer for people to cycle and walk. Neighbourhoods including Victoria Park, Mile End and Limehouse would be connected by a new Cycleway, with improvements in each area also proposed for people walking.

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  • Cycle route extension on Bath Road, Hounslow

    Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread

    LBH says [edited]:

    The London Borough of Hounslow is proposing to make changes to a section of Bath Road, running between the Great West Road (A4) and Vicarage Farm Road, in order to make the road safer for cyclists and pedestrians. 

    We recently completed the Hounslow West Cycle and Highway Safety Improvements on Bath Road and now propose to extend the cycle route from Vicarage Farm Road junction westwards to the junction with the A4.  This proposal is to create a safer cycle lane mostly segregated from motor vehicles and pedestrians  ...  As well as the proposed cycle measures, this project aims to improve pedestrian safety by introducing raised entry treatments on all side road junctions along the route, enhancing existing pedestrian crossing facilities along this section of Bath Road and adding a Parallel Crossing (pedestrian & cycle) adjacent to Springwell Road.  In addition, some changes are proposed to the existing bus stop eastbound, introducing a floating island to avoid conflict with cycle and pedestrian movements.  To provide these cycle lanes there will be some localised road widening required on Bath Road and to improve current traffic flows where Bath Road meets the A4 junction.  ... Looking beyond this project it is this Council's aim to extend these cycle proposals to link with Hounslow Town Centre.

    The A3006 Bath Road is part of the Strategic Road Network within Hounslow and as such is an important and heavily used traffic corridor. The personal injury accident record on this section of road is higher than the borough average with 26 injury accidents over the last five years, five involving pedestrians (including two serious), five involving motor bikes and three involving cyclists.

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  • Proposed improvements between Wood Lane and Notting Hill Gate

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    TfL says:

    We want your views on our proposals to transform roads in west London through four connected neighbourhood improvement schemes between Wood Lane and Notting Hill Gate.

    The proposals are an important part of the Mayor's Transport Strategy. The proposals are guided by the Mayor's Healthy Streets Approach, which aims to encourage walking, cycling and public transport and make London greener, healthier and more pleasant. The proposals are also an important part of the Mayor's Walking and Cycling Action Plans. These complementary plans set out how we and London boroughs will work to increase the number of people walking and cycling, helping to address poor air quality and congestion, while improving infrastructure to make walking and cycling even easier, safer and more accessible for everyone.

    These proposals would provide benefits for road users and communities in these areas, making it easier to cross busy roads, removing through traffic on some residential roads and offering a segregated space for people to cycle in west London. They would form part of London’s emerging cycling network and create a more appealing street environment for everyone to enjoy.

    The proposals include:

    • New and upgraded pedestrian crossings
    • Public space improvements along the route to create more welcoming streets for people and communities to enjoy
    • Two-way segregated cycle track throughout
    • Changes to bus stop locations, with removal of some, and layout changes throughout, including new bus stop bypasses for cyclists
    • Making some side roads entry or exit only to help the safe and timely movement of traffic
    • Removal of some trees in Notting Hill Gate and Holland Park Avenue to accommodate the facilities with appropriate new trees planted nearby
    • Changes to parking and loading bays and hours of operation  

    The proposed changes presented in this consultation are not final. We welcome your views on our proposals and your feedback will inform how we progress the schemes.

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  • Various traffic calming Traffic Management Orders Wallington

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 3 threads


    The London Borough of Sutton are proposing to make Traffic Management Orders to facilitate a traffic calming schemes and prevention of obstruction in:-

    Sandy Lane South junction with Foresters Drive and Wordsworth Road;

    Wordsworth Road junction with Lavender Vale;

    Ross Parade junction with Bridge Road; and 

    Ross Road access to Mulberry Mews.


    If you wish to view all the statutory documents and make any representations on the proposals please select the link    

    SuttMap 1067


    Your representations will need to be with us by Thursday 2 May 2019 and

    If you require further information please contact

    Kind Regards,


    Technical Operations Team

    Highways and Transport

    Kingston & Sutton Shared Environment Service

    London Borough of Sutton

    Denmark Road | Carshalton | Surrey | SM5 2JG


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  • Wapping Liveable Streets engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Wapping is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Wapping.

