
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Newmarket Road, Cringleford contraflow cycle lane

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    A cyclist was killed after being hit by a speeding driver that was in the contraflow cycle lane because parked cars were obstructing the with-flow lane. The collision happened on 9 November 2015, died 22 January 2016 (according to Coroner). Press report of inquest:

    The coroner said that "the road currently posed a “significant risk” to cyclists", they were due to contact Norfolk CC to get details of the changes. The proposed changes were, in part, to change from a mandatory cycle lane to an advisory one! Consultation on changes:

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  • 17/1356/NMA1 50-60 Station Road - modification to remove cycle parking on corner

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Amendments include the following, quote:

    • cycle stands removed from the corner of Station Road / Southern Access Road as it is envisaged that a conflict will occur between pedestrians and stored cycles, inhibiting pedestrian movement down Station Road
    • reduction in overall cycle parking numbers from 632 to 610. This is still in accordance with planning policy providing 2.5 spaces greater than Cambridge Cycling Campaign standards and 3 spaces greater than the adopted Cambridge Local Plan 2018.

    ...a little bit rich coming from the people who want to cut two new access roads into Station Square however they are probably correct that such stands would become covered with a pile of bikes and block the footway, as they are almost directly in front of the station.

    Any thoughts on what we should ask them to do in place of those stands?


    Non material amendment on application 17/1356/S73 to remove cycle stands from the corner of Station Road and the reduction in overall cycle numbers from 632 spaces to 610 spaces. 32-38 Station Road And Land Adjacent Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2JH Cambridge Application reference : 17/1356/NMA1

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  • New pedestrian crossing, Warwick Road

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    TfL overview:

    Having listened to concerns from local residents regarding road safety and the local environment in the Warwick Road area, we are proposing a package of improvements aimed at making this stretch of Warwick Road feel more safe, comfortable and pleasant for residents and visitors.

    New pedestrian crossing 

    We are proposing a new signalised pedestrian crossing close to the entrance of Kendall House (Kensington Row) on Warwick Road between Pembroke Road and Kensington High Street. This will provide a safe option for people wishing to cross this part of Warwick Road. The crossing will have a raised table (meaning it will be level with the pavement) making it easier to cross and helping to reduce the speed of traffic. We will also make the pavement wider on the eastern side of the road, again to help slow traffic on the approach to the crossing. The crossing will have pedestrian countdown facilities, and audible signals with a tactile cone to help people with sight or hearing difficulties. These will be turned down overnight to avoid disturbing nearby residents.

    Installing the crossing at this location does mean that a small section of the on-street parking on the eastern side of Warwick Road will need to be slightly reduced. However, this will only affect one parking space, and we do not anticipate this will have a significant impact on parking in the area.

    Public space improvements

    Alongside the new crossing, we are also proposing some improvements to make the area feel more pleasant and safe for local people. This includes:

    • Renewing the pavement outside Kendall House with better quality ‘York’ stone which matches to the rest of the pavement along the street
    • Extending the kerb and footpath to the north of Kendall House
    • Repairing the footpath at the base of the tree to the north of Kendall House (please note we will not be removing the tree)
    • Installing large box planters to act as a barrier for this part of the road. These would contain planting to help green and improve the feel of the area.     

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  • Route via playing field and Aldermanhill Rd

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    Signpost a route as shown from Calside to Brooms Road. This is the quietest and least hilly route and coupled with the other suggestions would make a more pleasant route into town by bike.

    Remove the chicanes along the playing fields at the points shown so people using bikes, wheelchairs and pushchairs can use this path.

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  • Decrease speed limit on Craigs Road

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    Craigs Road and the road indicated form part of a route to the shared use Maidenbower path. There are three footpaths, several houses and a cemetery along this road which is used by people walking, jogging, cycling and riding horses. Its is currently a 60mph national speed limit which is too fast for how this road is used.

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  • Signpost routes to Maidenbower path from Calside 2

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    Another hidden away route for accessing the Maindenbower path from Calside. Signposting this would be a quick win. The path would also benefit form being widened to allow cyclists and pedestrians to pass comfortable. Widening the chicane  or replacing with a bollard at the top would enable people using bikes, wheelchairs or pushchairs to get through too.

