
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • A41-A598 Burgess Hill

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Cyclists going straight up the Finchley Road from Swiss Cottage to Golders Green have to cross two lanes of fast A41 traffic, where the Hendon Way turns off to the left.One possible solution would be for cycles to remain on the left and have a facility to use the pedestrian crossing across the top of the Hendon Way. Recommended route via Ardwick Road/Burgess Hill is not efficient and involves crossing 2 lanes when rejoining Finchley Road.

    TfL Enquiry Ref: 13049465 Cycling on Finchley Road CRM001:0373000000770 23/02/2019

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  • A1000 – Underhill left turn lane

    Created by JonC // 2 threads

    The left-turn lane is a hazard for cyclists. Redesign left-turn lane for cyclists going straight on to Barnet Hill. Cyclists have difficulty crossing the left-turn lane and get squeezed. Could make left lane straight on or left. Could convert traffic lights to Toucan to allow cyclists to cross Underhill into Barnet Hill.

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  • A1000 – Wood Street left turn lane

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The left-turn lane is a hazard for cyclists. Redesign left-turn lane for cyclists going straight on to Barnet High Street. Cyclists have difficulty crossing the left-turn lane. Could convert traffic lights to Toucan to allow cyclists to cross Wood Street into the High Street.

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  • A1000 Whetstone dangerous junction

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The left-turn lanes are a hazard for cyclists going straight on the A1000 north and south. Cyclists have difficulty crossing the left-turn lane and get squeezed. Redesign left-turn lanes to allow cyclists to use them when going straight on. Buses already use them for this purpose.

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  • Pembridge Square to Meanwhile Gardens Cycle Route

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Pembridge Square to Meanwhile Gardens Cycle Route Consultation

    The Council wants to create high quality cycle routes for people who have considered cycling, but been put off by the idea of sharing busy roads with lorries and buses. We hope that many existing cyclists will also appreciate being able to use clear, direct routes along quiet side streets.

    We are consulting on a new cycle route, linking the existing cycle route known as Quietway 2 in Notting Hill to the route along the Grand Union Canal. It begins at Pembridge Square, crosses Pembridge Villas/Pembridge Road and runs along Pembridge Crescent, Denbigh Road, Colville Road, Colville Gardens, Clydesdale Road, All Saints Rd, Tavistock Crescent, passes under the Westway then along Acklam Road, St Ervan’s Road, Golborne Road and in to Meanwhile Gardens where cyclists can connect to the existing cycle route along the canal towpath. In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to slow down traffic, or to reduce the risk of conflict at junctions.

    Complete the survey

    We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new cycle route. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the survey no later than 29 March 2019. For further information, please contact or call 020 7361 3766.

    Proposed changes

    On the southern section of Pembridge Square, we are proposing three sinusoidal humps to reduce traffic speeds. Sinusoidal humps are designed so that when driving or cycling over them at lower speeds, they are more comfortable to drive over than traditional humps, but if travelling at an inappropriate speed, they cause a notable ‘bump’, encouraging slower speeds. We know that some people are concerned that road humps contribute to poor air quality, when they lead to drivers braking and accelerating hard. We have designed the proposals in line with government guidance on the correct spacing between the humps to avoid hard braking and acceleration. We have recently introduced sinusoidal humps in St James’s Gardens and we also use them when we resurface roads with traditional humps – for example, in Abbotsbury Road near Holland Park.  

    To the western end of Pembridge Square, where there is a very large expanse of asphalt, we are proposing a new island with planting, and clearer road markings to clarify how vehicles should navigate this section of the square.

    To allow less confident cyclists to cross Pembridge Villas/Pembridge Road, we are proposing to convert the existing pedestrian crossing to a parallel crossing. Parallel crossings combine a pedestrian zebra with a crossing for people travelling by bicycle, so that people attempting to cross on bikes enjoy the same priority as pedestrians. We have installed similar crossings with success on North Pole Road and King’s Road.