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  • Bow Liveable Streets Engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Bow is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Bow.

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  • Bethnal Green Liveable Streets engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Bethnal Green is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project. Please click on the image to see an enlarged version.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Bethnal Green.

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  • Danson Lane

    Created by Robert Heyward // 1 thread

    Proposed changes to junction to aid W=E movement for Quietway, has questionable impact on  rides on N=S route and those joining / leaving Quietway.  Present layout shown in google satellite in 'photo' above.  Drawing of new layout in link below,  Consultation notice here:  .

    Note eastern arm of junction is not public highway, but two adjacent driveways, one (generally open)  leading to church; other with gate at present closed to vehicles, and separate narrow pedestrian gate, generally open for walkers and riders   - see streetview image (not provided).

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  • Greening of Phoenix Road

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    Phoenix Road plus Brill Place connects Eversholt Street with Midland Road and is in principle an excellent pedestrian and cycle link between Euston and Kings Cross/St Pancras stations. But it is not attractive, especially for pedestrians. Camden have money from HS2 to improve it and have come up with a set of ideas which are set out in two large and very thorough reports which are available here and here.

    Motor traffic and cycle flows on the corridor are relatively low (see pages 26 and 27 of the Stage 1 report). They show a maximum of 144 motor vehicles per hour in the morning peak (sum of both directions, west of Chalton Street) and 175 in the evening peak, with cycle flows of 24 and 27 (very low). The measurements were done in 2017; motor traffic is likely to be higher now that motors have diverted up Ossulston Street, though Google sends motors via Polygon Road rather than Phoenix Road. For comparison, cycle flows on Ossulston Street were 232 and 230 (a.m. and p.m. peak hour).

    So there are not many cyclists using the corridor.  This may increase once the Midland Road tracks are open but Eversholt Street is not an attractive route unless you are going to Euston station and anyone making that journey is probably already using Ossulston Street so cycle numbers probably will not increase much.

    6 options are proposed, ranging from a minimal treatment which would not affect the road layout (option 1A) to a complete closure (option 4). Option 4 is not supported by Camden so we’ll discount it.

    Option 1A retains the current road layout with some greening and reduction of carriageway width to 4.8m. 1B converts it to one-way, alternating westbound and eastbound and should therefore reduce rat-running. Option 2 has closures to motor traffic (modal filters) between Ossulston and Chalton Streets and between Chalton and Werrington Streets. Option 3 adds another road closure between Eversholt and Werrington Streets and 3B is the same but with added measures on neighbouring streets to reduce or prevent traffic displacement. Option 4 is a full closure but is not supported by Camden. In all cases, cycling is permitted in both directions throughout and access is retained for emergency vehicles.

    In the Stage 2 report they suggest how the actual street layouts might look. The main issues are whether the carriageway should be linear or ‘meandering’.

    From a cycling point of view any reduction in motor traffic is a good thing. We normally would have concerns about the interaction with pedestrians in shared space. However, as cycle counts are low perhaps this is not a major issue here and the improved streetscape might outweigh any concerns. If one of the options 2 or 3 were chosen we should probably ask that the design makes it clear that cyclists are allowed and that also the meandering design might be better as it would signal to cyclists that low speeds are appropriate.

    More information plus the online response form is at

    Meanwhile please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to . Responses are due by 31st May so we’ll send in our formal response by the 28th.

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  • A1010 North

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    The plans for this scheme have been revised following earlier consultation.

    From Enfield Council:

    We are close to finalising the designs of the A1010 North scheme, and welcome your feedback on the draft plans. Copies of the A1010 North design drawings, draft traffic management orders and statement of reasons are available to download in the document library on the right of this page . Please view these and then provide your comments using the survey below.  (See web link)

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  • Waterloo and South Bank Public Realm Framework

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Waterloo and South Bank is experiencing significant development and economic growth. This brings both benefits and challenges, including increased pressure on infrastructure and the public realm.

    To understand the public realm Improvement needs of the area better and to prioritise and direct resources, Lambeth Council has worked with urban design and public realm consultants, Publica, to develop a Draft Public Realm Framework.

