23/03273/FUL and 23/03273/COND7 east of NMR P&R
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:
Created by KW // 1 thread
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
Created by Gregory Williams // 2 threads
There isn't a dropped kerb at the northern end of the Legacy Park cycle path where it meets Chaucer Road. Therefore cyclists can't easily transition between the cycle path and the road here.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The signs at the junction between Mill Lane and St. Radigund's Street in Canterbury have gone missing.
The new shared-use path here is lovely except they've installed corduroy paving, with the very narrow bumps, on the newest stretch, to indicate the cycling and pedestrian halves, instead of the usual fat textured paving. Last week in the bad weather it caught my wheel and I skidded on it, only just avoided coming off completely. I couldn't get a photo because it was after dark, but you know the paving I mean. It's not suitable for cycle paths under any circumstances and I don't know why they've used it here. The section they installed previously, along Gregory Park up to the back entrance of the P&R, has the correct paving.
sound+fury // 1 thread
No cycle parking shown in the plans
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
How exactly more secure cycle parking will work.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cover has gone from the cycle parking opposite B&M Home Store, leaving cycles more exposed to the weather.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Each winter the Crab & Winkle Way gets a puddle across the full width of the route a little south of Tyler Hill Road. This can freeze over as ice and mask potholes in the surface beneath.
Created by Josh Grantham // 1 thread
Erection of new office building (use class E) and associated development, infrastructure and works.
Application reference : 23/04840/FUL
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04936/FUL | Full planning application for the construction of 91 new homes with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 within the Marleigh development as a modification to outline permission S/2682/13/OL to increase the overall unit numbers across the site to 1,391 homes. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04930/REM | Reserved matters application detailing, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 332 new homes and commercial space with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 pursuant to condition 5 (reserved matter) of outline permission S/2682/13/OL dated 30 November 2016. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
A tree has fallen blocking NCR1 at Duke's Meadow. In the meantime it is still possible to cut across the grass to continue the route.
23/04590/OUT Latest in a long sequence of attempts to develop landfill and 'lakes' either side of The Tins path.
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
First and second floor extension above the existing ground floor commercial Business and Service premises (Use Class E) and Library (Use Class F1(d)) to create 15 No. residential apartments including a communal terrace, together with an associated communal entrance/service building (including first and second floor commercial units (Use Class E)), cycle parking, refuse provision, landscaping, the reconfiguration of the established car park, substation and associated infrastructure works.
Land Adjacent To School Hill Histon Cambridgeshire CB24 9JE
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04537/FUL
Created by Edward Bainton // 1 thread
Crossing from Bright Street to Geneva Street, the cycle lights do not sense the bike. You can sit through 10 phases and you never get a green light.
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 2 threads
A place to gather threads about cycling issues in Peterborough and any consultations on active travel schemes in the area.
Created by Isaac // 1 thread
Recent roadworks have left the cycle lane entering Cambridge in an unusable state. There are large bumps across the width of the cycle lane which makes cycling along it dangerous. Needs to be fixed asap.
Erection of 12 dwellings, including 3 affordable dwellings, and associated works including alterations to access to the site and creation of second access.
Land At Ditton Walk Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04380/FUL
Not shown in the plans, but suggested in the D&A: a pedestrian link between Ditton Walk and the Trail
Created by Campbell Mccaig // 1 thread
A real lack of strimming too making some paths nearly unuseable.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Plans for the 2024 AGM are well-underway!
Please join us on Saturday 20 January, 2-5pm at Storey's Field Centre (main hall).
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The River Dour Greenway sign pointing into Lorne Road from the shared path beside Buckland Avenue is missing. Previous Google StreetView imagery shows the sign which has gone missing:
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Bollards on the path used by the River Dour Greenway between Alfred Road and Brookfield Place limit access for people with trailers or on tandems.
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
Absolutely disgraceful deposit of mud by tractor drivers hauling harvested beets on Fen Lane (the back way to the north of Swaffham Bulbeck which many of us use to bypass the unpleasant B1102 through the village). In my opinion it is not currently safely passable on a bike. I was on foot, in wellingtons, and found it hard to stay upright. The number of tractors and the aggressive speed at which they are being driven is an additional hazard. Until this is cleared up, the options are the main road through the village, or (somewhat longer but much less busy), divert via High Street, Quarry Lane and Heath Road back on to the B1102 and the Greenway to Swaffham Prior north of the village.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Footpath 32 is to be converted to be a bridleway. The footpath runs at the edge of a field parallel to the Wheathampstead road from the Hertswood Forest car park entrance to Nomansland. It will have a garpack surface for cycling/walking and a larger strip of grass for horse riding.
Funding comes largely from a Paths For Communities grant with other contributions from local sources.
Created by mike1727 // 1 thread
Traffic on the redbourn road is often fast and uncomfortable for novice/nervouse riders. The footpath running along Redbourn road sees few walkers and appears suitable for a conversion to a bike route. This is being progresses through the Herts Cycle Forum
Created by mike1727 // 0 threads
The Stonecross/Avenue road junction is to be redesigned. It is rounoured there may be a ban on bikes turning right from Stonecross onto Avenue road, which makes bike journeys W-E using Avenue road difficult. It would be better to redesign the junction to allow bikes through since many people will continue to ride/use the pavement as this is a desire line route.
