Things tagged 'consultation'

limited to the area of Cyclenation:

571 issues found for 'consultation':

  • Proposed A10/Lincoln Road Walking and Cycling Improvements

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    From the consultation hub, verbatim:

    These proposals are part of a wider TfL programme to encourage people to choose to cycle or walk in Enfield, which is being implemented by Enfield Council in partnership with us. We would like to hear your views on the proposals.

    What are we proposing?

    We propose to upgrade the existing staggered pedestrian crossing on the northern arm of the junction between Lincoln Road and the A10. The crossing would be made wider and would become a toucan crossing, enabling cyclists to use it as well. The existing zebra crossing on the western arm of Lincoln Road would become a parallel cycle/zebra crossing.

    Some areas of footway would be widened to enable people to access to both crossings more easily. The changes to the footway would mean that the entrance to the residential access road which joins Lincoln Road at the junction with the A10 would become narrower, and exiting vehicles would be asked to give way to any vehicles wishing to enter.

    See the website link for details including drawings and to submit comments.

    Enfield Cycling Campaign intends to submit a considered response after discussion.

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  • Pembridge Square to Meanwhile Gardens Cycle Route

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Pembridge Square to Meanwhile Gardens Cycle Route Consultation

    The Council wants to create high quality cycle routes for people who have considered cycling, but been put off by the idea of sharing busy roads with lorries and buses. We hope that many existing cyclists will also appreciate being able to use clear, direct routes along quiet side streets.

    We are consulting on a new cycle route, linking the existing cycle route known as Quietway 2 in Notting Hill to the route along the Grand Union Canal. It begins at Pembridge Square, crosses Pembridge Villas/Pembridge Road and runs along Pembridge Crescent, Denbigh Road, Colville Road, Colville Gardens, Clydesdale Road, All Saints Rd, Tavistock Crescent, passes under the Westway then along Acklam Road, St Ervan’s Road, Golborne Road and in to Meanwhile Gardens where cyclists can connect to the existing cycle route along the canal towpath. In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to slow down traffic, or to reduce the risk of conflict at junctions.

    Complete the survey

    We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new cycle route. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the survey no later than 29 March 2019. For further information, please contact or call 020 7361 3766.

    Proposed changes

    On the southern section of Pembridge Square, we are proposing three sinusoidal humps to reduce traffic speeds. Sinusoidal humps are designed so that when driving or cycling over them at lower speeds, they are more comfortable to drive over than traditional humps, but if travelling at an inappropriate speed, they cause a notable ‘bump’, encouraging slower speeds. We know that some people are concerned that road humps contribute to poor air quality, when they lead to drivers braking and accelerating hard. We have designed the proposals in line with government guidance on the correct spacing between the humps to avoid hard braking and acceleration. We have recently introduced sinusoidal humps in St James’s Gardens and we also use them when we resurface roads with traditional humps – for example, in Abbotsbury Road near Holland Park.  

    To the western end of Pembridge Square, where there is a very large expanse of asphalt, we are proposing a new island with planting, and clearer road markings to clarify how vehicles should navigate this section of the square.

    To allow less confident cyclists to cross Pembridge Villas/Pembridge Road, we are proposing to convert the existing pedestrian crossing to a parallel crossing. Parallel crossings combine a pedestrian zebra with a crossing for people travelling by bicycle, so that people attempting to cross on bikes enjoy the same priority as pedestrians. We have installed similar crossings with success on North Pole Road and King’s Road.

    The proposed design also includes widening the pavements on either side of this proposed crossing to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as reducing the crossing distance. Raising the level of the carriageway on the two side roads to pavement level at the junction with Pembridge Road, Pembridge Square and Pembridge Crescent would also help to discourage high speeds and provide a more comfortable crossing for pedestrians. 

    On Westbourne Grove, we propose moving the bus stop road markings slightly further away from the junction with Denbigh Road. This will involve the loss of one parking space, but would allow greater visibility of oncoming traffic for all road users exiting Denbigh Road. Introducing double yellow lines around this junction would further increase visibility for all road users by discouraging inappropriate parking. We also propose to re-work the pedestrian crossing so that it better aligns with the carriageway of Colville Road.  

