23/03273/FUL and 23/03273/COND7 east of NMR P&R
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:
Created by KW // 1 thread
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
Created by Gregory Williams // 2 threads
There isn't a dropped kerb at the northern end of the Legacy Park cycle path where it meets Chaucer Road. Therefore cyclists can't easily transition between the cycle path and the road here.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The signs at the junction between Mill Lane and St. Radigund's Street in Canterbury have gone missing.
The new shared-use path here is lovely except they've installed corduroy paving, with the very narrow bumps, on the newest stretch, to indicate the cycling and pedestrian halves, instead of the usual fat textured paving. Last week in the bad weather it caught my wheel and I skidded on it, only just avoided coming off completely. I couldn't get a photo because it was after dark, but you know the paving I mean. It's not suitable for cycle paths under any circumstances and I don't know why they've used it here. The section they installed previously, along Gregory Park up to the back entrance of the P&R, has the correct paving.
sound+fury // 1 thread
No cycle parking shown in the plans
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
How exactly more secure cycle parking will work.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cover has gone from the cycle parking opposite B&M Home Store, leaving cycles more exposed to the weather.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Each winter the Crab & Winkle Way gets a puddle across the full width of the route a little south of Tyler Hill Road. This can freeze over as ice and mask potholes in the surface beneath.
Created by Josh Grantham // 1 thread
Erection of new office building (use class E) and associated development, infrastructure and works.
Application reference : 23/04840/FUL
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04936/FUL | Full planning application for the construction of 91 new homes with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 within the Marleigh development as a modification to outline permission S/2682/13/OL to increase the overall unit numbers across the site to 1,391 homes. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04930/REM | Reserved matters application detailing, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 332 new homes and commercial space with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 pursuant to condition 5 (reserved matter) of outline permission S/2682/13/OL dated 30 November 2016. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
A tree has fallen blocking NCR1 at Duke's Meadow. In the meantime it is still possible to cut across the grass to continue the route.
23/04590/OUT Latest in a long sequence of attempts to develop landfill and 'lakes' either side of The Tins path.
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
First and second floor extension above the existing ground floor commercial Business and Service premises (Use Class E) and Library (Use Class F1(d)) to create 15 No. residential apartments including a communal terrace, together with an associated communal entrance/service building (including first and second floor commercial units (Use Class E)), cycle parking, refuse provision, landscaping, the reconfiguration of the established car park, substation and associated infrastructure works.
Land Adjacent To School Hill Histon Cambridgeshire CB24 9JE
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04537/FUL
Created by Edward Bainton // 1 thread
Crossing from Bright Street to Geneva Street, the cycle lights do not sense the bike. You can sit through 10 phases and you never get a green light.
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 2 threads
A place to gather threads about cycling issues in Peterborough and any consultations on active travel schemes in the area.
Created by Isaac // 1 thread
Recent roadworks have left the cycle lane entering Cambridge in an unusable state. There are large bumps across the width of the cycle lane which makes cycling along it dangerous. Needs to be fixed asap.
Erection of 12 dwellings, including 3 affordable dwellings, and associated works including alterations to access to the site and creation of second access.
Land At Ditton Walk Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04380/FUL
Not shown in the plans, but suggested in the D&A: a pedestrian link between Ditton Walk and the Trail
Created by Campbell Mccaig // 1 thread
A real lack of strimming too making some paths nearly unuseable.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Plans for the 2024 AGM are well-underway!
Please join us on Saturday 20 January, 2-5pm at Storey's Field Centre (main hall).
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The River Dour Greenway sign pointing into Lorne Road from the shared path beside Buckland Avenue is missing. Previous Google StreetView imagery shows the sign which has gone missing:
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Bollards on the path used by the River Dour Greenway between Alfred Road and Brookfield Place limit access for people with trailers or on tandems.
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
Absolutely disgraceful deposit of mud by tractor drivers hauling harvested beets on Fen Lane (the back way to the north of Swaffham Bulbeck which many of us use to bypass the unpleasant B1102 through the village). In my opinion it is not currently safely passable on a bike. I was on foot, in wellingtons, and found it hard to stay upright. The number of tractors and the aggressive speed at which they are being driven is an additional hazard. Until this is cleared up, the options are the main road through the village, or (somewhat longer but much less busy), divert via High Street, Quarry Lane and Heath Road back on to the B1102 and the Greenway to Swaffham Prior north of the village.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
Southern stretch of Kew road is a busy road, wide enough for cycling provision, but none is provided - southbound has protection of a bus lane for a stretch but north bound has no protection for cyclists at all. This frequently leads to pavement cycling as per the photo.
Created by Robin Heydon // 9 threads
The A14 is a very hostile, dangerous road for cycling.
Improvements to it, as well as broader changes to the national framework for cyclist crossings of major roads, are needed.
