
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Link Staines Rd - Uxbrige Rd round golf course

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 2 threads

    There is currently a cycle track to the David Lloyd sports centre from the Staines Rd; which turns into a muddy track, blocked at the exit to Uxbridge Road by a difficult and narrow gate.
    Upgrading this short section of path with decent surfacing, streetlighting and removal of obstacles would provide a good link from the cycling facilities on the A316 and the Staines Road onto the schools in Hampton.

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  • Dean Rd - Longford Close bridge

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    The bridge between Dean Rd and Longford Close is currently a pedestrian only bridge, marked no cycling. Coupled with other improvements, provision of a decent facility here that could be used by cyclists with minimal conflict with pedestrians would open up a decent quiet route from the schools in Hampton (Hampton Academy, Hampton Boys, LEH) to the A316 cycle route.

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  • St Margarets Rd / Richmond Rd - no protection for cycling

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    The route from Richmond Bridge to St Margarets is very busy with traffic and offers very little protection for people cycling. LCN 37 attempts to divert you through Rosslyn Road but this is very inconvenient for westbound cyclists since it requires you to cross the main road twice just to enjoy a short section of quiet road. Providing protected space for cycling along this stretch of road would link up Richmond Bridge to the quiet route down Amyand Park Road to Twickenham town centre.

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  • Vine Road (NCN 4)

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    This issue is with the part of National Cycle Route 4 between the junction of Vine Road with Upper Richmond Road to the south and the combined cycle/pedestrian path from Vine Road just north of the northerly level-crossing (over the Hounslow Line) to Barnes Station. This road is narrow, poorly surfaced (potholes, cracks, etc) and heavily trafficked during the rush hours; moreover, the approach to the Upper Richmond Road is pretty steep, meaning that all but strong and expert cyclists have to dismount and cross on foot past the lines of cars going up and down to reach the Toucan crossing of Upper Richmond Road which leads to the dedicated cycle path on the west side of Priory Lane en route to Richmond Park.

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  • Dropped kerb needed

    Created by HankChief // 0 threads

    A dropped kerb is required as the pavement crosses the west side of the unused West entrance to the Jaguar garage.

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  • Ramped access required

    Created by HankChief // 0 threads

    There needs to be a ramped access to the school grounds at this point to replace or bypass the 6 steps currently there.
    This would not only improve access to the school but also improve connection between the East Craigs Path Network and North Gyle and the only toucan crossing on the A8 in Edinburgh on Dechmont Road.

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  • Crossing should be a toucan

    Created by HankChief // 0 threads

    There is a great cut through to the quiet Barnton Grove from Drum Brae North, but the signals at the traffic lights aren't a toucan.

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  • Needs proper dropped kerbs here

    Created by HankChief // 0 threads

    Poor set of partially dropped kerbs here across entrances to shell garages.

    To get from the Toucan crossing of Maybury Road to North Gyle Terrace you have to bump down & up 2 sets of bad kerbs

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  • St Michael's Rd - Kirkstall Ln

    Created by TMiles // 0 threads

    St Michael's Road can be a useful local route for west-bound cyclists avoiding the central junction in Headingley and its approach roads, dominated by queuing traffic or parked cars.

    The current configuration could be improved to allow cyclists approaching the junction to cross directly from St Michael's Rd into the cycle box immediately in front of the traffic lights at the northern extremity of Cardigan Road.

    A dedicated traffic signal, coordinated with the parallel pedestrian crossing (to the extreme right of the image), would allow cyclists to cross from the island in the foreground to the advanced stop line in the far lane.

    These improvements would require very little actual ground work, instead making use of smarter signal control. Further adjustments to the sequencing could see cyclists granted a synchronized left turn into Kirkstall Lane.

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