
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • England's Economic Heartland

    "About us

    Stretching from Swindon to Cambridgeshire and from Northamptonshire to Hertfordshire, England’s Economic Heartland brings political and business leaders together in a strategic collaborative partnership with a shared commitment to realise the region's economic potential.

    We provide the region’s voice on strategic infrastructure and services. Our leadership is focused on addressing barriers to realising our potential.

    • We are the Sub-national Transport Body for the region. Our overarching Transport Strategy will be a 30 year strategic vision for our transport system that puts the needs of businesses and individuals at the forefront of investment decisions

    • Our work on wider strategic infrastructure is focused on making sure investment in transport, digital and utilities infrastructure is ‘joined up’

    • Our work with our delivery partners is focused on identifying investment priorities, getting the funding secured and then delivering improvements to budget and on-time.

    Working in collaboration with Government and partners across the Heartland, we are committed to creating places where people and business realise their potential, and are able to compete on the global stage for UK plc.

    Our 5.1m population and 280,000 business together generate around £155 billion GVA. We have a 21st century economy, particularly rich in high value engineering, science, technology and research. Most of our firms are small or medium sized enterprises with many based in rural or semi-rural areas.

    Overall, our economy is successful and we’re a net contributor to the exchequer. However, the National Infrastructure Commission believes our economy could double or even triple in size. But it also warns this opportunity cannot be taken for granted.

    Indeed, our success already comes at a price. Economic growth combined with underinvestment in infrastructure and services means that the pressure on our transport, digital and wider infrastructure networks has grown to the point where they operate close to capacity most of the time. The resilience of our networks has dropped, affecting business productivity and making travel for individuals increasingly challenging.

    Our transport system continues to be dominated by the legacy of investment that left us with a largely radial pattern of strategic networks centred on London. Travel across the Heartland – and in particular east-west – is hamstrung by poor connectivity and poor integration.

    Digital connectivity remains a challenge at a time when lifestyle and business changes mean our demands and expectations of digital infrastructure continue to increase. And economic success brings with it further pressure on wider strategic infrastructure, including power and water supplies.

    England’s Economic Heartland is the response of strategic political and business leaders to overcome these challenges, with investment in strategic infrastructure and services key to realising our potential."

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  • Cycle racks in Waterbeach

    Created by Paul Bearpark // 1 thread

    Waterbeach Cycle Campaign has received a Zero Carbon Communities grant from SCDC for installation of some badly needed cycle racks in the village centre. We have consulted with villagers about their preferences for their location and the Parish Council has approved the installation in those locations.

    We need to arrange for the installation

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  • York Square consultation, Limehouse, Tower Hamlets

    Created by julieplichon // 1 thread

    The London Borough of Tower Hamlets council are proposing changes in the area surrounding York Square that aim to reduce cars cutting through local streets, making them safer, quieter and more pleasant for residents.


    Proposals include changes to roads and junctions around York Square and just north of Salmon Lane, with the aim of reducing through-traffic on local streets and making crossing easier for pedestrians. In addition, pavement widening is being proposed on Aston Street to improve the environment around Cayley Primary School.


    Please visit the website to find out more information on these proposals and fill out an online survey by midnight on Sunday 19 July 2020. Keep an eye on the website for updates on the project.

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  • 20/02568/FUL Hybrid planning application - Bourn Quarter Business Park

    Created by Finlay KM // 1 thread

    Hybrid planning application consisting of full planning permission for Phase 1 and outline planning permission with all matters reserved except access for Phase 2 of the redevelopment of the former Gestamp Factory site at Bourn Airfield for up to 26,757sqm/288,000sqft of commercial floorspace purposes (use class B1c light industry, B1b research and development and B8 warehouse and distribution with supplementary use classes A3 restaurant and cafe, D1 day nursery/creche, D2 gym), associated car parking and service yards, external earthworks, attenuation basins and landscaping.

    Fomer Gestamp Factory Bourn Airfield St Neots Road Bourn Cambridgeshire


    Application reference : 20/02568/FUL

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  • Bow Liveable Streets consultation

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    Liveable Streets is a multi-million pound borough-wide street and public space improvement programme. It aims to improve the look and feel of public spaces in neighbourhoods across the borough and make it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot and bike.

    We’ve listened to your concerns on issues including:

    • The volume and speed of vehicles in residential areas
    • Unfriendly pavements, public spaces and poor crossings for pedestrians
    • Hostile environments for cyclists, particularly for children

    We would now like to hear your feedback on the proposals, which you can do by filling out the below survey by Wednesday 29 July 2020.

    What is proposed and why are these proposals important?

    Every day there are over 33,000 journeys within the Bow area. Of these, 49% are vehicles travelling through the area and not stopping. This means over 16,000 journeys are from non-residents of the local area and these vehicles are contributing to the already unacceptable levels of air pollution on your streets, outside your schools and around your local shops.

    The Liveable Streets proposals will help improve road safety, public spaces, air quality and give the streets back to the residents. However to achieve this some local residents who want to drive may have to travel longer distances.