Created by Eric Booth // 2 threads
Prince St bridge is an anarchic pigs ear. I like pigs and fond of a bit of anarchy but it's getting beyond a joke. Of course it will all be sorted out properly in due course but we could live with this for years. Here's a quick fix:
1. Move south vehicle stop line back 10m behind tramlines
2. Remove all bollards unless one or two kept in line with centre of bridge with arrows right for cars
3. Widen cycle lane from bridge to Festival way turn so suitable for 2-way cycling.
4. Put in Give Way painted line at an angle running from enlarged cycle lane to centre line so southbound cyclists alerted to need to filter across traffic.
1. Remove all bollards
2. Widen cycle lane for 2 way cycling all the way up to the traffic lights with The Grove.
3. Remove 5 bollards on each side of north bound traffic light along with the two set back
4. Paint cycle lane passing behind light and then back onto carriageway making it nice and clear that it's an option for cyclists when lights red or they can carry on (as most will, no worse than now but at least it will be clear that they can treat these as 'give way')
5. There will need to be 'give way' paint to make clear that pedestrians have right of way on the by-pass.
Yes it's muddled but less so than now and makes the desire lines easier. It's also a cheap paint based fix pending the proper job.
Created by Sarah Wood // 0 threads
This contraflow infrastructure is hazardous for several reasons: the path is very narrow - realistically around 0.5m wide, the cyclists is riding in the gutter, at risk of being doored and catching wing mirrors. What caught me out was a vehicle travelling North and turned right to access an entrance. Our sight lines were blocked by parked vehicles in parking bays to the right of the cycle path. Until this situation is addressed cyclists will continue to be vulnerable along this section of the road.
Created by Matt Turner // 1 thread
Castle Street cycle lane is a contraflow cycle lane on a one way street in Sheffield. It has been here since March 1997 and allows cyclists enter the city centre from the network of cycle paths on the East, avoiding some big arterial routes with no cycling provision.
For the past 15 years this cycle lane has been plagued by Hackney Carriage drivers parking illegally on this cycle lane, blocking cyclists access and forcing them into oncoming traffic. This has been the case for over a decade.
There is a taxi rank on the pavement side of the cycle lane, taxis often fill up this rank and overflow, parking in the cycle lane, blocking the way for cyclists.
Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread
There is a campaign for a cycle route between Bar Hill and Cambridge, also connecting Dry Drayton, Madingley and Coton to North-West Cambridge.
Currently cycle provision for these villages is poor. Bar Hill has lower rates of cycling than other villages that are closer to Cambridge.
The campaign site is: http://www.bhddmadcycle.com/
Created by HVS // 2 threads
The A41 ring road cuts across a useful quiet route north-west out of Chester, which is an alternative to the traffic-free Greenway (which is unlit, and slippery in icy conditions). Crossing the A41 during busy periods - e.g. when commuting at rush-hour - can be a slow and potentially very dangerous process, especially after dark. A better crossing for cyclists and pedestrians, or a lower speed limit on the A41 (or both), would be very helpful here.
[Original version of map was wrong; I've now updated it.]
Created by Simon Nuttall // 19 threads
The Reach Fair ride takes place on the early Bank Holiday Monday (May Day) in May.
The web page for it is:
The planning overview is summarised:
I've created this issue to help plan this event.
Created by ambrosen // 1 thread
Sustrans route 4 coming from the canal path on its main route into Bath city centre has a high level of traffic conflict and the need to filter between two tight lanes of traffic with a large proportion of LGVs coming down the A36 Beckford Road.
The right turn from Sydney Place southbound into Great Pulteney Street is signposted as no right turn as well as being route 4, and has no refuge to turn from.
It should be possible to route the path through Sydney Gardens as the Darlington Place/Sydney Place westbound/Great Pulteney Street junction has been improved to increase pedestrian flows.
Some non-cycling residents are also concerned about cyclists using the pavement in this area too.
Created by Sarah Wood // 0 threads
There are several pedestrian refuges along the road particularly at the western end of the road. The refuges cause a pinch point for cyclists. The road marking confuse priorities between those using the on road cycle path and other traffic.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread
Is this really the best that Edinburgh can do for the flagship national cycle network route 1 to get it to cross Clerk Street? You have to go through a pile of bins, on to the pavement to get round a barrier and then try and judge it right to cross the road, or use the nearby pedestrian crossing.
Created by WildNorthlands // 1 thread
Brook Hill roundabout is a major barrier for cyclists in West Sheffield. The traffic is fast and as it is a three-lane spiral roundabout with the exit roads (except Bolsover St) having two lanes there is a lot of lane-switching by motorists. This makes the risk of a collision very high, and for less experienced cyclists it is simply a no-go area.
Many of the buildings adjacent to the roundabout belong to the University, and have been built up to the curtilage, so there is no space to expand the pavements and make them shared use.
One alternative for cyclists coming from the Walkley/Crookes area via Bolsover St is to use Tower Court, but this area can be very congested when the University is in session, with several thousand students using the Arts Tower and Library.
The council has signed an alternative route via Weston St and the Netherthorpe Rd tram subway, but this involves a drop in height of about 100 metres and subsequent climb up again, plus the negotiation of access barriers in the subway, so is not really sensible.
