
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Rights of way on Aggregate Industries site Little Paxton

    Created by John Seton // 1 thread

    Aggregate Industries have contacted local cycling walking and equestrian groups about Rights of Way improvements they plan to implement on their site near Little Paxton, between the A1 and the River Ouse north of Little Paxton.

    They say "As part of our planning permission at Little Paxton and specifically the restoration scheme we are starting to implement our Rights of Way improvements which will see a new network of Public Rights of Way and Bridleways linking Diddington Village with the River Ouse and Little Paxton Nature Reserve". 

    As the work is on a private site, it my not get picked up through regular County Council planning distribution lists, so this is creating a new issue to create a placeholder for any discussion about the plans.

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  • Goods Way Scheme

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Goods Way has been one way westbound for motor vehicles for most of its length during recent construction works. The section between the Kings Cross Station service road and York Way is two-way to allow service and construction vehicles to access York Way directly.  Two-way cycling has been maintained right along Goodsway. 

    Camden proposes to make the current arrangements permanent

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  • Proposed Zebra Crossing / Temporary Parking Relocation - Ferdinand Street NW1

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The main proposal is for  a new Zebra crossing outside the Harmood Children’s Centre

    The new zebra will be 6.5m wide and replaces a 12+ m wide crossing with a pedestrian island. The consultation says: “Reducing the carriageway width can also have a traffic calming effect.

    Space will also be provided for rain gardens (SUDs) and cycle parking for 6 to 8 bikes

    The other proposal is to provide a temporary bus stand for the 27 bus during the Morrisons development and to relocate the affected parking bays. The new bus stand will be beside the Denton residential block at the northern end of Ferdinand Street.

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  • Cambridge Science Park North

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Trinity College has begun to consult on a proposal to transform a parcel of adjacent agricultural land to the east of Histon and Impington into Cambridge Science Park North. The proposal is at early stages with a submission having been made into the Call for Sites process which forms part of the Greater Cambridge local plan

    Science Park North will be created on land which is currently used for farming, but is located close to the Park and Ride and the waste transfer site which are both accessed from the A10.

    It is located close to the Area Action Plan land to the east and the Project Team is working closely with AAP Members on a number of areas which are of mutual interest. It is anticipated that the timescale for the AAP process will match the development timescale for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan and the CSP North timetable is planned to complement this.

    CSP North is also located close to Cambridge Regional College, which sits between the existing science park and the proposed expansion land.  Discussions are underway with CRC  with the ambition of providing facilities for greater collaboration in the future which could be in the form of expansion but also education and work apprenticeship schemes for future students of the CRC.

    The transport strategy for Cambridge Science Park North is targeted at complementing the improvement plans for the existing science park. The initial aim is to ensure that there is no increase in car use across the two sites, with a medium and long-term target of reducing car usage across the two sites completely.

    The early ideas are to provide a consolidated space for parking which will serve both Science Park sites, which will be linked to a mobility hub providing pedestrian, cycling, autonomous vehicle and sustainable mass transit facilities for onward travel.  These will utilise existing infrastructure such as Mereway Cycle Route and the Guided Busway as well as proposed infrastructure such as The CAM.

    These proposals will improve access to the whole of Cambridge, reducing current traffic on the Milton Road by providing a hub serving the wider AAP area including access to Cambridge North Station. 

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  • 211058_MarethRd

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 201309: Demolition of existing structures & redevelopment to construct 4 No. three bed residential dwellings (Class C3) with associated garages, car parking & access. All matters r

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  • TRAF/7506 - One Way - St Nicholas Street, Colchester

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    he Essex County Council (St Nicholas Street, Colchester) (One Way) Order 202*Statement of ReasonsSummary of the LocationSt Nicholas Street, Colchester, illustrated on drawingref. 169_HAT_GA_110 Rev. B.Reasons for the Proposed ChangesThis one-way restriction is part of a wider public realm improvement project proposed by Colchester Borough Council for the area around St Nicholas Square. For details of the proposed development, visit their webpage of the Proposed ChangesTo enhance the public realm in St Nicholas Square, and minimise carriageway to create enhanced footways and space availablefor outdoor seating. The key aims of the St Nicholas Square project are to:• Create a more pedestrian friendly environment, less dominated by car anddelivery traffic• Create more outdoor seating space for cafés and restaurants to spill out• Createspace for market stalls and events to happen• Ensure the space is accessible to all usersA number of local Councillors have been supportive of the scheme and the overall ambition to create a more pedestrian friendly and open square, which supports local businesses through the creation of more external seating areas, more space for markets and events, and increased footfall in the long term.CBC have secured central government funding enabling the project to move forward.

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  • 21/01625/FUL: 13 apartments, Church Hall, Chapel Street

    Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 2 threads

    21/01625/FUL | Refurbishment, reconfiguration and extension of the existing chapel building to create an improved day nursery facility with external play area and 13 residential apartments (following part demolition), together with associated landscaping and infrastructure | Church Hall 6A Chapel Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1DY

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  • 211035_GHClinic

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    Proposed Change of Use From Stables to Medical Clinic (class E) & Refurbishment of Structure. Clinic to be used as a private GP clinic and for other allied medical professionals like Physiotherapy. Existing vehicular access to be upgraded.

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