
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Lewisham & Lee Green Healthy Neighbourhood (Streetbuilder first stage consult)

    Lewisham & Lee Green is changing

    A key target of both the Mayor of London and the London Borough of Lewisham’s Transport Strategy is for 80% of all journeys in London to be made by sustainable means of transport (walking, cycling and public transport) by 2041. To achieve this, we have to create street environments where traffic is reduced, and where vulnerable road users, including children and the elderly, feel more comfortable making journeys on foot or by bike.

    What are the issues that you would like us to address?

    How would you like to change Lewisham & Lee Green to make the area healthier, greener and more pleasant to live in?

    The Healthy Neighbourhoods Programme will help make Lewisham’s diverse communities greener, healthier and more attractive places to live, work, play and do business. By restricting the through traffic that uses residential streets to avoid main roads, we will reduce congestion in your neighbourhood, improve air quality and make the local area more pleasant to walk and cycle through.

    During the first stage of the programme, local residents will be able to access local traffic data, share their views on traffic issues and help identify schemes to address them, on this website and at a series of public events and workshops.

    During the second stage, proposed traffic management measures will be trialled for 6-18 months, so that we can monitor their impact, gather local opinion and assess whether to make any changes permanent

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  • GB2 - New development at Newbury Farm

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The site at Newbury Farm has been allocated for housing development by Cambridge City Council in the Cambridge Local Plan 2018 (known as site ‘GB2’).

    This Land is drawing up outline plans for the development of c. 230 new homes at Newbury Farm, located to the south of Worts’ Causeway and to the north of Babraham Road in Cambridge. The site has been allocated for housing development by Cambridge City Council in the Cambridge Local Plan 2018 (known as site ‘GB2’).

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  • Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood

    The Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood (DPLN) project is focused on the area surrounding Folkestone Gardens, Deptford Park and Fordham Park and is funded through the Mayor of London's "Liveable Neighbourhood" programme along with borough and external match-funding. The programme is in line with the Mayor's draft Transport Strategy, which sets out a long-term ambition to transform the Capital's transport network and deliver a fairer, greener, healthier and more prosperous city for all Londoners.


    Deptford’s population is growing fast but currently suffers from significant deprivation, communities cut-off by dangerous roads and railway lines, poor air quality, and childhood obesity. We want to tackle these issues by creating safe places to walk and cycle, reducing the amount of cars on the roads as well as creating attractive places to sit and relax.

    What has happened already?

    The council worked with park user group Deptford Folk, cycling and walking charity Sustrans, and other local groups on a community street design project for Rolt Street and Folkestone Gardens in Spring 2017. The project culminated in a community led design for the area which reimagines Rolt Street as an extension of Folkestone Gardens providing extra space to sit and relax as well as creating a safer crossing to Woodpecker Walk. You can read more about the Rolt Street community street design project along with a video and proposals by visiting our Reimagining Rolt Street page. These proposals were then incorporated into the wider Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhoods project and we will be developing these proposals further as part of the feasibility study.

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  • S/1340/19/DC Oakington Road, Cottenham - Possible mini-roundabout widening

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Discharge of conditions 32 (footway/cycleway Oakington Road) 33 (widening of existing footway/cycleway Oakington Road), 34 (Widening of existing footway/cycleway Rampton Road) and 35 (Improvements of bus stop) of planning permission S/1606/16/OL for outline planning permission for the erection of up to 126 dwellings, formation of a new vehicular & pedestrian access onto Oakington Road and associated infrastructure and works (All matters reserved apart from access).

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  • Madison Square Garden (MSG) Sphere Planning Application

    Created by jrothwell // 2 threads

    The Madison Square Garden Company proposes to build a new entertainment venue, "the MSG Sphere", adjacent to Angel Lane and Montfichet Road in the Olympic Park.

    They have proposed a two-way cycle track at pavement level on Montfichet Road past Westfield, and to narrow the carriageway on Angel Lane (removing the current advisory cycle lane.) A small amount of visitor cycle parking is proposed.

    From LLDC's planning page:

    In March 2019, the Planning Policy and Decisions Team received a planning application for a large-scale live music and entertainment venue from The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG). The proposal is for a spherical shaped building next to Stratford Station that would provide an auditorium (capacity for up to 21,500 people), a music venue, nightclub, members lounge, restaurants, bars, and new bridges to create pedestrian connections across the site amongst other things.

    The building is a first for London because externally the spherical building would be composed of a ‘skin’ of LED’s. These LED’s would be programmable and could display images on the surface of the building including adverts.

    Application Documents 

    A detailed planning application and has been submitted which comprises a number of plans, drawings and documents that can be viewed on our website. An advertisement consent has also been submitted which comprises a number of plans and a design statement which is also available on our website.

