
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Irlams O'th Height Roundabout

    Created by Grahame Cooper // 1 thread

    Irlams O'th Height roundabout has been the location of a number of collisions involving cyclists (including myself and my daughter last September).

    There was a consultation last year over proposals produced by Sustrans for the improvement of this, and I showed my comments (annotations on proposed plans) at a previous GMCC meeting. You can find this annotated document here: (large PDF - need to download to see all pages).

    A leaflet on the intended imrovements can be found here:

    I am disappointed with this for the following reasons:

    - Extensive use of shared footways in the scheme (Salford Council seems to be in love with these, but they are bad).

    - Southbound approach on A666 looks impractical & dangerous: a sharp left turn onto the shared footway right at the busy entrance to the roundabout!

    - Whilst carriageway widths have been reduced, kerb radii at the mouth of entrances and exits do not seem to have been reduced, so "drivers looking right whilst accelerating left" will still pose a danger for cyclists who do not want to use the shared footways.

    - Limited improvements to the subways (tile removal, lighting and resurfacing) will probably not result in an attractive facility for cyclists. Access to this from Bolton Road (northbound) looks awkward.

    - There is no undertaking mentioned to ensure that facilities will be maintained and swept.

    - I'm still not confident regarding the social safety of the off-road parts, especially in the dark winter months.

    Those are my immediate reactions. Could be more to add.

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  • Waterfront development

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 2 threads

    According to the Evening Star a developer has purchased the wine rack.
    The proposal involves calling for a multi storey car park although the developer also acknowledges the very high traffic volumes on the Star Lane gyratory.
    To make it more appealing for people to access the Waterfront from the town centre he proposes an elevated pedestrian walkway.

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  • NCN route 11 and the Waterbeach Gap

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    I've visited Riverside to Waterbeach with William Rayner of county cycling team. He's revising signage here and providing it along the St Ives corridor, with the old NCN 51 being renamed Regional Route 24 (blue patch). We've decided finally to continue to sign NCN 11 from Riverside Bridge to Waterbeach Station, and he's looking at suitable (hopefully temporary) wording to advise to follow NCN 51 to Bottisham for destinations beyond Waterbeach, which will hopefully eliminate misrouting those from outside the area.

    Our inspection of existing signs showed that only one new signboard was provided on completion 5 years ago of Riverside Bridge. Signboards still send people via Green Dragon. Sustrans considers signage is an important part of any route project.

    The intention is to sign Milton Country Park as a destination, not as part of the route, removing route signs within the park, and probably retaining Coles Road as the signed route through the village, though it would be much preferable to have improvements past the shops and the village green, pubs etc.

    Retaining the route to Waterbeach as NCN will help keep the gap in people's awareness.

    I am planning to contact again the landowner of the missing link between Bottisham Lock and Fen Road, Lode with a suggestion for a low-level route, southeast side of the Bottisham Lode floodbank which is the route of the public footpath, where signs forbid cycling. It might be considered more visually acceptable. All parish councils are for the route, including the one of which he is a member.

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  • Planning application for land south of railway line for northern fringe

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Council’s Ref No: IP/14/00638/OUTFL
    Site Address: Land To South Of Railway Line Westerfield Road Ipswich

    Proposed Work : An outline planning application for a mixed use development for up to 815 dwellings (C3); a district centre (with up to 7,360 sqm of floorspace in the following use classes: A1 retail (not exceeding 4,540 sqm), financial services (A2), restaurants, pubs and takeaways (A3, A4, A5), business uses (B1a), dwellings and institutional residential uses (C2,C3) and non-residential institutions (including health centre (D1) and leisure uses (D2)); a primary school (D1); vehicular access from Westerfield Road (x2) and Henley Road (cycle, pedestrian, emergency vehicle, temporary bus route only); provision of public amenity space; provision of infrastructure (including highways, parking, cycle, pedestrian routes, utilities and sustainable drainage systems); landscaping and engineering works (including ground remodelling and enabling works). Within the outline described above full details are submitted for 80 of the total dwellings proposed and associated vehicular access from Westerfield Road. Works proposed will affect Tree Preservation Orders and public right of ways within the application site. An Environmental Statement has been submitted with the application under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.

    The above planning application which is accompanied by an Environmental Statement, has been submitted and I am writing to you with details of how the proposals can be viewed for your consideration and comment.

    The planning application can be viewed online by going to the Council’s home page and choosing search planning applications from Quick Links, proceed to Planning Application Information and enter the reference number in the search box. Alternatively you may contact the Officer dealing with the matter on the above telephone number to discuss the proposals, or if you have difficulty viewing online.

    You will know that Local Planning Authorities are under a duty to deal with applications within statutory time periods and in this case, 16 weeks.  Therefore it is important that your comments are received promptly, so that any revisions may be negotiated, revised plans received and the application determined within the prescribed period.

    I must therefore request that you reply with any observations, or indicating no comment, by 26th August 2014. If I do not hear from you by this date I reserve the right to determine the application without further delay.

    However, if you feel that you will not be able to respond by the date given, please contact Ms Rosalynn Claxton, who may agree an extension of time, dependant upon all material considerations.

