
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Segregation on the A1010 South

    Created by Paul F // 1 thread

    As the cycle lanes on the A1010 South (from Ponders End to the North Circular) near completion, segregation is starting to be added. What do we want this to be like, what particular issues are there? Thoughts welcome.

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  • HS2 closure of lane 1 Hampstead Road northbound

    Created by Mixhael // 1 thread

    I know HS2 aren't very cooperative with cycling needs but I was wondering if anyone would have any influence to bear on them with this.

    They have closed lane 1 of Hampstead Road before Granby Terrace for no reason I can see. They don't corral deliveries in it, they don't store plant in it, they don't even park in it. It seems to be closed for no reason other than that they can close it.

    Motor traffic at this part of Hampstead Road is always speeding as quickly as it can between the bottle-necks of Euston Road and Mornington Crescent. It is unpleasant and dangerous having to merge with fast moving lane 2 traffic. Is there any way we can ask HS2 to allow cycles to pass on lane 1?

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  • Stapleford to Sawston cycleway

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    Contractors are currently rebuilding the section of the Stapleford to Sawston cycleway (part of NCN11) between Sawston traffic lights and the junction with the Sawston Bypass. This isn't a problem in itself and is welcome but it is a bit surprising - while this section of the path was uneven in places and rather narrow it was still better that much provision elsewhere (including elsewhere on this cycleway).  It looks like it part of this.

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  • Pelier Park

    Anon // 1 thread

    Pelier park has a ball court that is in poor condition, a dog walking area, and a children’s playground that has seen better days which is not very appealing to the younger and older children. There is some seating in the centre area but again this is not in very good condition and it does not feel very inviting.

    Given its location, this park is not well attended; a complete redesign and new equipment to Pelier Park will provide a welcoming bright new space for children and the neighbourhood which will increase the use of this community space.

    The new designs will provide a safe and bright area for play and recreation, appealing to more local people and improving the number of visitors into and around the park.

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  • Parking Control Measures for carparks in parks

    Anon // 1 thread

    Parking Control Measures for carparks in parks

    The council is proposing to introduce and amend existing parking control measures in the six Southwark parks that have off-street carparks. Ongoing budget pressures mean that it has become necessary to find new ways of covering costs and maintaining the high standards in our parks.

    We aim to prioritise park users over commuters and improve road safety and access to the parks, in particular for vulnerable road users - Blue Badge holders will still have free and unlimited access. We also hope that other park users will adopt more sustainable modes of transport, and that this will help to improve air quality for everyone in Southwark.

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  • S/0874/19/FL Unit 330 Science Park - front extension and new cycle park

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Unit 330 is a circa 30,000 sq. ft over 2, 330 , Cambridge Science Park, Milton, CB4 0WN

    First Floor front extension. Window and external door renewal. External repairs to existing area of hard and soft landscaping. Reduction of car parking spaces and provision of new bin store and cycle shelter.

    (location is approximate)

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  • S/3983/18/FL - 158 student rooms. Neal Drive, Orchard Park

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Erection of two new private residential blocks comprising 158 student rooms and associated facilities

    Planning Application Ref:


    Registration Date:


    Decision Date:

    Application Type:

    Full Planning (Small Major)

    Determination Extension:



    Orchard Park CP

    Main Location:

    Western side of Land Parcel COM 4 Orchard Park, Neal Drive, Cambridge

    Full Description:

    Erection of two new private residential blocks comprising 158 student rooms and associated facilities


    Out for Consultation

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  • Danson Lane

    Created by Robert Heyward // 1 thread

    Proposed changes to junction to aid W=E movement for Quietway, has questionable impact on  rides on N=S route and those joining / leaving Quietway.  Present layout shown in google satellite in 'photo' above.  Drawing of new layout in link below,  Consultation notice here:  .

    Note eastern arm of junction is not public highway, but two adjacent driveways, one (generally open)  leading to church; other with gate at present closed to vehicles, and separate narrow pedestrian gate, generally open for walkers and riders   - see streetview image (not provided).

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  • Greening of Phoenix Road

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    Phoenix Road plus Brill Place connects Eversholt Street with Midland Road and is in principle an excellent pedestrian and cycle link between Euston and Kings Cross/St Pancras stations. But it is not attractive, especially for pedestrians. Camden have money from HS2 to improve it and have come up with a set of ideas which are set out in two large and very thorough reports which are available here and here.

