
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • TfL Safer Junctions - Edgware Road and Harrow Road consultation

    Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

    Shortened description from TfL webpage

    "We would like to know your views on proposals for the junction of Edgware Road and Harrow Road in the Paddington/Marylebone area.


    Our Safer Junctions programme is reducing road danger at some of the most hazardous junctions in London. These junctions have high collision rates for vulnerable road users, including people walking and cycling. This programme directly contributes to our Vision Zero target to stop people from dying and being seriously injured on London’s road network by 2041.

    The objectives of the Safer Junction programme are to:

    - Reduce road danger and help eliminate Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) collisions
    - Help create streets where people feel safe to walk, cycle and use public transport
    - Make hostile junctions more welcoming and less dominated by motor vehicles, demonstrating the Healthy Streets Approach

    Why we are consulting

    In the last three years there were 29 personal injury collisions, of which five resulted in serious injuries (17.2%).

    A number of issues have been identified with the current junction layout:

    - Pedestrians not using designated crossing points
    - Existing pedestrian islands are narrow
    - There is a lack of cycle facilities, especially southbound where the road layout is not cycle friendly

    Our proposals

    We would like your views on the following proposals which aim to reduce the above issues.

    Applies to the whole junction

    - Introduce a 20mph speed limit across the junction
    - Widen all pedestrian crossings to make for a more comfortable and safer crossing

    North of the flyover

    - Ban left turn from Harrow Road into Edgware Road northbound
    - Build out northwest corner to remove slip road and provide a better pedestrian environment
    - Convert staggered crossing to straight across crossing to create better and safer routes to and from Edgware Road Bakerloo line station
    - Make Bell Street no exit onto Edgware Road
    - Change current three lane road layout to two traffic lanes and a cycle lane through the junction
    - Widen southbound bus lane to 4.5m as it passes the bus stop
    - Install cyclist early start signal on southbound Edgware Road

    South of the flyover

    - Convert the short section of Edgware Road northbound bus lane beneath the flyover, into cycle lane
    - Install a cyclist early start signal at the junction heading northbound on Edgware Road
    - On Harrow Road westbound reduce the road width to two lanes by building out the footway on the southwest corner, to provide a better pedestrian environment
    - Reduce the width of the westbound slip road from Marylebone Road to one 4.5m lane by building out the footway on the southeast corner of the junction to provide better pedestrian environment
    - Remove the guardrail and narrow the pedestrian island of the pedestrian crossing to the south of the flyover to allow for an 8.0m width on the southbound Edgware Road to prevent traffic merging with cyclists

    Additional proposals for the area around the junction

    These proposals are not part of the Safer Junction improvements. However, opportunities have been identified to improve air quality and priority space for buses in the area and we would like to know your views on these additional proposals.

    Improving the road layout for northbound buses

    Just north of the Edgware Road/Harrow Road Junction the road narrows and creates a bottleneck for traffic.

    Changing the footpath layout here allows for the bus lane to be extended north of Newcastle Place, removing the bottleneck for northbound buses."

    Westminster Cycling Campaign will be preparing and submitting a response to this consultation, and we will be grateful for any comments you provide. TfL usually describes responses in quantitative terms, e.g. 'XX% of reponses supported or strongly supported the proposals', so we therefore encourage you to submit your own response too.

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  • Safer Junctions - Kennington Park Road/Braganza Street

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Tragically, there was a fatal accident involving a motorcyclist who was in a collision with a vehicle turning right from Kennington Park Road into Braganza Street in 2015. Similar collisions have also been recorded at this junction.  We are proposing improvements to the junction for vulnerable road users in  response to the Coroner’s recommendations and to improve the overall safety of the junction for road users.  

    Our plan is to modify the junction to create a ‘right turn only phase’ for traffic turning from Kennington Park Road into Braganza Street. This will remove the conflict between drivers turning right and vehicles progressing straight on southbound through the junction. Our full proposals include:  

    • A separately controlled right turn from Kennington Park Road into Braganza Street. Drivers turning right will be held at a red signal while southbound traffic moves, completely removing the potential for right turn conflict
    • Creating a northbound segregated cycle by-pass of the junction
    • Shortening the loading bay on the north-east side of the junction to allow for the cycle by-pass, while leaving space for deliveries to local shops and businesses to continue
    • Providing an earlier green signal for cyclists using the junction. This will allow cyclists to be clear of the junction before other vehicles move, reducing conflict
    • Reallocate northbound traffic lanes with designated lane markings for ahead and right turning movements. This will allow free flow of northbound traffic without having to wait for right turning vehicles to clear the junction
    • Introducing a banned left turn into Braganza Street, except for cyclists, removing the risk of conflict between left turning drivers and cyclists and motorcyclists moving stratight ahead
    • Extending the southbound bus lane to the junction
      • Removing a short stretch of northbound bus lane to allow for the new road layout

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  • Safer Junctions - Clapham Road and Union Road and Clapham Road and Stirling Road

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    In the last three years, there were 23 collisions at this junction, 18 of which were people cycling. (Data available up to 30 September 2018).  

