
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Aire Valley Towpath (NCN 66) Closure

    Created by Clare // 1 thread

    Towpath (NCN Route 66) is closed to cycles and pedestrians at Wharf Approach. No diversion is in place so alternative is busy Kirkstall Road (A65) to travel west in direction of Horsforth.

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  • Should Cambridge 'Go Dutch' (or Danish)

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads

    London Cycling Campaign has reorientated its policy towards a 'Go Dutch' approach.

    This aims to learn from best practice abroad rather than continuing with the 'hierarchy of provision' that, in 20 years in the UK, has arguably failed to deliver meaningful change.

    This is an overarching issue for conceptual discussion of this issue.

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  • Cambridge Cycling Campaign's "Project Orange"

    Created by // 12 threads

    Project Orange is an attempt develop our general strategy during the year 2013.

    It involves

    1) Should Cambridge Go Dutch (or Copenhagenize)

    2) A more assertive stance in our interactions with agencies: Demanding of them to make feasible what seems infeasible

    3) focus on a regional area 10 miles (15 km) around Cambridge and a dartboard network structure to connect villages,

    4) the development of a Bicycle Infrastructure Assessment Tool (BIAC) which will allow us to grade and praise provision

    5) Priority over sideroads as part of a Dutch-style approach

    5) Development of Visualisation Tools for major projects (Chisholm Trail, Newnham to Newmarket Rd, Mitcham's Corner)

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  • Cyclists dismount on NCN route

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread

    If you follow NCN 7/14/70 through Durham from west to east, then after crossing Pennyferry bridge and proceeding south towards Fleshergate you find a no entry sign which adds "Cyclists dismount". There ought to be a contraflow cycle lane on this one way street. Round the corner just further on there is a contraflow lane!

    Update, 3rd May 2016.
    The road layout has been changed in conjunction with the new office blocks at Freeman's Reach. The road was previously wide enough to be two-way, apart from the problem of the bays for coaches to offload tourists. Now the pavement has been extended to enclose the bays, and the main carriageway is much narrower. What had been ordinary footway further along is now a ramp up to the office doors, with the footway now taking the place of part of the previous carriageway. There is a shared-use sign on the pavement, if you are travelling north, but "cyclists give way to pedestrians" has been added, as though they are aware that the space is not really wide enough. On the reverse of the sign is a "cyclists dismount" sign again, so there is still no means of turning south round the corner to join the short contraflow lane.

    By the end of Pennyferry Bridge there is now a little shared use sign indicating that it is permissible to cycle on the new walkway round the river side of the office blocks. Mixing bikes and pedestrians along this route will probably be unpopular.

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  • Dangerous and blocked cycle-lane

    Created by WillC // 0 threads

    Leeds-bound cycle lane adjacent to Coopers Pub is regularly blocked by cars using the pizza shop next door. The cycle-lane itself is only useful if you are wishing to turn left into The Green. If you wish to go straight ahead then you have to use the main carriageway. This is , not wide enough for cars to pass so you have to take the primary position for safety. This causes irritation for drivers who do not understand the the cycle lane provided is not for cyclists travelling straight on. Junction needs rethinking, and illegal parking addressed.

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  • Dangerous junction

    Created by WillC // 0 threads

    Leeds-bound cycle lane stops at junction and continuing in a straight line would mean hitting pavement, so cyclist need to pull out into traffic that up until then has been safely passing them. At the same time as cyclists are pulling into the main carriageway - in the center of the junction - vehicles are pulling into the left side as the carriageway narrows on the other side of the junction. It is a regular source of near-misses and very intimidating.
    The junction needs realigning/redesigning.

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  • Dangerous drain cover on Newtown Road

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    The drain cover in Newtown Road at the point that the cycle path to the station crosses it is orientated such that the slots in it could trap a bicycle wheel.

    The drain cover should be replaced with a "waffle" style cover.

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  • New kerb on cycle route by Sydenham Station

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads

    On passing on Saturday I noticed that Lewisham have moved the block point of Verner Road to the junction, however this seems to have added and obstruction for cyclists. It could be that once the work is complete it will no longer be an issue as from the other side there is a dropped kerb.

    Note in the photo the signage of the cycle route on the lamppost on the left.

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  • TfL Consultation: Bricklayers Arms Roundabout – Subway Closure

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Bricklayers Arms Roundabout – Subway Closure
    Transport for London (TfL) is proposing to make changes to the roundabout to improve personal safety for people crossing the junction.

    In June 2012 a pedestrian survey of the footway and subway system was carried out. The survey showed that between 50-70 crossing movements are made through each of the subway bores between 7am-7pm, with the majority of people preferring to use the crossings at ground level. A key factor in this is the design of the central island and subway network, which attracts crime and anti-social behaviour

    The main scope of the work being proposed is to block up the subways and improve the crossings at street level. Further detail is outlined below and on the attached plan:

    Decommissioning and infilling of the subway bores, ramps and stairs;

    Re-paving of the perimeter footways.

    Providing a new street level crossing facility to increase accessibility to the northeast corner (Tower Bridge Road) of the roundabout.

    Removal of the concrete wall which surrounds the roundabout.

    Improved street lighting.

    Retention of mature trees and new tree planting.

    The subway closure works are programmed to commence from mid-February.

    If you have any questions or comments about these proposals please contact us by 8 February 2013.

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  • Westbury Hill: Bristol. New Tesco's Express

    Created by David Wilcox // 0 threads

    The Foresters Arms in Westbury on Trym in Bristol is being converted to a Tesco Express.

    The Council want to change the waiting restrictions by a whole one metre!

    "It is proposed that the current prohibition of waiting at any time (indicated by double yellow lines) on the south west side of Westbury Hill, which currently terminates in line with the common boundary line of numbers 73 and 75 Westbury Hill, should be extended by one metre in a south easterly direction. Delivery vehicles are permitted to wait on yellow lines while goods are being loaded or unloaded and the proposal is intended to provide vehicles being used to make deliveries to the new supermarket with sufficient space to pull in close to the kerb, to minimise interference with the movement of other traffic."

    Since this will have a minimal effect on the ease of delivery to the Tesco's - remember most Articulated Lorries are 13- 16 Metres in length
    Why bother changing anything?

    Looking at the google street view pic attached, parking an Artic on this road will cause major disruption and be a safety issue for the pedestrian crossing on the mini roundabout.

    I wonder what the cost of raising a TRO for one metre change in parking restrictions is?

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  • Why no cycle lanes on A65 in Rawdon?

    Created by WillC // 0 threads

    A65 in Rawdon is wide with few side roads. It needs cycle lanes. Southbound in morning staggered queuing traffic makes if hard to wiggle down to the ring road roundabout. There is ample width and no reason not to add cycle lanes. Ther are however 3 pinch points associated with middle pestrian refuges that are dangerous. There are cut-outs into pavement area to apparenlty widen the road here but the cut-outs are very poorly surfaced and unusable. Vehicles passing cyclists at the pinch-points regularly cause danger (personally experienced several times a week, one very nearly fatally).

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