
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Stockport town centre access proposals

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Extensive package of measures which "aims to transform the accessibility and connectivity to and around Stockport town centre.
    The plan considers access by all modes of travel and specifically aims to ease congestion for buses and general road traffic, as part of an ambitious vision and development framework for investment in the town centre"

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  • Royal College Street Northern Extension

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting residents, cyclists and others on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle facilities to the north, across Camden Road and up to Kentish Town Road. If it is approved, we think this will be a great improvement as it will provide protected two-way cycling all the way. Later there are plans to extend it south to Kings Cross.

    We hope you will respond to Camden in support as there may be objections from residents, especially as it results in some loss/relocation of parking.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Two way cycling all the way up and down Royal College Street with no need to use St Pancras Way or Camden Street.
    - Protected northbound and southbound cycle lanes with no loading or parking within the cycle lanes.
    - A separate green phase for N-S and S-N bound cyclists at Camden Road.

    The difficult areas are the Camden Road crossing, which we think Camden have handled in an effective and innovative way, and the southbound split at College Gardens, where motor traffic has to bear left but cyclists go straight. This is not easy to handle without the danger of left hooks, but we think that the suggested solution, which involves road narrowing and a raised junction to slow motor vehicles, is the best option.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 3rd October so we'll take comments on board until the 28th.

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  • Missing Advanced Stop Line in Kew

    Created by Tom B // 2 threads

    Previously, there was an Advanced Stop Line on Kew Gardens Road (B353) where it joins Kew Road (A307). The junction was recently resurfaced, which removed the ASL markings, and they have not been replaced. I have attached a Google Streetview photo showing the ASL that was previously present.

    The ASL marking was very useful, as the junction can become gridlocked in rush hour, so that only cycles can take advantage of the green signal from Kew Gardens Road without blocking the junction. Cyclists therefore need the space to be able to safely wait at the front of the queue.

    It would be great if the ASL markings could be restored as soon as possible. If they have been removed for a reason, then I would like to understand what the justification is.

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  • The TfL North-South cycle superhighway consultation

    Full details of the consultation are at:
    closing date for comments is 19 October 2014.

    Camden Cyclists we propose to send a response to this consultation on behalf of our members. This will focus only on the part within Camden (the section between Charterhouse Street and Euston Road - as detailed on the map attached). But note that the alignment of the route north of Greville Street is not agreed between Camden and TfL and is not formally considered a part of the consultation.

    So it makes sense to have two discussion threads for the sections in Camden south and north of Greville Street.

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  • Chicane installed by Astra Zeneca developers on guided bus track

    Created by James Gilbert // 1 thread

    The Astra Zeneca developers (I assume) have installed a chicane made from two plastic roadwork blocks, plus a little "Chicane Ahead" warning sign on the down slope of the guided busway path as it approaches Francis Crick Avenue.

    I assume that the idea is to slow down cyclists, but I don't see why this is any more necessary than it was before their building site was created. I think it will make collisions between cyclists, or between cyclists and pedestrians, more likely.

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  • consultation on Vicarage Road one-way scheme

    Created by Clive // 1 thread

    Herts County Council proposal to make currently two-way Vicarage Road a one-way street between j/w Scammell Way and Hagden Lane and provide a ''kiss and drop'' lay-by in Scammell Way. The one-way section will be for northbound traffic only (ie travelling towards the town centre).
    For further details see:

    Herts County Council will have a display at Watford Cycle Hub

    ====date and time to be confirmed====
    Place: Watford Cycle Hub
    The Pavilion
    Chaffinch Lane
    WD18 9QD

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  • Liverpool Road, Irlam

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on CCAG scheme. "The proposed cycle improvement between Station Road in Irlam and Astley Road in Cadishead will enable better sharing of the road space by all users and improve conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. Cycle parking facilities will be provided and cycle symbols on the road will be marked to highlight the presence of cyclists. Line markings and the construction of build outs and central reserves are proposed to narrow the road and reduce the overall speed of vehicles"

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  • Liverpool Street, Pendleton

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on this CCAG scheme. "A new cycle lane will be implemented along Liverpool Street between Langworthy Road and Cross Lane, linking the neighbouring residential areas to employment and educational opportunities at Salford Quays, MediaCityUK, the University of Salford and Manchester City Centre"

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  • Silk Street & North George Street, Salford

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Salford Council/Urban Vision consultation on CCAG funded scheme. "This route will provide new cycling facilities on Silk Street and North George Street, linking route one to the University of Salford and improving onward cycling links to Salford Quays and the regional centre, through the existing wider cycle network."