    Both applications can all be viewed via the Planning Application Register, using the following reference numbers:

    • Full Planning Application: 19/00097/FUL
    • Advertisement Consent Application: 19/00098/ADV

    How can I comment 

    If you have any comments about the MSG Sphere proposal, please write to the Planning Policy and Decisions Team by Friday 28 June 2019. Comments must be submitted in writing via email or post:


    Email:; or

    Post:  Planning Policy and Decisions Team
    London Legacy Development Corporation
    Level 10
    1 Stratford Place
    Montfichet Road
    E20 1EJ


    Public Consultation


    The Planning Policy and Decision Team will be hosting a public consultation event where you can share your thoughts and learn more about the proposal and planning application process.


    The consultation event will take place on 5 June 2019 (4.00PM – 8.30PM) at: ST PAUL AND ST JAMES CHURCH, 65 MARYLAND RD, E15 1JL (Venue details and directions are available via the following link -

    The event will broadly be structured as follows:

    • 4.00PM – 6.00PM – Drop-in and talk to a representative of the LLDC planning team
    • 6.30PM – 8.30PM – Presentation, Question and Answer session followed by Group Discussions

    If you have any questions or special requirements please contact us at:


    Planning Committee


    The planning application will be determined by the LLDC Planning Decision Committee, after the Planning Policy Decisions Team have reviewed the submission and all written responses received during the consultation period. No date is currently set and it is considered that the earliest this could take place is Winter 2019. This page will be updated in due course once the date for Committee is known.

    Planning Documentation 


    Various key documents, which provide an overview of the proposal can be viewed and/or download below. Please be aware some of these documents are quite large and may take sometime to open / download on certain computers:

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  • Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood - First engagement (commonplace)

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood aims to realise the great potential Brixton has for walking and cycling while improving air quality, reducing congestion, supporting local businesses and providing for the growth in jobs and homes planned for the area.

    We successfully bid for funding from Transport for London (TfL) to deliver these aims. At the heart of our proposal is transforming Atlantic Road in the town centre, but the ambition goes well beyond this, with proposals to create ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ in adjacent residential areas that link communities together and ‘healthy routes’ for walking and cycling. Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is the cornerstone of Lambeth’s Draft Transport Strategy, which seeks to allow people to live healthier lives and create better places for everyone to enjoy.

    This is the first stage of consultation, collecting resident and user comments about the area. 

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  • Our Healthy Streets: Dulwich

    Anon // 1 thread

    Our Healthy Streets: Dulwich                                         

    Recent projects and engagement with residents in the Dulwich area have shown a common theme that there is too much traffic in the area, and this is having an adverse effect on local life.

    We want to work with residents to address these concerns about traffic volume and its impact on the community.

    Phase 1 of 429 April to 7 June

    In this first phase we want to hear from you about the issues in this area. We are completely open to your ideas, later phases will look in more detail at possible solutions.

    Get involved

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  • Cherry Hinton Road improvements

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    The County Council have a consultation running on "improvements along Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge, to make it safer and more attractive for walking and cycling" between Hills road and Perne Road.

    The consultation runs until Tuesday 18 June. There are two consultation events at Rock Road Library, 69 Rock Road, Cambridge on Tuesday 21 May and Tuesday 21 May.

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  • Hackney - Isle of Dogs Cycle Route - detailed design consultation

    We want your views on our proposals to transform streets in east London linking Hackney and the Isle of Dogs to make it easier and safer for people to cycle and walk. Neighbourhoods including Victoria Park, Mile End and Limehouse would be connected by a new Cycleway, with improvements in each area also proposed for people walking.

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  • Cycle route extension on Bath Road, Hounslow

    Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread

    LBH says [edited]:

    The London Borough of Hounslow is proposing to make changes to a section of Bath Road, running between the Great West Road (A4) and Vicarage Farm Road, in order to make the road safer for cyclists and pedestrians. 

    We recently completed the Hounslow West Cycle and Highway Safety Improvements on Bath Road and now propose to extend the cycle route from Vicarage Farm Road junction westwards to the junction with the A4.  This proposal is to create a safer cycle lane mostly segregated from motor vehicles and pedestrians  ...  As well as the proposed cycle measures, this project aims to improve pedestrian safety by introducing raised entry treatments on all side road junctions along the route, enhancing existing pedestrian crossing facilities along this section of Bath Road and adding a Parallel Crossing (pedestrian & cycle) adjacent to Springwell Road.  In addition, some changes are proposed to the existing bus stop eastbound, introducing a floating island to avoid conflict with cycle and pedestrian movements.  To provide these cycle lanes there will be some localised road widening required on Bath Road and to improve current traffic flows where Bath Road meets the A4 junction.  ... Looking beyond this project it is this Council's aim to extend these cycle proposals to link with Hounslow Town Centre.

    The A3006 Bath Road is part of the Strategic Road Network within Hounslow and as such is an important and heavily used traffic corridor. The personal injury accident record on this section of road is higher than the borough average with 26 injury accidents over the last five years, five involving pedestrians (including two serious), five involving motor bikes and three involving cyclists.

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  • Refurbishment of 1 Regent Street

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Cambridge University is planning to refurbish 1 Regent Street for its Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL).