    The proposed design also includes widening the pavements on either side of this proposed crossing to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as reducing the crossing distance. Raising the level of the carriageway on the two side roads to pavement level at the junction with Pembridge Road, Pembridge Square and Pembridge Crescent would also help to discourage high speeds and provide a more comfortable crossing for pedestrians. 

    On Westbourne Grove, we propose moving the bus stop road markings slightly further away from the junction with Denbigh Road. This will involve the loss of one parking space, but would allow greater visibility of oncoming traffic for all road users exiting Denbigh Road. Introducing double yellow lines around this junction would further increase visibility for all road users by discouraging inappropriate parking. We also propose to re-work the pedestrian crossing so that it better aligns with the carriageway of Colville Road.  

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  • Twyford Abbey Road - Road Safety Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    The proposed improvements include:

     Refreshing the existing loading restrictions and the advisory cycling lanes in Abbey Road
    to make them safer for cyclists and to prevent vehicles from parking on them
     Providing new mandatory cycling lanes in Rainsford Road to link the industrial area to the
    existing Grand Union Cycling Route and to improve connectivity cycling lanes in the area
     Providing new vehicle activated LED electronic signs to slow traffic and improve safety, for
    pedal cyclists and motorcycles
     Improving road safety at the junction of Twyford Abbey Road with Rainsford Road by
    extending the existing raised table, narrowing the carriageway width and providing onfootway cycling lane. This will slow traffic turning speed at the junction and get cyclists out of
    the way of heavy vehicles turning movement and hence improve safety for all road users
     Making crossing the road safer for vulnerable road users at the junction of Twyford
    Abbey Road with Rainsford Road by providing a zebra crossing
     Providing new direction signs where necessary to guide cyclists and pedestrians
    We will also take this opportunity to review all signs and street furniture to de-clutter and
    improve the streetscape. The enclosed drawing provides details of the proposals.

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  • Loss of cycle parking at Trumpington Park and Ride

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    I realise I'm late to the party, but I see that contractors have started removing a line of 50 Sheffield stands at Trumpington Park and Ride ahead of creating more parking spaces. These stands, and all the others on the site, were heavily used. As far as I can see they have as yet made no provision for replacing the lost parking capacity of 100+ bikes.

    Worse, as far as I can see from the drawings I've been able to find, they plan to replace these and an existing covered stand with about 40 covered Sheffield stands.

    If anyone knows where I can find definitive drawings of what's proposed could you point me at them?

    All rather depressing...

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  • Roundabout proposal for Southend Road / Foxgrove Road, Beckenham

    The Copers Cope ward councillors have announced plans – which will shortly be out for public consultation – to address road safety issues around the junction of Foxgrove Road, Park Road, Southend Road and Beckenham Place Park.

    The proposals would see a mini-roundabout installed at the junction, similar to the one currently in place at the Brackley Road / Southend Road junction.

    According to the councillors, in order to make the scheme practical, Park Road will need to be closed at this junction.

    This is on a popular cycling route, but also on a notorious Rat Run.

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  • Meadows Centre and Buchan Street consultation

    It is proposed that a new Community Hub is built on the site of the Meadows.

    This will replace both the current Meadows Community Centre and Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre, with the new facility integrating priority community groups and activities into this one new community space. In addition to the new Community Hub, the scheme will deliver approximately 100 affordable homes in total across the two sites in order to assist with the delivery of 500 new affordable homes across the city.

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  • Very difficult junction

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Approaching from Foundation St, heading for the docks is difficult as traffic swings in at high speed rendering crossing unsafe to access.

    Especially frustrating as the straightthrough option would have been so easy to use and achieve.

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  • 19/0242/FUL 18 Chesterton Road - mixed use building

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread


    The cycle store is at lower ground floor level where the steps and wheeling ramp
    are no greater than a 1 in 4 gradient compliant with Appendix L of the Adopted
    Cambridge Local Plan 2018. In addition, two covered and secure parking spaces
    have been provided at the top of the ramp allowing for users that cannot navigate
    the level change. The spaces are also suitable for non-standard bikes.