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  • Great Clowes Street & Blackfriars Road, Salford

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Consultation by Salford Council/Urban Vision on CCAG funded scheme. "This will provide a new cycle lane along the length of Great Clowes Street and Blackfriars Road, which will link the residential area of Broughton to Manchester city centre. Where possible the route will be segregated from traffic"

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  • Bridgefield scheme, Stockport centre

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    New cinema and car park next to Debenhams in Stockport centre. New open space on Bridgefield Street and Prince's Street. One of the objectives is "to provide enhanced public transport routes,cycle facilities and pedestrian access". Issues: cycle parking, shared space, link to wider cycle network.

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  • Camden 'Quick Wins' - Phase 2

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    You probably remember that we began a new 'Quick Wins' campaign in November 2013.

    I asked members for their suggestions for (very) minor improvements throughout the borough that will make cyclists feel better catered for. These are examples of the type of changes that Camden felt could be implemented without consultation of local residents/businesses:

    ⁃ dropped kerbs
    ⁃ obstructive barriers (i.e. anti-motor cycle barriers)
    ⁃ stretches of poor road surface
    ⁃ Feeders into ASLs that are too short or non-mandatory

    The response from members was very good and we were able to assemble a list of suggestions and submit it to Camden in November 2013. Camden responded by assigning an officer to work on the entire list and he has worked hard to progress them.

    The web page linked above includes a table showing the list of 17 suggestions that were submitted to Camden, updated to show the five suggestions that we know for sure to have been completed (those table entries are in italic with completion date and a photo). There may be one or two other items in the list that have been completed - I haven't been to check all of them recently ;-) I would be very grateful to anyone who can give me up-to-date information on the status of the other items.

    Several other minor changes that we have suggested, outside the 'Quick Wins' list have also been completed this year.

    As far as I know Camden still intend to progress most of the remaining items. It is worth noting that some of these relatively minor changes received significant 'push-back' from locals, making the process slower and more expensive than it might have been.

    We and Camden are still very positive about this campaign. Camden are now asking us for a set of 'Phase 2' suggestions. The criteria for this are likely to include the types of changes suggested in the first phase but also include some new ones.

    We are still clarifying with Camden the new categories that can be classified as 'quick wins' (i.e. can be implemented without consultation). They may include:

    ⁃ widening cycle lanes or converting them to mandatory (i.e. replacing a dashed with a solid white line). In some cases this might be a first step towards installing lightweight segregation.
    ⁃ widening existing cycle lanes where there is limited traffic impact.
    ⁃ widening bus lanes to 4.5m to allow safer overtaking of buses by cycles and vice-versa.
    ⁃ adding cycle lanes that link up sections of bus lane.
    ⁃ trial lane closures to provide better space for cycling.
    ⁃ more 2-way cycling on side roads.

    I would be grateful for your feedback, commenting on the categories of changes or preliminary suggestions for actual changes.

    I plan to construct a new list for submission to Camden in October, but I would be grateful for concrete suggestions by mid-September.

    It helps if you can provide a link to the relevant location on Google maps. A photo is even more helpful.

    George C.

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  • Poorly-designed cycleway at junction

    Created by MJR // 1 thread

    Between the A10 cycleway and the Hardwick Road cycleway is a complex of sluggish crossings, narrow tracks and dangerous junctions which currently (early 2014) take 7 minutes if you wait for all the crossings. Of course, the red bike lights are only advisory, but then riders and drivers are hindered by the poor visibility at many of the crossings, plus some drivers mistakenly believe that riders should dismount and walk across, to the point of harassing riders who ride across.