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  • Twyford Abbey Road - Road Safety Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    The proposed improvements include:

     Refreshing the existing loading restrictions and the advisory cycling lanes in Abbey Road
    to make them safer for cyclists and to prevent vehicles from parking on them
     Providing new mandatory cycling lanes in Rainsford Road to link the industrial area to the
    existing Grand Union Cycling Route and to improve connectivity cycling lanes in the area
     Providing new vehicle activated LED electronic signs to slow traffic and improve safety, for
    pedal cyclists and motorcycles
     Improving road safety at the junction of Twyford Abbey Road with Rainsford Road by
    extending the existing raised table, narrowing the carriageway width and providing onfootway cycling lane. This will slow traffic turning speed at the junction and get cyclists out of
    the way of heavy vehicles turning movement and hence improve safety for all road users
     Making crossing the road safer for vulnerable road users at the junction of Twyford
    Abbey Road with Rainsford Road by providing a zebra crossing
     Providing new direction signs where necessary to guide cyclists and pedestrians
    We will also take this opportunity to review all signs and street furniture to de-clutter and
    improve the streetscape. The enclosed drawing provides details of the proposals.

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  • Meadows Centre and Buchan Street consultation

    Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 1 thread

    It is proposed that a new Community Hub is built on the site of the Meadows.

    This will replace both the current Meadows Community Centre and Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre, with the new facility integrating priority community groups and activities into this one new community space. In addition to the new Community Hub, the scheme will deliver approximately 100 affordable homes in total across the two sites in order to assist with the delivery of 500 new affordable homes across the city.

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  • Redbridge LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sits underneath the Local Plan and sets out our commitments to make the changes outlined in the Local Plan a reality.

    This LIP also identifies how the London Borough of Redbridge will work with Transport for London (TfL) towards achieving the Mayor's Transport Strategy goals of:

    • Healthy Streets and healthy people
    • A good public transport experience
    • New homes and jobs

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  • New pedestrian crossing, Warwick Road

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    TfL overview:

    Having listened to concerns from local residents regarding road safety and the local environment in the Warwick Road area, we are proposing a package of improvements aimed at making this stretch of Warwick Road feel more safe, comfortable and pleasant for residents and visitors.

    New pedestrian crossing 

    We are proposing a new signalised pedestrian crossing close to the entrance of Kendall House (Kensington Row) on Warwick Road between Pembroke Road and Kensington High Street. This will provide a safe option for people wishing to cross this part of Warwick Road. The crossing will have a raised table (meaning it will be level with the pavement) making it easier to cross and helping to reduce the speed of traffic. We will also make the pavement wider on the eastern side of the road, again to help slow traffic on the approach to the crossing. The crossing will have pedestrian countdown facilities, and audible signals with a tactile cone to help people with sight or hearing difficulties. These will be turned down overnight to avoid disturbing nearby residents.

    Installing the crossing at this location does mean that a small section of the on-street parking on the eastern side of Warwick Road will need to be slightly reduced. However, this will only affect one parking space, and we do not anticipate this will have a significant impact on parking in the area.

    Public space improvements

    Alongside the new crossing, we are also proposing some improvements to make the area feel more pleasant and safe for local people. This includes:

    • Renewing the pavement outside Kendall House with better quality ‘York’ stone which matches to the rest of the pavement along the street
    • Extending the kerb and footpath to the north of Kendall House
    • Repairing the footpath at the base of the tree to the north of Kendall House (please note we will not be removing the tree)
    • Installing large box planters to act as a barrier for this part of the road. These would contain planting to help green and improve the feel of the area.     

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  • Proposed Windsor Avenue area consultation

    Created by John Parker // 1 thread

    The following letter delivered to residents (Hamilton Avenue)

    The letter is dated 11/02/2019 but consultation survey does not yet appear to be available. So no further details. Not too much cycle specific in this other than cyclists being allowed to travel southbound through the no entry London Road/Hamilton Avenue plug.