    Motor traffic and cycle flows on the corridor are relatively low (see pages 26 and 27 of the Stage 1 report). They show a maximum of 144 motor vehicles per hour in the morning peak (sum of both directions, west of Chalton Street) and 175 in the evening peak, with cycle flows of 24 and 27 (very low). The measurements were done in 2017; motor traffic is likely to be higher now that motors have diverted up Ossulston Street, though Google sends motors via Polygon Road rather than Phoenix Road. For comparison, cycle flows on Ossulston Street were 232 and 230 (a.m. and p.m. peak hour).

    So there are not many cyclists using the corridor.  This may increase once the Midland Road tracks are open but Eversholt Street is not an attractive route unless you are going to Euston station and anyone making that journey is probably already using Ossulston Street so cycle numbers probably will not increase much.

    6 options are proposed, ranging from a minimal treatment which would not affect the road layout (option 1A) to a complete closure (option 4). Option 4 is not supported by Camden so we’ll discount it.

    Option 1A retains the current road layout with some greening and reduction of carriageway width to 4.8m. 1B converts it to one-way, alternating westbound and eastbound and should therefore reduce rat-running. Option 2 has closures to motor traffic (modal filters) between Ossulston and Chalton Streets and between Chalton and Werrington Streets. Option 3 adds another road closure between Eversholt and Werrington Streets and 3B is the same but with added measures on neighbouring streets to reduce or prevent traffic displacement. Option 4 is a full closure but is not supported by Camden. In all cases, cycling is permitted in both directions throughout and access is retained for emergency vehicles.

    In the Stage 2 report they suggest how the actual street layouts might look. The main issues are whether the carriageway should be linear or ‘meandering’.

    From a cycling point of view any reduction in motor traffic is a good thing. We normally would have concerns about the interaction with pedestrians in shared space. However, as cycle counts are low perhaps this is not a major issue here and the improved streetscape might outweigh any concerns. If one of the options 2 or 3 were chosen we should probably ask that the design makes it clear that cyclists are allowed and that also the meandering design might be better as it would signal to cyclists that low speeds are appropriate.

    More information plus the online response form is at

    Meanwhile please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to . Responses are due by 31st May so we’ll send in our formal response by the 28th.

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  • A1010 North

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    The plans for this scheme have been revised following earlier consultation.

    From Enfield Council:

    We are close to finalising the designs of the A1010 North scheme, and welcome your feedback on the draft plans. Copies of the A1010 North design drawings, draft traffic management orders and statement of reasons are available to download in the document library on the right of this page . Please view these and then provide your comments using the survey below.  (See web link)

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  • Consultation on cycling scheme for Waltham Cross

    Created by Clare Rogers // 1 thread

    Email from Highways England copied and pasted below:

    Dear consultee,

    I’m contacting you on behalf of the consultancy Atkins who are working with Highways England to investigate new cycle facilities in and around Waltham Cross. The routes are likely to comprise a range of facilities including segregated cycle tracks next to main roads, signed routes on quieter residential streets and, where necessary, some ‘traffic-free’ sections shared with pedestrians. Proposals are being considered to connect the town centre with other public rights of way and key sites including the following:

    • Waltham Cross Train Station
    • Theobalds Grove Train Station
    • the proposed Park Plaza development sites
    • the Cycle Enfield network

     The purpose of this consultation exercise is to gather the views of relevant local organisations on walking, cycling and horse-riding in the area around the scheme. We would like to hear any views you have on current conditions for walking, cycling and horse-riding in the local area affected by the proposals (shown in the attached local area map).

     This scheme is being investigated as part of Highways England’s ‘Designated Funds’ programme. The objectives of the programme include to:

    • maximise opportunities to deliver additional improvements as part of new road schemes
    • improve cycling facilities on, or near, the Highways England road network
    • reduce the impact of Highways England roads as a barrier to cycling

     Improvements in and around Waltham Cross have been chosen to act as strategic connections between key facilities such as transport interchanges and employment centres as well as existing public rights of way. These proposals are additional and independent to the Highways England M25 junction 25 Improvement Scheme. Whilst the proposals at M25 junction 25 are not part of this consultation, more information can be found on the Highways England website:

     If you have any questions on the proposed Waltham Cross cycle route improvement scheme or any related issues, please ask. Otherwise, please could you reply to us with any views by Friday 3rd May.

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  • S/1312/19/OL Milton Road Impington - 50 residential dwellings & community park

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Outline application for planning permission with all matters other than access reserved, for the development of up to 50 residential dwellings and a Community Park to provide recreation and leisure facilities, including a community building, and associated works.

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  • S/1031/19/OL Bourn Airfield - 24,620sqm of light industry

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Outline planning permission with some matters reserved except for appearance for the redevelopment of the former Gestamp factory site at Bourn Airfield for up to 24,620sqm/265,000sqft GEA of commercial floorspace (B1c light industry and B8 warehouse), associated car parking and service yards, external works and landscaping

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  • Milkwood Road Speed Humps

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Residents are being consulted on the installation of four speed humps, which will assist in lowering traffic speeds on the road. The consultation is open from 15 April 2019. Respond to our survey below.