    Unsurprisingly, some commuters riding through this junction have developed a number of innovative and, eh, "interesting" approaches to it. This shouldn't be necessary. This junction between the Highways Agency's A47 and Norfolk County Council's A10 and A149 should be cycle-proofed as a high priority, before the planned housing at West Winch and North Runcton.

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  • Long Ashton Neighbourhood Plan

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    The Parish Council have prepared the plan with the help of local residents, businesses and interest groups. A draft was prepared in February 2014 for consultation locally and with statutory bodies. When fully approved, it will take the place of many North Somerset Council planning policies which cover Long Ashton Parish. It will contain policies to:-

    · protect areas of Local Green Space from development

    · protect the open countryside between Long Ashton and Bristol

    · protect and improve recreation and community facilities

    · support the shops, services and businesses within the village

    · reduce traffic speeds through the village and make it a more pedestrian friendly environment.

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  • BikeBus Explorer - Sunday+BankHoliday service - Any user comments?

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    Bike Bus Explorer tows a 30-bike(?) trailer. Picks/drops bikes at Cambridge Station, Brooklands Avenue, Barton Rd then a linear route to Wimpole, and a ring from Arrington via Hatley, Gamlingay, Gransdens, Longstowe.

    It leaves the station Sunday and Bank Holidays at 09:00, 11:30, 14:30, 17:00. Last return to Cambridge arrives 19:12.

    A leaflet gives info about the rural destinations including Wildlife Trust sites, and a map showing the bus route, stops and suggested rural cycle rides. Operations exclude Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, suggesting it operates all year.

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  • Maids Causeway toucan crossing cycle detectors not working

    Created by Stefan Kaye // 1 thread

    For several weeks now, ever since part of the surface of the path was repaired, the cycle detector loops at the crossing of Maids Causeway from Midusummer Common to Fair Street have not been working. This means that cyclists using the crossing have stop and press the button unless the road is already completely clear. Does anyone know any more about this problem, and to whom should a complaint be addressed?

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  • "Car-free" 15 flats behind Aldi, Histon Road 14/1254/FUL

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 0 threads

    3-floors block 15 flats hidden rear of industrial building behind Aldi.

    Nominally car-free (ie provides no on-site car parking beyond one space for disabled) but the flimsy Transport Assessment (Conclusions 5.5) says "....surveys on existing on-street parking on local routes have identified some capacity for additional parking demand generated by the development, should residents at the development choose to own a vehicle." This acts against the (so far undelivered) scheme to eliminate car parking on Histon Road and instal cycle lanes. There is space in front of the industrial shed, and "parking" appears there on the site plan.

    This seems to be a re-application, developer suggests the only issue left to be resolved is (personal) security on the remote access route. However the police ALO doesn't like it.

    Car-free: interesting, but this instance looks very dodgy.
    The TA instances other Cambridge "car-free" flat developments - do they really work?

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  • Consultation (by 26Sep'14) - to end max car parking standards?

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    Quote: para 2.77 "The Government supports the motorist and wants to see adequate parking provision for them...."

    Question 2.16: Do you agree that parking policy should be strengthened to tackle on-street parking problems by restricting powers to set maximum parking standards?

    Not a simple issue, but probably worth CCyC's commenting.

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  • Woolpack Junction at Tennyson Avenue / Gaywood Road

    Created by MJR // 1 thread

    This junction is very important for desire lines to/from the College of West Anglia, but is largely bypassed by through cycle traffic (by some mix of NCN1, the cycle gate into King George V Avenue and routes through North End). It is very busy with motor traffic.

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  • Lammas Land

    Created by Monica Frisch // 2 threads

    There are various cycle routes across Lammas Land and along the southern edge. There are already the following Cyclescape threads:

    #126 cycle path on Lammas Land (proposal for a new cycle path on the southern side of Lammas Land)
    #329 Lammas Land car park route improvements (as far as I can tell this covers much the same issue as #126)
    #986 route obstructed at Lammas Land

    I am about to create a new thread for lighting on Lammas Land, as there's a trial and consultation underway

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