    Letter received 21/2/2019


    Kingston & Sutton Shared Environment Service

    Highways & Transport


    Your Ref


    0208 770 6455

    My Ref.•LR/T30148



    1 1/02/19





    Windsor Avenue Area


    North Cheam

    Please reply to:

    Kingston & Sutton

    Shared Environment


    Dear Residents,

    Highways & Transport 24 Denmark Road


       Proposed Windsor Avenue area consultation                                    surrey SM5 2JG

    The Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee has agreed to consult residents in the Windsor Avenue area on proposals to improve the environment for residents,

    pedestrians, cyclists and users of public transport. The aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to walk, cycle or use public transport instead of using their car for local journeys.

    This year there is funding available from Transport for London to carry out a consultation with residents on a few measures that have already been highlighted as an issue by some residents and the local schools and to ask if there are any other measures residents would like us to consider to improve your neighbourhood.

    The proposals as shown on the attached plan includes -

    • Introduce a 20mph speed limit area to reduce vehicle speeds;
    • Introduce a zebra crossing in Molesey Drive outside Cheam Park Farm Infant school to provide an improved crossing point;
    • Introduce a no entry plug in Hamilton Avenue at the junction of London Road to reduce the cut through traffic using Hamilton Avenue in a southbound direction.

    Please respond to these preliminary proposals via our on-line consultation questionnaire which can be found at:

    The on-line consultation will also ask if you have any other ideas to help improve the environment in your area that can be investigated and considered for future phases. Alternatively you can respond to this consultation by letter by sending your comments to the address shown. Replies need to be received by Friday 15th March 2019.

    You will be notified of the outcome of this consultation by another letter circulated in due course.

    Yours sincerely,

    Lynn Robinson

    Highways and Transport

    Sutton & Kingston Shared Environment Service

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  • Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Who is consulting?

    Highways & Infrastructure

    Why are we consulting?

    Each year we identify roads in Brent which have the highest numbers of recorded Personal Injury Accidents (PIA’s). We then consider the introduction of road safety measures to help reduce the number of accidents.

    The junction of Furness Road with Harlesden High Street and Harrow Road has been identified as a location with a high number of accidents. Over the last 3 years there have been 9 traffic accidents recorded at the junction. 1 accident resulted in serious injury and 8 accidents resulted in slight injury. 3 accidents involved a pedestrian, 2 involved a pedal cyclist and 2 involved motorcyclists.

    The existing pedestrian facilities at this junction are also inadequate. The only protected pedestrian phase is across the southern arm of High Street Harlesden, with no formal crossings across all other approach arms to this very busy junction. Also most pedestrians tend to cross the junction on the north side of High Street Harlesden, which is not a protected and formal crossing.

    The other problem with this junction is the Furness Road approach. This is only a single lane approach with a free flowing, uncontrolled traffic movement for left-turning traffic. The right turning traffic obstructs the free flowing left-turning traffic even though it is uncontrolled. This is mainly due to the single lane approach to the junction holding the left-turning traffic which then causes long tail backs on Furness Road on daily basis, particularly during the peak hour periods. We are therefore proposing to introduce a comprehensive set of measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents and also improve junction capacity.

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  • Hatton Garden cycle permeability schemes: St Cross Street and Saffron Street

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    St Cross Street

    St Cross street runs from Farringdon Road, across Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden. It is currently one-way westbound between Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden.

    The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while reducing the short section between Saffron Hill and Farringdon Road to one-way eastbound for motor vehicles (with a cycle contraflow lane).

    Saffron Street

    Saffron Street connects Saffron Hill with Farringdon Road and currently the western end (as far as Onslow Street) is one-way eastbound.

    The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while Saffron St is closed to motor traffic between Saffron Hill and Onslow Street in order to safely facilitate two-way cycling, and to create an improved environment for pedestrians.