    Please email comments back to

    Yours faithfully

    Steve Miller DipEP MRTPI
    Town Planning Operations Manager
    Development and Public Protection

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  • Consultation on Pancras Road/Midland Road

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    The proposals from Camden Council are intended to improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in the vicinity of the new developments on Goodsway including the new Town Hall Annex and include new measures under the St Pancras station railway overpass. They also will eventually link to the southern extension of the cycle route down Royal College Street and the proposed northbound cycle route on Midland Road.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:

    · A separate segregated cycle track to protect the left turn for northbound cyclists from Pancras Road (adjacent to the station) to Pancras Road westbound under the rail tracks. This would link to a 2m wide centre lane for cyclists turning right up Pancras Road towards Camden, and a separate left turn lane for all traffic. The centre lane would be a continuation of the dedicated track, with left-turning motor vehicles having to make a deliberate crossing of this lane; a method used in other countries to enable cyclists to take the lane more easily. This can be seen on the first of the diagrams on Camden’s website.
    · A lightly segregated 2m wide eastbound cycle track under the rail tracks.
    · A lightly segregated 2m kerbside lane down Pancras Road until the approach to Midland Road. This will gradually move out into a centre lane with left-turning motor vehicles having to make a deliberate crossing of this lane. Unfortunately the details of this are not shown on the consultation but it should be there soon.
    · A segregated 2m cycle track for cyclists northbound on Midland Road between Brill Place and Pancras Road.
    · Advance start signals for cyclists at the Pancras Road/Midland Road junction.

    We spent a lot of time discussing with Camden engineers how we could implement fully protected junctions for cyclists but were unable to come up with a scheme due to the constraints imposed by road width and especially the supporting columns for the rail overpass.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 29th August so we'll take comments on board until the 22nd.

    Lightly segregated - like Royal College Street, probably 'armadillos'
    Segregated - separated by a hard kerb.

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  • Access blocked from Bramshot Lane to MoD Lands

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 0 threads

    Bramshot Lane was a MoD Road which went from Summit Avenue to the entrance of the National Gas Turbine Establishment at Pyestock. The Pyestock site and road have been sold to developers and the site renamed Hartland Park.
    The developers have now erected fencing on both sides of the road which comes up to the locked gates used by the MoD to access their land.
    Previously there was a gap at the side of the MoD gates to allow access for cyclists and pedestrians.
    For cyclists the main issue is the SUP crossing at the northern end which provides a valuable link between Farnborough and Fleet.
    The last remaining alternative is a staggered crossing on the A327 near the bridge over the railway and Fleet Road. This has poor sightlines and is unsafe.
    About 200m to south access to the Military Lands has been blocked on both sided of the road. It was previously possible to walk or cycle between the two sections of the Lands divided by Bramshot Lane.
    Note that paragraph 2 of the Aldershot and District Military Lands Byelaws 1976 allows public assess to the Military Lands when not being used for military purposes.

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  • Safe cycle routes to schools and the Community Infrastructure Levy in Three Rivers District

    Petition to Three Rivers District Council:
    “Please would you deliver a programme of safe cycle routes to our schools, using a substantial increase in the cycling budget of the Community Infrastructure Levy.
    (This Levy will become payable by developers).”

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  • Obstructive cycle parking installation, Mill Road

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Cycle parking as recently been installed on the pavement at one spot on Mill Road.

    While new cycle parking is much-needed in this area, personally I feel this specific spot is unduly obstructive to pedestrians and the disabled.

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  • North Lane: cycle parking

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    Cycle stands are needed on the north-west side of North Lane, a street with a number of independent shops and a relatively high flow of cyclists.

    Well-used cycle parking does exist on the other side of North Lane, but parked cars and traffic make the street difficult to cross.

    A bank of stands could either be sited on the walkway (with consideration given to the width of the pavement) or occupy one parking space.

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  • Hardings Way and Connections

    Created by MJR // 4 threads

    Hardings Way is incomplete and frequently under threat. What exists is a fairly good and very popular route from Wisbech Road to Boal Quay, but the route south of Wisbech Road is still not open (2014). Most of the connections are also incomplete: when buses were allowed onto Hardings Way, we were supposed to get improved connecting routes including through the town centre (never happened) and past the Southgates (dangerously botched). Instead, the northern part is under threat of being opened to taxis and minicabs (July 2014 draft Air Quality Action Plan) and there are frequent rumours of it being opened to all traffic, contrary to local and national policies.

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  • Rickmansworth, Ebury Roundabout.

    Created by Roger Bangs // 1 thread

    The existing NCR6 shared-use path turns into the Aquadrome. At the turning it will be useful to continue the shared use path around the roundabout and across the Uxbridge Road to Nightingale Road. This will provide a safe continuous route from both the NCR6 & town centre into the residential area.

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  • Rickmansworth/Mill End-20mph

    Created by Roger Bangs // 0 threads

    Make the speed limit on all roads in this area 20 mph, as it is primary a residential area. This will make walking & cycling safer with little inconvenience to motorists. The proposed 20 mph area does not include the boundary classified A roads.