    As you are aware, Milkwood Road has high traffic speeds. Due to this Milkwood Road has been included in the Council’s Speed Reduction Programme.

    The objective of the Speed Reduction Programme is to calm the speeds on streets, particularly where these have community buildings such as schools.

    Proposed Scheme: to tackle speed

    Speed cushions, like those on Milkwood Road, are less effective than road humps at keeping speeds low. Some vehicles can straddle them, meaning some drivers and motorcyclists travel significantly above the 20mph speed limit.

    To remedy this, we propose to directly replace three sets of speed cushions and instead install three full-width, cycle-friendly, sinusoidal road humps as shown here and an additional speed hump will be included in a new location. To reinforce drivers’ awareness of the speed limit new 20mph hour banners will be installed in April. Additional 20mph signs and road markings will be installed in May/June.

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  • Various traffic calming Traffic Management Orders Wallington

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 3 threads


    The London Borough of Sutton are proposing to make Traffic Management Orders to facilitate a traffic calming schemes and prevention of obstruction in:-

    Sandy Lane South junction with Foresters Drive and Wordsworth Road;

    Wordsworth Road junction with Lavender Vale;

    Ross Parade junction with Bridge Road; and 

    Ross Road access to Mulberry Mews.


    If you wish to view all the statutory documents and make any representations on the proposals please select the link    

    SuttMap 1067


    Your representations will need to be with us by Thursday 2 May 2019 and

    If you require further information please contact

    Kind Regards,


    Technical Operations Team

    Highways and Transport

    Kingston & Sutton Shared Environment Service

    London Borough of Sutton

    Denmark Road | Carshalton | Surrey | SM5 2JG


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  • Nasty pothole #1 on Hadley Road

    Created by Paul D.Smith // 1 thread

    Actually two nasty potholes on the westbound carriageway (towards Hadley Wood).  18in-24in across but deep with sharp sides.  Hit one of these last week and got instant puncture.

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  • Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Needs Review

    Created by Sam Webster // 2 threads

    Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Needs Review report came out a couple of weeks ago.  Whilst some of it is good, I think the cycling stuff is poor in general:

    1. They look at cyclist safety in the surrounding area but due to the dates and area selected, they claim no fatalities.  Ignoring Steve Moir's death is insensitive at best.
    2. I didn't see any mention of NCR 11 passing through the site which suggests to me they didn't even realise
    3. A tiny bit about air pollution but the word climate doesn't even appear
    4. 'The segregated route alongside the CGB' - Do they mean segregated from buses?!
    5. 'Site observations showed the route alongside the Busway to the west of the site to be particularly well used by pedestrians and cyclists and of high quality'.  It's unsafe due to lack of separation from buses and pedestrians, too narrow for numbers and given speed differences over bridge and crosswinds.
    6. Nothing about the bus stops in mandatory cycle lanes
    7. Section 5.3.3 - peak counts/hour would be very useful
    8. 'Site visit observations suggest that cycling infrastructure near to CBC is currently performing well with the current demand' - CGB path is way over capacity at peak times.  I don't know about the other routes.

    I propose complaining about the standard of the cycling part of the report.

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  • 19/0389/FUL 62 Silverwood Close - change to 7 bedroom HMO

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Rather pitiful looking front 'garden' with some things sticking out of the wall supposedly providing eight cycle parking spaces. Note that the photograph included in the D&A statement seems to show 'no cycles' signs plastered on the same wall.


    Change of use to a large HMO (sui generis use class) with seven bedrooms serving seven people.

    62 Silverwood Close Cambridge CB1 3HA


    Application reference : 19/0389/FUL

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  • 19/0379/FUL 42 Birdwood Road - 2 bedroom dwelling

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    What appears to be two Sheffield stands in the garden. The spacing is only 70cm. They are uncovered. The exterior door appears to be 90cm.


    Erection of a two bed dwelling to the rear following demolition of existing garage.

    42 Birdwood Road Cambridge CB1 3SU


    Application reference : 19/0379/FUL

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  • S/4615/18/OL 28,000sqm office and R&D space

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Outline Application for the erection of up to 28,000sqm of mixed B1 (a) offices, B1 (b) research and development, B1 (c) light industrial, B2 general industrial, B8 storage and distribution, and A1/A3 amenity café, with all matters reserved (Access from Beech Road, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale)

    Land To The West Of Cambridge Research Park, Beach Drive, Landbeach, CB25 9TL

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/4615/18/OL

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