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  • Winton Primary School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme and left turn ban to improve air quality around Winton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Killick Street and Collier Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Killick Street, between Southern Street and Collier Street, and Collier Street, between Killick Street and Calshot Street, between 8.30am-9.15am and 3.15pm-4.00pm during school term time. A no left turn will also operate on Southern Street during those times.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Hugh Myddelton School Streets Consultation

    Created by David Lincoln // 1 thread

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Hugh Myddelton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street, between 8.20am-9.15am and 3.00pm-3.45pm during school term time.
    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.
    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed streets. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Camden's Clean Air Action Plan 2019-2022

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden’s Clean Air Action Plan has been produced as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management. It outlines the action we will take to improve air quality in Camden between 2019 and 2022.

    Apologies for very late posting

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  • Two-way driving in Sedgwick Street for 54m requested by Tesco

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Tesco appear to have asked the County Council to enable them to drive lorries into their store from Sedgwick Street (despite moving in in 2009 knowing that this was prohibited).

    The proposal would make Sedgwick Street two-way for driving for 57m, then one-way for driving after that.

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  • Camden - Tottenham Hale cycle route

    Created by Simon Munk // 4 threads

    At approximately 12km, this route would connect the town centres of Tottenham Hale, Seven Sisters and the Nag's Head, making it easier for people to make local journeys and use local services. The route would use both main roads and quieter back streets.

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  • Hackney - Isle of Dogs cycle route

    Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

    This 7.5km route would stretch from Hackney to the Isle of Dogs via Westferry, Mile End and Victoria Park. It would connect with the cycle routes between Stratford and Aldgate and Barking to Tower Hill, as well as the proposed Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf crossing. There are currently two options in Hackney we want your views on.

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  • Enfield Local Plan 2018 - 2036

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    From council website:

    We are working on a new Local Plan to shape how Enfield is developed in the future. The key challenges we need to address are:

    • ensuring there is enough housing to meet everyone’s needs
    • creating better employment opportunities and promoting economic growth
    • reviewing infrastructure and community facilities
    • the future role of our town centres
    • creating places that promote health and wellbeing
    • ensuring development is high quality and protects the environment

    See threads for discussions of particular aspects/stages of this plan.

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  • Sutton's Parking Consultation Stage 1

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    From the council page (Note says this is South of Sutton, map not that clear so don't trust the area used here on cyclescape)

    With the fourth highest car ownership levels in London, and residents telling us that parking is a major and growing concern, our Parking Strategy aims to improve local parking and traffic situations across the borough.

    Our parking consultation will be rolled out in three phases, with each phase covering different locations across the borough. This Stage 1 Parking Consultation kicks off the second phase, where we'll be consulting with some residents in the Sutton South, Cheam & Belmont and Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee areas, as shown in the map below.

    Responses to this Parking Survey will help us understand about parking on your street. Whether you have parking problems or not, we’d like to hear from you as all feedback will be fed into parking and traffic management proposals being made for your street.

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  • CS9: Kew Bridge, Kew Bridge Rd and Duke Road

    Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread

    Online Survey


    We consulted on our proposals for Cycle Superhighway 9 in autumn 2017. The route is an important part of the Mayor’s Healthy Streets Approach, which aims to make London greener, healthier and more pleasant through encouraging walking, cycling and the use of public transport.

    We have published an analysis of the responses and our response to the issues raised here. The feedback we received was valuable in helping us to further improve the scheme.

    In response to feedback received through the consultation, we are now carrying out a further consultation on two parts of the route:

    • Kew Bridge and Kew Bridge Road (High Street Brentford to Wellesley Road)
    • Duke Road and Duke’s Avenue’s junction with Chiswick High Road 

    We would like to hear your views on these further proposals. A map of the areas where we are carrying out further consultation can be found below.

    Kew Bridge and Duke Road overview map (PDF 989KB)

    Other than the two sections identified for further consultation, we will be progressing our plans for the route as outlined in the Response to Issues Raised report. No further consultation is planned on the proposals for the route except for the two parts of the route above. We will carry out local engagement on the rest of our proposals later in the process. We are intending to proceed with our proposals subject to formal approvals.