Created by Jose Ferraro // 0 threads
Coombe Lane West heading towards Raynes Park: There is a long downhill slope which has new potholes appearing frequently which after a long while are filled with blobs of tarmac creating equally dangerous lumps. Grit fallen from HGVs and parked cars narrowing the lane make this a very risky road to cycle along at speed. A cyclist needs to slow down to be prepared to manoeuvre these hazards which puts them into conflict with motorised traffic behind them who wish to pass but lack the room. This is especially true when cycling uphill over the flyover (in either direction).
There is a short piece of cycle lane only at the base of the hill which does not continue over the flyover and leaves slower cyclists to mix in with the much faster flow of motorised traffic.
The result is frequent close passes unless you cycle in a primary position which invites further conflict (tailgating and intimidation) from impatient motorists.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
Proposals are coming forward for the redevelopment of part of the Cambridge University Pres Site as a single location for Cambridge Assessment. Some public engagement will apparently start in November
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.
According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 0 threads
The Virgin Gym trade entrance is being used by drivers as a shortcut.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?
Created by Angela Dyer // 0 threads
Convert footpath between Watling St & Coningsby Bank, near the Park St roundabout, to a bridleway & resurface.
Created by Angela Dyer // 1 thread
Proper surface on the link from Butterfield Lane to Holyrood Crescent
Created by North Devon Cycling Forum // 0 threads
To provide a safe route between Barnstaple Town Centre and the Pilton area, this footpath should be upgraded to a shared path, initially just by change of status, at a later stage, widening of the path should also be considered.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
The towpath from Richmond to Teddington lock is currently unappealing and dangerous. These photos were taken in May and the path is a lot worse after in winter or after a spring tide.
It is sufficient for people on mountain bikes who do not mind getting muddy, but not easy for children, older people, less confident cyclists, pedestrians with buggies, cyclists on cargo bikes etc to navigate - basically all the vulnerable road users who would most benefit from avoiding the busy, fast moving traffic on the narrow winding Petersham Road.
I take this route to work and I have to plan for the fact that I will get covered in mud every morning, and take it very slowly because it is so bumpy. I have seen pedestrians and those with child buggies climbing over the flood wall and walking on the grass on Petersham field in order to avoid this path. When I have my child in the bike seat I get off and walk the section between Ham House and River Lane that is pictured as I don't feel safe.
With a bit of thought this path has the potential to be an excellent car-free cycling and walking route that would tempt people out of their traffic jammed cars on Petersham Road.
See also the discussion at http://www.cyclescape.org/threads/811
Created by Paul L // 0 threads
The demand for cycle parking exceeds the supply in this important shopping area.
Created by Dan // 1 thread
Traffic lights will not change for cyclists when on the sensor (at night).
Created by Clare Gibbons // 0 threads
I propose the creation of bike/bus scheme: a bus service for Sundays and Bank holidays leaving Cambridge Rail Station, heading out through Barton Road and linking Burwash Manor, Wimpole Hall, Gamlingay Woods, Great Gransden Woods etc in a circular route. Short cycle routes to be developed around villages along the route. Cyclists can choose the length of journey they want to make and be assured of a ride home by bus if they do not wish to cycle back to Cambridge...
A 24 cycle bike-trailer can be towed behind a 20 seater bus, providing sustainable tourism access to South Cambridgeshire and passenger transport services for settlements that do not currently have Sunday services. Please respond and state whether you would be interested in such a service.
Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread
Proposal to help pedestrians crossing A325 also includes a proposed Shared Use Path.
1. Shared Use Path would feed cyclists into moving traffic, better if they join at the junction.
2. Proposed traffic islands and changes to kerb line create pinch points for cyclists.
3. Signalled crossing on north branch of junction would serve pedestrians better.
4. Conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists on existing and proposed SUPs
Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread
Proposed changes to Elles Road crossing creating a corral style refuge and improving sight lines by removing vegetation.
Proposed changes to centre of roundabout to create cycle paths.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
County Council press release: http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/CMSWebsite/Apps/News/Details.aspx?ref=1154
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
It would be useful to provide a route from east side of Kew Gardens station; via Burlington Avenue; along Mortlake Road and up the service road alongside the district line to the Thames Path. The service road is already closed to traffic; but cycling is obstructed by a large ugly concrete barrier (see photo). There is room on the north side of Mortlake Road for a short section of dedicated cycling space to link to the junction with Burlington Ave - see http://goo.gl/maps/DG7gh. The crossing could be problematic.
Created by Andrew Clegg // 2 threads
The garage at the end of radcliffe road uses the end of this road as a car storage area, which often results in the access onto the cyclepath being obstructed.
Created by mike1727 // 0 threads
Route to link the Northern end of the converted foothpath running from Sandridge to No-Mans's land via Heartwood to Wheathampstead.
This is on the Hertfordshire County Council's rights of way improvement scheme.
Created by Charlie Halliday // 0 threads
Surrey County Council have started a consultation for their proposed cycling strategy.
This issue covers the aspects related to the bordering borough of Rushmoor.
Consultation finishes on 1 November 2103
This junction has often been suggested a prime site where a continental-style 'all green phase' signalling scheme could be tried.