    Currently there are very anti-cycling 'No cycle parking' notices along the railings, which is hardly an example of sustainability leadership.

    We should use this as an opportunity to get cycle parking along here.

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  • Roadworks: Kentish Town Road / St Pancras Way

    Created by Paul Allen // 1 thread

    There are currently temporary traffic lights around this junction. Work is expected to be finished on the 15th June 2019.

    These roadworks are now for the junction improvements that will provide a cycling route to/from the cycle lanes of Royal College Street (North) to/from Prince of Wales Road via castle Street.

    Here are links to the proposed infrastructure improvements scheme:

    CCC response and Officer's report:

    Status info from Camden Council:

    The initial works were for Virgin Media presumably preparing for the main changes.

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  • S/1355/19/RM Northstowe H8 - 73 homes

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Application for approval of all reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, access, layout and scale) for 73 dwellings following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL .

    Land south east of the B1050 at Station Road, Parcel H8, Phase 1, Northstowe, Longstanton, Cambs

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  • 19/0512/FUL Grafton Centre bus turning circle redevelopment

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Redevelopment of existing bus turning head and redundant service area to provide new hotel and ancillary restaurant (Use Class C1), new public realm (urban park) and landscape improvements together with associated highway works to East Road providing new bus stops, pedestrian and cycle routes.

    Grafton Centre Fitzroy Street Cambridge CB1 1PS


    Application reference : 19/0512/FUL

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  • Proposed improvements between Wood Lane and Notting Hill Gate

    TfL says:

    We want your views on our proposals to transform roads in west London through four connected neighbourhood improvement schemes between Wood Lane and Notting Hill Gate.

    The proposals are an important part of the Mayor's Transport Strategy. The proposals are guided by the Mayor's Healthy Streets Approach, which aims to encourage walking, cycling and public transport and make London greener, healthier and more pleasant. The proposals are also an important part of the Mayor's Walking and Cycling Action Plans. These complementary plans set out how we and London boroughs will work to increase the number of people walking and cycling, helping to address poor air quality and congestion, while improving infrastructure to make walking and cycling even easier, safer and more accessible for everyone.

    These proposals would provide benefits for road users and communities in these areas, making it easier to cross busy roads, removing through traffic on some residential roads and offering a segregated space for people to cycle in west London. They would form part of London’s emerging cycling network and create a more appealing street environment for everyone to enjoy.

    The proposals include:

    • New and upgraded pedestrian crossings
    • Public space improvements along the route to create more welcoming streets for people and communities to enjoy
    • Two-way segregated cycle track throughout
    • Changes to bus stop locations, with removal of some, and layout changes throughout, including new bus stop bypasses for cyclists
    • Making some side roads entry or exit only to help the safe and timely movement of traffic
    • Removal of some trees in Notting Hill Gate and Holland Park Avenue to accommodate the facilities with appropriate new trees planted nearby
    • Changes to parking and loading bays and hours of operation  

    The proposed changes presented in this consultation are not final. We welcome your views on our proposals and your feedback will inform how we progress the schemes.

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  • Wapping Liveable Streets engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Wapping is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Wapping.

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  • Bow Liveable Streets Engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Bow is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Bow.

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  • Bethnal Green Liveable Streets engagement

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    From the consultation website:

    The Liveable Streets programme is part of the Love Your Neighbourhood initiative which aims to improve the area for all by making changes to the street infrastructure. By reallocating road space to walking, cycling and public transport, the scheme will encourage changes in travel behaviour which will help to improve people’s health and well being. The scheme also aims to restrict rat running to improve the safety of residential streets.

    Over a 4-year period, 17 areas across the borough have been identified for the scheme. The image below shows the different areas and phases of the scheme. Liveable Streets Bethnal Green is one of the schemes in the first phase of the project. Please click on the image to see an enlarged version.

    We would like to hear what is important to you and the changes you think should be made to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use in Bethnal Green.

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  • Greenwich Liveable Neighbourhood

    Created by Neil Robertson // 1 thread

    Having won Liveable Neighbourhood Funding for Greenwich Town Centre, the Royal Borough of Greenwich are starting to create more detailed plans.

    Following the pre-Consultation which resulted in a high percentage of responses for the reduction in motor traffic, the council are planning to design the changes in liaison with local groups.

    The expectation is that the gyratory will be removed in favour of a simple 2 way road East to West.

    The concept sketches suggest the other half of the gyratory to be a footpath and cycle route to be ready for when the CS4 extension is planned. The road section would have 3 sets of traffic lights controlling the three main junctions.

    Access to and from Greenwich Park will be high priority, especially as it seems to be confirmed as part of Quietway 1 (daytime only).

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  • Segregation on the A1010 South

    Created by Paul F // 1 thread

    As the cycle lanes on the A1010 South (from Ponders End to the North Circular) near completion, segregation is starting to be added. What do we want this to be like, what particular issues are there? Thoughts welcome.

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This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:

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