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  • Southwark Park Road junction with Jamaica Road

    In autumn 2017 we carried out a public consultation on our proposals to transform roads in Southwark as part of Cycle Superhighway 4 (CS4). The route is an important part of the Mayor’s Healthy Streets Approach, which aims to make London greener, healthier and more pleasant through prioritising walking, cycling and the use of public transport.

    We received over 3,200 direct responses and a further 1,400 campaign responses to the CS4 consultation. The feedback we received has helped us to improve the scheme’s design, and we currently intend to proceed with the scheme with minor modifications. A copy of the Consultation Report and our Response to the Issues Raised is available, including details of the changes we have made at

    In response to feedback received during the initial consultation on the overall proposals for CS4, we are carrying out a further consultation on the junction of Southwark Park Road with Jamaica Road.

    We would like to hear your views on these further proposals.

    What we are proposing

    Our revised proposals would improve pedestrian facilities and address safety and congestion concerns at the junction.

    Our proposals include:

    • Banning the right turn out of Southwark Park Road on to Jamaica Road for all traffic except buses, taxis and cyclists.  This is in response to safety and congestion concerns raised regarding additional strategic traffic using Southwark Park Road to access Rotherhithe Tunnel. We would ban the turn for an initial trial period of 12 months during which we would monitor traffic in the area before deciding on the permanent conditions  
    • Permitting the ahead movement for all traffic from West Lane to improve local access
    • Creating new straight across crossings for pedestrians on Southwark Park Road and West Lane as well as improving the desire line for the staggered crossing on Jamaica Road
    • Providing new right turn pockets for cyclists to improve cycle access to CS4 from Southwark Park Road and West Lane

    Predicted impacts of our proposals

    The traffic modelling that we previously undertook for the CS4 proposals showed that strategic traffic from the A2 heading for Rotherhithe Tunnel may prefer to use Southwark Park Road as a result of the proposed changes along the A200. It also suggested that journey times for the P12 bus route in the evening peak may experience an increase of up to 6 minutes from Southwark Park Road to Lower Road.

    We have now undertaken further traffic modelling which considers the changes in the latest proposals, and includes banning the right turn from Southwark Park Road. The latest modelling shows that strategic traffic using Southwark Park Road to access Rotherhithe Tunnel would now be displaced away from the A200 towards alternative river crossings. It also suggests that journey times for the P12 bus route would remain neutral in the morning and evening peak as a result of less traffic now using Southwark Park Road.

    Local traffic wishing to travel east from Southwark Park Road will be able to access Jamaica Road via Clements Road and St James’s Road.

    Reducing traffic volumes on Southwark Park Road would reduce congestion at peak periods, make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road and improve conditions for people who want to cycle. It would also ease the eastbound flow along Jamaica Road towards Rotherhithe Tunnel by reducing the number of vehicles joining from Southwark Park Road.

    The changes would mean there would be less demand at the junction and allow us permit the ahead movement for all traffic from West Lane to improve local access.

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  • 19/0212/FUL 627 Newmarket Road - change hotel to HMO, 22 rooms

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    22 Sheffield stands in the back garden however they do not appear to be covered or secured by a door.


    Change of Use from Hotel (C1 Use) to House In Multiple Occupation (HMO) (sui-generis). Oakley Lodge 627 - 631 Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8PA Cambridge Application reference : 19/0212/FUL

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  • Proposed Windsor Avenue area consultation

    Created by John Parker // 1 thread

    The following letter delivered to residents (Hamilton Avenue)

    The letter is dated 11/02/2019 but consultation survey does not yet appear to be available. So no further details. Not too much cycle specific in this other than cyclists being allowed to travel southbound through the no entry London Road/Hamilton Avenue plug.