Meanwhile on Upper Hanover Way, a cycle crossing was severed when the tramway was installed, although cyclists still use the crossing. A proposed alternative crossing is stalled as it is too expensive.
What can be done about this knotty problem?
Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread
Motorised vehicles currently use the rat run through Milner Street to avoid the fraffic lights at Grove Lane/ St Helens St.
This is part of NCN 41 , any extra traffic passing through here detracts from the cycling experience and is negative for residents.
Cyclist comments are needed now !
Created by Chris Neston // 2 threads
The cycle path crosses the soutbound exit from the M53 at Cheshire Oaks. The exit is light controlled for traffic as they enter the roundabout. This provides a safe time for cyclists to ride across the sliproad. However the lights are not visible to cyclist on the path and there is no light provided to advise cyclists when they can cross.
This makes it very difficult and dangerous for cyclists to know when they can safely cross. This would require no physical change to the road layout simply a new light to show cyclists when to cross.
Created by David Earl // 4 threads
There are some evil short grey posts on the busway cycleway that are really hard to see in the dark. I have heard of a number of people hitting them with disastrous consequences
Created by Mark A // 1 thread
A dropped kerb at this point would improve the route that people can take to cycle between Bear Flat and the city centre - making it easier to use Calton Gardens to avoid the section of footpath on the alternative via Holloway and St Marks Church.
Created by Sam Saunders // 1 thread
A northern stretch of Bristol's waymarked "Concorde Way" runs along a quiet residential street, Wordsworth Road. On the newest housing development as Bristol gives way to South Gloucestershire there is a barrier between the end of Wordsworth Road and the start of Eighth Avenue to prevent motor vehicles passing through. There is a raised curb, offset railings and large grey concrete bollards and only a narrow passage either side of one bollard for cyclists to ride through. Tricycles, cargo bikes, or trailers might be to be lifted over the raised curb. In dusk or darkness neither the bollards nor the curb are easy to see. There is a light on the traffic sign offering some help, but a less intimidating arrangements or reflective/high-visibility surfaces could be considered.
Created by Robin Heydon // 2 threads
The Landbeach Parish Council would like the bridgeway from Landbeach to Cambridge to be upgraded to a cycleway.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 4 threads
The Shotley Peninsula Cycle Campaign have plans for a dedicated cycle path from the edge of Ipswich to Shotley. http://www.spcc.info/News%20and%20Projects.html
Upgrades are needed from Ipswich town centre to the new cycle track.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Pinch point outside Courtlands on Sheen Road. Despite resurfacing, pinch point has not been addressed. Because of the poor road layout vehicles frequently encroach into the cycle lane. At off peak times the wide road encourages speeding - vehicles often approach this pinch point at 40mph.
Created by Sam Saunders // 1 thread
Heading south west on Upper Maudlin Street, cyclists approaching lights have a narrow cycle lane cum ASL lead-in immediately adjacent to parked vehicles. The risk of dooring is clear. The lane or the parking should be removed.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
Footbridges at Mortlake railway station should be fitted with troughs to enable cyclists to easily wheel bicycles to the other platform. Cyclists frequently carry bicycles over the footbridge, as per the photo - one going in each direction!
Created by Sam Saunders // 2 threads
On the eastern approach to Clifton Suspension Bridge the narrow road curves past a pedestrian refuge next to a toilet block. The short cycle lane that had started as approximately 1.2 metres wide narrows to approximately 0.9 metres at the refuge. More than half of the cycle lane at that point is paved with uneven cobbles unsuitable for cycling, especially on a bend. The traffic lane (approx 3.2 metres) is too narrow for a car and a bicycle to pass together. The cycle lane, in effect, is encouraging inexperienced cyclists to adopt a vulnerable road position and to cycle on an unsuitable surface.
Created by t1mmyb // 0 threads
There is a pair of traffic-calming chicanes/pinch points on The Hollow. The one lower down the hill (where drivers must give way to downhill traffic) has a cycle bypass; the one further up the hill (where ascending traffic has priority) does not.
When I cycle up The Hollow I am probably managing about 5mph; this pinch point brings me into conflict with much faster motorised traffic going up the hill, to the extent that I usually avoid the road completely and take a different route (Southdown Road) that has no traffic islands/pinchpoints.
Created by Dylan // 1 thread
There is a fairly good cycle lanes from Kingston towards Richmond up until you reach the Richmond Council border where Richmond Road (A307) turns into the Upper Ham Road (A307) and eventually Petersham Road (A307). At traffic lights along this route there are reserved areas for cyclists but along the roads there is nothing to remind drivers that cyclists share the road especially when the road narrows after Sandy Lane through Petersham. The road surface here is terrible and the speed bumps are pointless because some driver sprint between the bumps.
The best solution would be to remove the cyclists from this route altogether by upgrading the Thames Path to create a proper cycle path along the River Thames towards Richmond that currently stops at Teddington Lock. If a cycle/foot bridge linking Ham with Twickenham was built over Eel Pie along this route it would create an obvious link for those want to reach Twickenham.