    Seven main schemes have been developed to improve walking and cycling, create better public spaces, discourage through-traffic and improve air quality. We are proposing traffic changes and calming measures to make local streets safer for everyone. Pedestrian improvements, better street lighting, tree planting and cycling infrastructure are also considered.

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  • Multiple potholes descending Hills Rd rail bridge

    Created by David Green // 1 thread

    The cycle lane on the Northside of the Hills Rd rail bridge has many potholes where the red tarmac surface is missing. This is extremely hazardous for cyclists to avoid whilst descending with car lanes on either side. You could easily fall off into the path of motor traffic. 

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  • Tricky crossing to get onto Lendal Bridge from cycle route

    Created by Kirsty Penkman // 1 thread

    It is very tricky to get onto Lendal bridge from the south while cycling; this is a major crossing point for bikes, as it is the junction for cyclists (including families) coming along the river from both directions if they need to get into the centre of town (i.e. the Minster).  Currently it is just a pedestrian crossing, which therefore involves cyclists having to get off their bikes, cross the road, and then get back onto their bikes in a dangerous position, just at a sharp left-hand bend.  If this could be modified (e.g. toucan crossing etc.), that would be really helpful.

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  • CCC/20/040/FUL Hauxton - Southwest Park & Ride + new NMU bridge

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    CCC/20/040/FUL | Proposed Travel Hub, to include car parking, cycle, coach, and horse parking, travel hub building, photovoltaic panels, substation, lighting; significant infrastructure improvements to include road widening of the A10 along Cambridge Road, Hauxton Road and M11 Junction 11 north bound slip road, and a new dedicated busway to include strengthening of existing agricultural bridge; provision for a new Shared Use Path, including new bridge across the M11; with associated drainage, landscaping (including reconfiguration of bunds), biodiversity enhancement areas and infrastructure. | Land To The North/north-west Of Hauxton Road (A10), To The North-west And North Of Junction 11 Of The M11 And To The West Of Cambridge Road (A10) CB22 5HT

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  • Milton Road cycle/foot paths narrow and/or blocked

    Created by Simon Powell // 3 threads

    City Fibre commenced fibre-laying work on Milton Road in mid-June, digging trenches on both sides of the road at various locations between Downhams Lane and Gilbert Road, mostly on the north-west side.

    This has reduced the combined width of the dual-direction cycle lane and pavement down to about 2 feet in places, often preventing cyclists/pedestrians from being able to physically pass each other. In some places, the footpath and cycle lane have been completely blocked with barriers for periods of time, forcing people into the main traffic lanes. In one of these places, keep-left signs have been put up next to the kerb in the reverse direction, implying that cyclists on the path should go into the traffic lane on the wrong side of the road. Social distancing for Covid-19 is obviously not possible in much of this area now, particularly when groups of workers are standing closely together in the remaining narrow path itself next to the work sites.

    This has coincided with the re-opening of the primary schools and there are quite a few people using the paths. I've had to stop my kid cycling to school as we no longer have safe route down there.

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  • 53 serviced appartments, Queen Edith's Way

    sound+fury // 1 thread

    The erection of new buildings to provide 53 serviced apartments (sui generis) together with hard and soft landscaping, basement car parking spaces and associated infrastructure and works | Land At 11 Queen Ediths Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire. 

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  • 20/02160/FUL: New 3 storey building (10 units), 4 Highworth Avenue

    Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread

    Proposed plan: Demolition of existing building and construction of a new 3 storey residential building comprising 10 units (net increase of nine) along with access, cycle parking and associated infrastructure. 

    Bike store for 14 cycles, unclear what kind of fastenings (Sheffield stands/other). Is it big enough to enable cycles in the furthest cycle spaces to manoeuvre in/out? Is the entrance wide enough to accommodate movement of adapted bikes?

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  • 20/02564/S73: Construction of 6 storey office building, Station Rd, CB1 2JD

    Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of permission 15/0864/FUL: will 254 cycle parking spaces be sufficient for this office space?

    Demolition of Leda House and construction of a new 6 storey office building comprising 7421sq.m (GEA) of office floorspace (Class B1); 254 cycle parking spaces; associated plant; hard and soft landscaping; a basement with 40 car parking spaces and 5 motorcycle bays; infrastructure works including basement car park ramp (Scheme B) to permit improved fire escape provision, enhanced cycle facilities and revised elevational treatment. 

    Location: 20 Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2JD

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  • CCC/20/033/FUL A1307 / Haverhill Road / Gog Farm shop junction

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    CCC/20/033/FUL | Construction of a new staggered junction, footway / cycleway; an at grade unsignalised crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists at the A1307 / Haverhill Road / Gog Farm shop junction; a new right turn filter lane and upgraded crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists at the Gog Farm Shop entrance, including associated engineering and landscape works. | Junction Of A1307 Babraham Road With Haverhill Road / And The Access To Gog Farm Shop Heath Farm Shelford CB22 3AD, (within The Parish Of Stapleford).

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