    A number of issues have been identified with the current junction layout:  

    • Difficult for road users to turn right from A3 Clapham Road into Union Road. People making this turn are allowed to proceed at the same time as the A3 northbound traffic is moving, leading to right-turning drivers seeking short gaps in the traffic and turning impatiently or without enough care.  People cycling northbound nearer the kerb may be hidden by other vehicles, increasing the risk of them being struck.
    • Northbound cyclists vulnerable to left-turning traffic. There are a lot of cyclists heading north into central London in the morning peak. Drivers turning left into Union Road have to cross this flow of cyclists.
    • Advanced stop lines (ASL) for cyclists at the junction are too small. The number of cyclists using the junction at peak times means the ASL boxes can not safely protect everyone cycling, particularly people cycling northbound along Clapham Road in the morning peak.
    • Poor junction alignment with Stirling Road. Many vehicles turn right from Stirling Road onto the A3 and then turn left into Union Road, cutting across two lanes of traffic including cyclists. 

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  • Safe speeds for central London – introducing 20mph speed limits

    Anon // 1 thread


    We want your views on our proposals to make the streets we manage in central London 20mph by 2020 and the associated measures.

    Last year, in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), we published the Vision Zero Action Plan. The Action Plan sets out our ambition to eliminate death and serious injury from London’s transport network by 2041.

    It details our plans to reduce road danger, including proposals to implement a 20mph speed limit on the roads we operate and manage in central London. 

    We’ve been working to determine the most effective way of implementing the new speed limits and are now ready to share our plans with you.

    We’ve provided more information about our proposals on this page and would like your feedback before we progress this important safety programme.

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  • 19/0718/REM behind 307 Histon Road - 27 residential units / DG access

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    19/0718/REM | Reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the erection of 27 residential units including affordable dwellings following demolition of existing buildings together with associated infrastructure pursuant to application 15/0519/OUT. | 295 - 301 Histon Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 3NF

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  • S/1896/19/RM Middle Watch, Swavesey - up to 70 dwellings

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Approval of matters reserved for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/1605/16/OL for up to 70 dwellings comprising of 42 market and 28 affordable units, public open space, children's play area, associated landscaping and new access.

    Land to the rear of 130, Middle Watch, Swavesey, Cambs, CB24 4RP

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/1896/19/RM

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  • 19/0720/FUL - New pub just outside main railway station

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    19/0720/FUL | Change of use to A4 (Drinking establishment), use of external space for outdoor seating and installation of lighting and signage to front and side elevation. | Unit 2 Cambridge Railway Station Station Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2JH

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  • Camberwell Traffic Management

    Anon // 1 thread


    Our aim for the Camberwell area is to reclaim the streets from motor traffic congestion and to transform them into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods possible.

    We think the best way to achieve this is by keeping through traffic on surrounding major roads whilst maintaining local access for residents and businesses and making it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to travel through the neighbourhood.

    To achieve these objectives, we will need to make fundamental changes to the street infrastructure. These will have impacts for the travel behaviour of residents, businesses and visitors to the area – the journeys you take, the routes you use and the places you stop. We need your help to make the right changes, so please fill in the survey below to tell us what you would like to see improved and how we can make it easier for you to travel actively.

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  • Barnet - King George Playing Fields consultation

    Created by User 2905 (deleted) // 1 thread

    Barnet Council have launched a consultation on their Masterplan for the Playing Fields 

    The proposal offers a significant improvement in the facilities on the playing fields with several new facilities. 

    Transport & Cycling provision worth noting: 

    - new 66 space carpark in the centre of the park near the new Sports Hub building 

    - no cycle storage indicated on the plan

    - No North-South cycle route marked [the fields link to the Dollis Valley Way, one of Barnets few signed off-road cycle paths

    + cycling routes E/W

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  • Roadworks: Calthorpe Street

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    From June 1st for several weeks, Calthorpe Street will be one-way westbound for motor traffic to allow replacement of a gas main. We have negotiated with the contractor and Camden to allow contraflow eastbound cycling through the works, but please take care; this may be rescinded if there are any issues. At a later stage, Kings Cross Road will be closed southbound at the junction with Calthorpe Street.

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  • The Royal Parks' draft Movement Strategy

    Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

    The Royal Park says:
    "The Royal Parks is embarking on an exciting and ambitious journey to develop a Movement Strategy that will influence movement and transportation throughout our parks and London.

    What is the Movement Strategy?

    The Movement Strategy will set a long-term vision for how park visitors will move within, access and subsequently experience the parks.

    The strategy will include a comprehensive exploration of all movement and access related issues and opportunities that are relevant to the parks both now and into the foreseeable future.

    This will include (but is not limited to) increasing safety for all park users, reducing the impact of vehicle-based traffic and reducing conflict between different modes.

    How will it be developed?

    To develop the strategy, we will utilise an evidence-based approach to explore all current and future movement opportunities. Input from key stakeholders, including the general public, will be a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.