    Following feedback from respondents and the Mayor’s announcement of a new brand for London’s growing network of high-quality cycle routes in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, this route will no longer be called a Cycle Superhighway. We will work closely with our borough partners on the most appropriate wayfinding for this scheme.

    Kew Bridge and Kew Bridge Road (High Street Brentford to Wellesley Road)

    The main change we are proposing is to provide a segregated two-way cycle track on the south side of Kew Bridge Road and South Circular Road. Previously we proposed with-flow segregated cycle tracks and a bus lane on Kew Bridge Road, the South Circular and also between Wellesley Road and High Street Brentford (including Kew Bridge junction).

    This change provides full segregation for cyclists throughout this section and removes the requirement for two bus stop bypasses we proposed on the north side of Kew Bridge Road. The change also addresses concerns raised about cycle safety at Kew Bridge junction, Green Dragon Lane and Lionel Road South.

    We are also proposing a second southbound traffic lane on Kew Bridge to make the junction operate more effectively and to maintain bus journey times in the area.

    In summary, our proposals for this section of the route include:

    • A segregated two-way cycle track on the southern side of Kew Bridge Road and South Circular Road
    • Improved cyclist access between Capital Interchange Way and Wellesley Road
    • Improved pedestrian and cycle crossings at Kew Bridge junction
    • A new pedestrian crossing across Kew Bridge Road at High Street Brentford
    • Creating an additional southbound traffic lane on Kew Bridge
    • Changes to bus stops at Kew Bridge Station
    • Changes to bus lane operating hours reverting them back to the original hours of operation
    • Parking bays on South Circular relocated to accommodate the cycle track

    A map of the proposals for Kew Bridge and Kew Bridge Road to Wellesley Road can be found below.

    Kew Bridge and Kew Bridge Road proposals map (PDF 2.35MB)

    Appendix A - detailed information on these proposals (PDF 237KB) 

    The original proposals for this section can be found here

    Duke Road and Duke’s Avenue’s junction with Chiswick High Road 

    The main change we are proposing is to ban the right turn out of Duke Road onto Chiswick High Road for all traffic (except cyclists) in response to safety concerns. Traffic would be able to use Annandale Road to exit east onto Chiswick High Road instead. We previously proposed to reduce Annandale Road from two lanes to one at its junction with Chiswick High Road. We are now proposing to keep two lanes on exit at this junction to facilitate traffic that may be redirected from Duke Road.

    We are also proposing to maximise pavement space outside Our Lady of Grace and St Edward Church, in response to local concerns. This will require the reduction of eastbound traffic lanes on Chiswick High Road from two to one. 

    We proposed four additional pay and display bays on the west side of Duke’s Avenue. Following feedback from the consultation and our discussions with Our Lady of Grace and St Edward Church we are no longer proposing these bays and will instead retain the existing single yellow line as this will provide more opportunity for parking for Church services. Additionally, one proposed space on the eastern side of Duke Road opposite Bourne Place has been removed to ensure vehicles can exit this junction.

    In summary, our proposals for this section of the route include:

    • Duke’s Avenue converted to entry-only; Duke Road converted to exit-only with a banned right turn, addressing collisions involving vehicles turning at Duke Road
    • The eastbound approach to Duke’s Avenue would be reduced to one lane
    • Changes to parking and loading on Chiswick High Road, Duke’s Avenue and Duke Road
    • Maintaining pavement space outside the Catholic Church, extending pavement space elsewhere where possible and planting new trees

    The segregated two-way cycle track on the southern side of Chiswick High Road has been retained.

    A map of the proposals for Duke Road and Duke’s Avenue junction with Chiswick High Road can be found below.

    Duke Road and Duke's Avenue proposals map (PDF 968 KB)

    Appendix B - detailed information on these proposals (PDF 241KB) 

    The original proposals for this section can be found here

    How would the proposals affect journey times?

    We have carried out detailed traffic modelling on the proposals to understand how our proposals might affect journey times for general traffic, buses, cyclists and pedestrians.