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  • Bridgewater Cycleway; Deansgate/Whitworth Street junction

    Created by David Butler // 3 threads

    The Bridgewater Way aims to provide a high quality route for walkers and cyclists over the complete 65km length of the Bridgewater Canalbetween Runcorn, Leigh and Manchester City Centre. The cornerstone of the project is a major upgrade to the canal towpath, which as well as greatly improving conditions for pedestrians, will make it easier for cyclists to use the tow path.
    The Deansgate / Whitworth Street West Street junction is also proposed to be revised to provide toucan crossing points and easier access to the canal from Whitworth Street West withsignal controlled cycle movements running past Deansgate station. The proposed works at the
    junction are also intended to provide improved “on street” facilities to assist cyclists travelling towards and away from Manchester city centre.

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  • Ancoats & New Islington regeneration strategy

    Created by David Butler // 1 thread

    Manchester City Council Development strategy for the Ancoats and New Islington Areas. Includes development and urban design principles, and will be a "material consideration" in determinng planning applications.
    A recent announcement about the funding of 6000 new residential units by ADUG in this part of Manchester increases the need to ensure that cycling is given due prominence in this strategy.

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  • Mill Rd depot housing site

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads

    The Mill Road depot site has been mooted as a likely housing location in the Local Plan.

    We should ensure that the proposals are cycle friendly (possibly car-free or very low-car housing), and that the route is safeguarded for the Chisholm Trail.

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  • Inappropriate surface treatment for cycle route ie Fen Road, Milton

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    I've had a letter from the council. Not sure if someone put a copy through my door as they knew I was interested in the Fen Road, Milton, as it's dated 30th June which is over two weeks ago.

    I think "suface dressing" ie loose chippings, is a totally inappropriate treatment for a road which has not that much motor traffic and rather a lot of cycle traffic. The loose chippings will be a skid and physical hazard for cyclists for months to come.

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  • Addenbrooke's bike parking

    Richard G // 2 threads

    I've had a wander around the Addenbrooke's campus again this lunchtime, counting bikes that were not in what I would call bike spaces.
    ie not in a proper bike space, attached to a proper bike support.

    so, all the ones attached to railings, trees, bike shed legs etc.

    I've added the numbers to the last few times I've done this, back in 2011 & 2007

    July 2014 Total bikes not in racks = 530
    Oct 2011 Total was 526
    Jun 2007 Total was 399
    Mar 2007 Total was 289

    I'll see if I can attach my map & numbers to this thread


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  • Addenbrooke's bike group meeting report

    Richard G // 4 threads

    Hi everyone

    A short report back from yesterday's BUG-WAG
    (bicycle user group - walking action group) on the Addenbrooke's campus

    The junction of Adrian Way & Long Road had the origional plan for a bike right turn island rejected on the grounds of pedestrian safety. Nothing was forthcoming as to any change

    units and departments are being encouraged to take part in the Cambridge Cycle Challenge

    After the meeting with some campaign members about the path/junction by outpatients carpark, new plans are being drawn up without the barrier & in effect, just a T juntion. Not sure if planners will insist on 'STOP' or 'Give Way' signs. We hope to be informed.

    there are some changes to existing cycle parking, some racks being relocated away from the main drag to make more disabled parking spaces. Railings around the front entrance are being removed with the effect that bikes chained to them will have to go somewhere else. The trust seem to think that they have an excess of spaces for bikes, but that cyclists dont always travel further to use them. I'm really not convinced they have an excess & will be doing another sitewide count of bikes/spaces soon
    There still does not seem to be any bigger plan to place cycle parking as the site developments happen, rather just a piecemeal approach where everyone does their own thing.

    A (i think big) issue that was brought up is where 'The Forum' development works & access plans were seen for the first time.
    The Forum is the building that will go on the carparks opposite ATC, and around the Frank Lee. A bus stop will close, foot paths will close and the most concern to the group was that hoardings will go up on the actual curb line. We thought this would make a very intimidating route to cycle eastbound along Robinson Way. We are expecting a scan of the plans & I will circulate (as part of a new thread)

    There were some other info bits about the Hills Road changes (happening), cycleway lighting, the OWL bike maintenance people's hours and the potential impact of the Park & Ride charges starting next week


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  • Rochdale Canal Towpath Gating

    Created by Jonathan Keenan // 1 thread

    Although this is not a cycle path this should be monitored. MCC, Fire and Police are proposing gating and 12 hour closures of this section of path. This is due to a number of fatalities by drowning.
    This is a fairly interesting and somewhat unpleasant section known as the Undercroft.
    I will scout the site to see if there is an argument for creating a cycle path to encourage more people to used this area with the proven argument that more people creates safer environments. I suspect this will not be practical but worth checking before a right of way is lost.

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  • Pinewood Park to Fernhill School route

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread

    Proposed alternative route for cyclists on quiet roads and existing footpaths from Pinewood Park to Fernhill Schools avoiding Sandy Lane and Chapel Lane. Would require improvements to footpaths to make them safe for cycling and a change of status to SUP. Also requires a safe crossing on Fernhill Road. Proposed by Cllr Muschamp.

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