    Engagement Phase One – Now Open.

    We are seeking input from key partners including the general public, Transport for London, neighbouring boroughs and all interested parties. This input is a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.This discussion paper sets out the draft aim and principles for our Movement Strategy. These summarise our aspirations and provide the basis for developing a series of bold projects and proposals across all eight parks."

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  • Holborn Vision and Urban Strategy Consultation

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    Camden Council has prepared a draft Vision and Urban Strategy for Holborn and they are running a public consultation open to local residents, businesses, workers, community groups, and everyone else who has an interest in the area.  Their primary aim is to produce a Planning Strategy document to guide Camden's Planning Committee's decisions on construction projects in the area.

    We intend to submit a response by the Cycling Campaign because it clearly interacts with and should complement the Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme for which funding of around £12m has been announced by TFL and Camden.  The draft for the Vision and Urban Strategy references the Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme and outlines its main proposed actions including the proposed segregated cycle tracks on New Oxford Street and Theobolds Road, so there is no reason to fear a conflict. But the responses to this consultation may have some implications for the LN, so we should respond stating our priorities. 

    Both schemes propose the removal of the Holborn gyratory and the closure of its Procter Street arm creating a traffic free space there instead.

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  • 19/0687/FUL behind 56 Cherry Hinton Road - 9 new dwellings

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Erection of 9 x 1-bed apartments, including bin and cycle storage facilities together with reconfiguring the pedestrian access to 56A and 58A Cherry Hinton Road and installation of a new ground floor rear wall to the retained retail unit at 56-58 Cherry Hinton Road, following demolition of existing warehouse building.

    Land Rear Of 56 - 58 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7AQ


    Application reference : 19/0687/FUL

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  • Harrington Square Pedestrian and Cycling Scheme

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    TfL are consulting on changes to Harrington Square and Lidlington Place. These include new pedestrian and cycle crossings and a two-way segregated cycle track on the north side of the road.

    The consultation is at and you can respond via the website or by email to

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  • Kensington High Street to Notting Hill Gate

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Cycleway: Kensington High Street to Notting HillPublic consultation

    Encouraging cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. We want to make sure cycling is safe, easy, attractive and inclusive for all. We are also concerned about the impacts of poor air quality on our residents, and believe making cycle trips safer is part of the solution to providing alternatives to motor vehicle trips. We hope that new and existing cyclists alike will appreciate being able to use clear, direct routes along quiet side streets.

    We are consulting on a new cycle route, linking Kensington High Street to the cycle route known as Quietway 2 in Notting Hill. It begins at Melbury Road, passes along Abbotsbury Road and Holland Park, crosses Holland Park Avenue into Norland Square, then travels along Queensdale Road, Princedale Road, Walmer Road/Portland Road, Clarendon Road and Blenheim Crescent where the route joins Quietway 2. In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to reduce the speed and volume of traffic, reduce the risk of conflict at junctions and where cycle facilities already exist, upgrade them.

    We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new Cycleway. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the below questionnaire no later than 12 June 2019. For further information, please email us at: or call: 020 7361 3766.

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  • Inaccessible gate on new path to Clifton Backies

    Anon // 1 thread

    This is very odd: what was previously a dirt track access to Clifton Backies from Minchin Close now newly paved, which is obviously welcome. Less wonderful is the gate between the Backies and Minchin Close which seems to provide enough width to allow certain motorised vehicles through while giving insufficient width to trikes, trailers, cargo bikes/trikes and buggies. Also unfortunate is the placing of the dropped kerb from the Minchin Close side which is in the wrong place, away from the gap. Is it finished? Who is it supposed to be for? It really isn't clear at all.

    Another, secondary, issue is the lack of any signage, either the usual blue 'Share, Respect, Enjoy' sign at the gate itself or a blue cycle route sign pointing to the gate from the entrance of Minchin Close. I've emailed the Council officers responsible about this, so hopefully some clarity will be provided and ideally action taken.

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  • Pears Road, Hounslow

    Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread

    LBH says:

    As part of the redevelopment of Hounslow Town Primary School, we are proposing public realm improvements on Pears Road. We would like to get your views on a number of proposals, including:

    • Permanently closing the emergency access outside the school on Pears Road by constructing a raised shared pedestrian and cycle area 
    • Installing dropped kerbs and bollards at both ends of the new raised area to provide cycle access and prevent vehicle access
    • Implementing “School Keep Clear” markings and parking restrictions at the school entrance at the western end of the closure to prevent obstructive parking.
    • Re-paving some sections of footway and removing pedestrian guardrail to reduce clutter and improve the public realm
    • Installing cycle stands to provide parking for cyclists

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  • Goodwill junction redesign, Harrow

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to redevelop the Headstone Gardens / Harrow View / Headstone Drive traffic light junction to provide a pedestrian phase. All right turns will be banned at the junction to enable this to happen, and all pedestrians will cross at the same time (single-stage crossings). However, this route is a desire line for cycling (especially east-west) but cycling is not accommodated in this design - there are no segregated cycling facilities.

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