    Letter received 21/2/2019


    Kingston & Sutton Shared Environment Service

    Highways & Transport


    Your Ref


    0208 770 6455

    My Ref.•LR/T30148



    1 1/02/19





    Windsor Avenue Area


    North Cheam

    Please reply to:

    Kingston & Sutton

    Shared Environment


    Dear Residents,

    Highways & Transport 24 Denmark Road


       Proposed Windsor Avenue area consultation                                    surrey SM5 2JG

    The Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee has agreed to consult residents in the Windsor Avenue area on proposals to improve the environment for residents,

    pedestrians, cyclists and users of public transport. The aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to walk, cycle or use public transport instead of using their car for local journeys.

    This year there is funding available from Transport for London to carry out a consultation with residents on a few measures that have already been highlighted as an issue by some residents and the local schools and to ask if there are any other measures residents would like us to consider to improve your neighbourhood.

    The proposals as shown on the attached plan includes -

    • Introduce a 20mph speed limit area to reduce vehicle speeds;
    • Introduce a zebra crossing in Molesey Drive outside Cheam Park Farm Infant school to provide an improved crossing point;
    • Introduce a no entry plug in Hamilton Avenue at the junction of London Road to reduce the cut through traffic using Hamilton Avenue in a southbound direction.

    Please respond to these preliminary proposals via our on-line consultation questionnaire which can be found at:

    The on-line consultation will also ask if you have any other ideas to help improve the environment in your area that can be investigated and considered for future phases. Alternatively you can respond to this consultation by letter by sending your comments to the address shown. Replies need to be received by Friday 15th March 2019.

    You will be notified of the outcome of this consultation by another letter circulated in due course.

    Yours sincerely,

    Lynn Robinson

    Highways and Transport

    Sutton & Kingston Shared Environment Service

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  • 19/0201/FUL 19 Storey's Way - addition of custom cycle park and extension

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Aside from the slightly small dimensions (possibly from old Local Plan) listed for a cycle parking space of 1800 by 560mm, and the lack of apparent Sheffield stands inside, it looks OK.


    Single storey side/rear extension, addition of windows and roof lights and erection of an external cycle store. 19 Storeys Way Cambridge CB3 0DP Cambridge Application reference : 19/0201/FUL

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  • 19/0199/FUL 220 Milton Road - extension and conversion to 6 flats

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    This appears to be a new application to replace an old, approved application for 9 flats. They have cut the number of flats by 3 and increased the number of car parking spaces by 5, losing a significant amount of greenery in the process. They have also replaced a purpose-built cycle parking facility with some scattered cycle shelters that look too small. Two are 1m by 2m, and one is 2m by 2.5m. No further detail specified.

    One important thing is that they received approval to remove their existing driveway access points from Milton Road and instead put a single driveway access onto Union Lane. That's good, and they still intend to do that.


    Extension and conversion of the existing building to create 6no. flats comprising 2 x 3-bedroom units and 4 x 1-bedroom units along with car and cycle parking and provision of a communal garden following the demolition of the existing studio building. 220 Milton Road Cambridge CB4 1LQ Cambridge Application reference : 19/0199/FUL

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  • Demand Responsive Bus Trial

    Two phases firstly to the West of Manor Road / London (Wallington), the second to the East.


    It looks like an Uber fleet of 6-8 economical 14 seater buses.

    Following consultation:

    We will then report on the outcome ahead of the launch of the 12 month trial.

    It should be noted that as a research trial, collecting feedback from users as well as other groups to understand feedback from non-users too will continue throughout the 12 month trial.  

     Check the TFL site for more

    Key points:

    What are we proposing?

    This is a trial service that does not have a fixed route or schedule, but ‘responds’ to the request to be picked up by the customer. It can be booked at the desired time of travel, primarily through an app, and provide real time updates to customers of vehicle arrival time and guarantees a seat for confirmed bookings.  


    The service will run using up to eight Mercedes Cityline Low floor Sprinter 14 seater vehicles. The vehicles will be Euro VI compliant bringing them in line with the Ultra Low Emission Zone vehicle standards, and will be fully wheelchair accessible.

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  • East West Rail

    Created by Matthew // 2 threads

    The East West Rail project connecting Cambridge with Oxford and beyond.

    Discussion for issues where East West Rail crosses existing cycle routes or creates the potential for new connections, particularly to new stations, but also to ensure that EWR does not become a barrier to cycling where it passes.

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