    Erection of a mixed use scheme comprising 11 flats and 2 retail units following demolition of existing buildings at 18, 18a, 18b and 18c-d Chesterton Road. 18 Chesterton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire Cambridge Application reference : 19/0242/FUL

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  • Redbridge LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sits underneath the Local Plan and sets out our commitments to make the changes outlined in the Local Plan a reality.

    This LIP also identifies how the London Borough of Redbridge will work with Transport for London (TfL) towards achieving the Mayor's Transport Strategy goals of:

    • Healthy Streets and healthy people
    • A good public transport experience
    • New homes and jobs

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  • Merton LIP 3

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    In March 2018 the Mayor of London released his vision for the future of transport in the capital called the Mayor’s Transport Strategy it sets out three priority areas for delivery; these are:-

    • Heathy Streets and heathy people
    • A good public transport experience
    • New Homes and Jobs

    It also set an ambitious target for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041.

    The LIP is a statutory requirement under the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and all London boroughs are required to develop a document setting out how it is going to deliver the Mayors Transport Strategy, its priorities and objectives at a local level.

    The LIP3 contains an overview of the challenges and opportunities in delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy within Merton, a set of borough transport objectives, a short and longer term delivery plan and a series of targets set by Transport for London that we are working towards achieving.

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  • Segregated cycle path on approach to North Circular

    Created by Oliver Bruckauf // 1 thread

    The A105 southbound has segregated cycle lanes and then a bus lane until the bus lane ends just short of the North Circular. The bus lane ending creates a vicious pinch point for cyclists with a metal barrier on the left and cars pushing into the lane from the right to avoid the queue of vehicles turning right into the North Circular.

    As the pavement on the left is very wide, there is enough space to paint a short stretch of bicycle lane onto the pavement, starting where the bus lane ends (so as to not interfere with the bus stop) and ending at Regents Avenue where the road is wide enough and one can continue into the bicycle box at the North Circular junction.

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  • C/5001/18/CC/N1 Trumpington Park and Ride - non-material amendment

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Drawing 5020069/HW/XS/006 ('Covered cycle parking elevations') shows a row of Sheffield stands too close to a fence, having only 600mm of aisle to access them.


    Non-Material Minor Amendment application: minor changes to paving materials, soft landscaping, parking bay arrangement, cycle parking (increased overall provision by 28 cycle spaces) and overall increase in parking bays of 2 giving a total of 276 (274 approved) Trumpington Park & Ride, 45, Hauxton Road, Trumpington, CAMBRIDGE, CB2 9FT Cambridgeshire Application reference : C/5001/18/CC/N1

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  • King's Parade anti-terrorism barriers

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    The Councils are proposing that King's Parade have some kind of anti-terrorism blockage, presumably to prevent a car being driven at speed into a large number of pedestrians.

    Clearly it is important that cycle access is not impeded unduly.

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  • Planning application: 19/0149/LBC ... install new bike racks, King’s College

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Removal of existing cobbles, paving and bike racks to forecourt. Excavate to stablise ground, repair drains, lay new cobbles and paving and install new bike racks. Relocate existing Grade II pillar box. Kings College Kings Parade Cambridge CB2 1ST Cambridge Application reference : 19/0149/LBC

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  • S/3729/18/FL Babraham Rd, Sawston - 158 residential units.

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Although this development occurs on the other side of the road, I have just noticed that an additional document added in the revision of the planning application has proposed to cut the existing Babraham Road cycleway at two places, sticking driveways and give-way markings for unknown reasons, since the development is not on that side of the road...


    Change of use to residential use and erection of 158 residential units. Site H/1:b - Land North of Babraham Road, Sawston, Cambs South Cambridgeshire Application reference : S/3729/18/FL

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