    The Framework provides an assessment of the existing public realm and identifies opportunities for improvement across Bishop’s Ward, Lambeth. Based on a rigorous baseline audit of streets and spaces, it establishes six guiding principles to shape better placemaking. These principles inform and infuse 18 location specific spatial briefs that describe the type of improvements that should be considered in each location.

    The Draft Public Realm Framework is intended to underpin the Lambeth Local Plan and other strategic documents, provide direction to the public and private sector, help secure support and funding from a variety of public and private sources, and act as a springboard for the improvement and investment necessary to support growth, resilience, independence and place.

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  • Western Road/Tate Road : Proposed improvements outside Homefield Preparatory Sch

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    The Sutton local area committee has agreed for officers to carry out improvements outside Homefield preparatory school in Western Road at its junction with Tate Road. Funding for the scheme has been secured from Transport for London (TfL) to address concerns raised by the school regarding unacceptable traffic speeds and difficulty in crossing the road outside the school.

    Highways officers have met with school representative to assess these issues and a preliminary improvement scheme has been drawn as shown on the attached plan which aims to address concerns regarding traffic speeds and pedestrian safety. The scheme is fully supported by the school. 

    The scheme proposes to change the priority at Western Road junction with Tate Road and introduce a raised table with a kerb build-out to assist pupils and parents to cross the road and to help reduce traffic speeds outside the school. The scheme also includes re-arranging and providing additional ‘school keep clear’ markings and installation of red/yellow pencil bollards.

    Whilst there were no pedestrian accidents recorded at the location in the last three years, the proposed measures will improve pedestrian safety and thus promote walking as a sustainable mode of travel.

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  • Mulgrave Road Junction with Bridge Road & Worcester Road - Zebra Crossing

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    see plans Pelican zebra but also parking bays added to North side and double yellows on the other.


    Dear all,

    Mulgrave Road JUNCTION WITH bridge road and worcester road – PROPOSED Changes to zebra crossing

    Further to our formal consultation Notice dated 24 January 2019 regarding a zebra crossing in Mulgrave Road, I am writing to inform about changes to the length of the zig-zag markings of the crossing.

    A safety audit has been carried out on the proposed zebra crossing. The safety auditors have expressed concern about injudicious loading activity on the eastern approach to the crossing that could adversely affect the inter-visibility.

    Auditors have stated the following on the extent of zig-zag marking on the east approach:

    ‘’The zig-zag lines, however, are short and have only four strokes.  This may permit loading activity to take place close to the crossing and adversely affect inter-visibility.  Therefore, Inadequate inter-visibility may make it more difficult for pedestrians to safely assert precedence to cross’’

    In response to the concern raised by auditors, we are proposing to extend the zig-zag markings on the eastern approach by additional four strokes as shown on the attached plan. The construction of the crossing is programmed to start at the end of April 2019. If you would like to make any comments or observations regarding the proposed changes, please email us the  before the end of 22nd of March  2018.     


    Mohamad Kabash

    Traffic Engineer,

    Strategy & Commissioning Team Highways and Transport 

    Kingston & Sutton Shared Environment Service

    London Borough of Sutton | 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, SURREY, SM5 2JG

    T: 020 8770 6458

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  • Demand Responsive Bus Trial

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    Two phases firstly to the West of Manor Road / London (Wallington), the second to the East.


    It looks like an Uber fleet of 6-8 economical 14 seater buses.

    Following consultation:

    We will then report on the outcome ahead of the launch of the 12 month trial.

    It should be noted that as a research trial, collecting feedback from users as well as other groups to understand feedback from non-users too will continue throughout the 12 month trial.  

     Check the TFL site for more

    Key points:

    What are we proposing?

    This is a trial service that does not have a fixed route or schedule, but ‘responds’ to the request to be picked up by the customer. It can be booked at the desired time of travel, primarily through an app, and provide real time updates to customers of vehicle arrival time and guarantees a seat for confirmed bookings.  


    The service will run using up to eight Mercedes Cityline Low floor Sprinter 14 seater vehicles. The vehicles will be Euro VI compliant bringing them in line with the Ultra Low Emission Zone vehicle standards, and will be fully wheelchair accessible.

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532 threads found for 'consultation':

No planning applications found for 'consultation'.

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