    Despite the sophistication of our traffic models, all traffic modelling is only ever indicative; it is intended to give an idea of where the impacts of changes in journeys are most likely to be felt. It assumes that drivers have perfect knowledge of the network and will always choose the quickest route available

    We have undertaken traffic modelling on the proposed changes to the scheme, which has indicated the following:

    Kew Bridge section

    This section has undergone extensive design changes following feedback from the previous consultation, including concerns about the impact on journey times through the junction. The new design changes the ‘with flow’ cycle track into a bi-directional cycle track and provides additional capacity north and southbound on Kew Bridge. As a result, three approaches to the junction will have either an increase in green signal time or an increase in lane capacity, which leads to improved journey times on bus routes 237 and 391 in both directions and bus route 65 east bound compared to the previous designs. One approach to the junction will see a reduction in green signal time which as a consequence, has a minor negative impact on journey times for the 65 westbound bus route.

    Duke’s Avenue section

    The design changes at this location have been made to protect trees and retain footway space outside Our Lady of Grace and St Edward Church. There is no longer a right turn lane, but there is space in front of the stop line for up to two right turning vehicles without blocking vehicles travelling east, including buses. As the predicted traffic volumes are low, this junction is expected to operate effectively and the design change is predicted to have minimal impact on overall bus and traffic journey times.

    Detailed results of our traffic modelling can be found below.

    Traffic modelling results AM (PDF 186KB)  

    Traffic modelling results PM (PDF 185KB)


    We are subject to the general public sector equality duty set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, which requires us to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations by reference to people with protected characteristics.

    Our autumn 2017 consultation set out how we had due regard to the duty and can be found here

    We have updated our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) for the proposed changes. The EQIA completed for this scheme shows positive impacts for black and ethnic minority groups, females, disabled cyclists, and cyclists under 25 and over 65 years of age. Positive impacts have also been identified for disabled pedestrians, as the scheme proposes a number of improvements to pedestrian facilities including enhanced crossing facilities, increased pavement widths and new pedestrian crossings.

    Some negative impacts have been identified where pavements are proposed to be cut back or shared use is proposed, however we have ensured that they are appropriate for number of pedestrians in the area and that they allow two wheelchair users to pass safely. Shared use areas would be provided only where there is sufficient space for pedestrian and cyclists. Some negative impacts have also been identified where we are proposing to install bus stop bypasses. We recently agreed therefore to include zebra crossings at all bus stop bypasses. The crossings would have tactile paving and would be raised to footway level to create a flush surface.

    Public drop-in events and have your say

    We will be holding public drop-in events at which staff involved in the project will be available to answer your questions:

    • Wednesday 6 February 2019 (17:00 to 21:00), Clayton Hotel Chiswick, 626 Chiswick High Road, W4 5RY
    • Saturday 16 February 2019 (11:00 to 15:00), Museum of Water and Steam, Green Dragon Lane, Brentford, TW8 0EN

    You can let us know your views on these proposals by taking part in our online survey below.

    Have your say

    We would like to know what you think about our proposals.

    Please give us your views by completing the online survey below by Tuesday 26 February 2019.

    Alternatively, you can:

    You can also request paper copies of all the consultation materials and a response form by emailing, or writing to FREEPOST TFL CONSULTATIONS.

    Have your say

    Online Survey

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  • Chesterton Road Tree Lining - Project Consultation

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council through the Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) have allocated funding to improve the streetscape by increasing the number of trees along on Chesterton Road. We have identified a number of potential locations for new trees as shown on the 2 maps below.  

    Currently we have funding available for a smaller number of trees then shown on the plans below.  We wish to prioritise a number of these trees for the first phase of works.  We would hope to be able to plant further trees when and if we get additional funding.  

    This consultation gives local residents and stakeholders an opportunity to comment on and rate the potential tree location options put forward.

    All the potential locations will need to take into account highways infrastructure and underground utilities services, which may affect the locations currently being considered. 

    This consultation will end at noon on Friday the 15th of February 2018.

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