
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • St Matthew's Gardens - parking proposals

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    This attractive, car-free development - heavily used as a cycling and walking route - has gradually turned into an ugly car park in recent months following the temporary removal of enforcement. The County Council are proposing partial re-regulation of parking.

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  • Orchard Park, shops

    Created by Heather Coleman // 0 threads

    An article in today's Cambridge News about the new shops in Orchard Park isn't encouraging reading.

    Link to article is

    The headline says it all. They are proposing shops that will probably only act as "corner shops" so people will all drive along the A14 or Kings Hedges Road to Milton Tesco.

    This seems on the face of it, to add to the general anti-cycling design that Orchard Park has had since the first bulldozers went into action. I don't know what others think, or what can be done about it. Presumably a too large supermarket isn't wanted there, as then it would become a magnet for people outside of Orchard Park to drive to, unless, but this is not a suggestion that is possible, it had virtually no car parking, just for the disabled, but lots of bike parking, and good smooth pedestrian paths to all the houses.

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  • 20mph limits in Cambridge

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 9 threads

    A 20mph limit in residential areas of Cambridge would vastly improve safety and enable more people to cycle. What extent should it cover and how can we achieve it?

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  • Local Plan 2018 - creation and review

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 21 threads

    The Local Plan is being reviewed - which will be a big process over the coming two years. It's important that cyclists engage with this and ensure that deficiencies, such as lack of cycle parking, are fixed.

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  • Sainsbury's St Andrew's Street - lorry deliveries

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    There was a Sainbury's lorry delivering to the front of the St Andrew's Street store today despite signs saying there is no loading at any time on posts nearby. Sadly I didn't have camera. So my question is 1) Are they allowed to do this? and 2) if not, should we make a fuss (assuming it's a regular occurrence?)

    [Originally submitted by another user, just transferring this to be a full issue so it has a location]

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  • Cambourne Secondary School

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    A new school at Cambourne is proposed here. Obviously we want to encourage children to cycle to it, but the conditions need to be right.

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  • St. Mark's Road to Holloway cut-through

    Created by t1mmyb // 0 threads

    This shortcut is technically pedestrians-only, but forms a useful link from the environs of Bath Spa station (Widcombe) to Holloway, a dead-end for motor vehicles and therefore a quiet, if steep, climb to Bear Flat, Wellsway and beyond.

    Dropped kerbs, barrier/chicane removal etc. would make this route usable by parents with cycle trailers, people on cargobikes and the like.

    It was slated as a piece of work to be done by Bath & NE Somerset, but there's been no news lately.

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  • No cycle bypass on The Hollow upper pinch point

    Created by t1mmyb // 0 threads

    There is a pair of traffic-calming chicanes/pinch points on The Hollow. The one lower down the hill (where drivers must give way to downhill traffic) has a cycle bypass; the one further up the hill (where ascending traffic has priority) does not.

    When I cycle up The Hollow I am probably managing about 5mph; this pinch point brings me into conflict with much faster motorised traffic going up the hill, to the extent that I usually avoid the road completely and take a different route (Southdown Road) that has no traffic islands/pinchpoints.

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  • Barton Road speed limit

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    Dear CCC,

    In light of the recent news of a cyclist being injured by a motorist whilst on the off road cycle path on Barton Road ( I was wondering if the CCC is campaigning for a reduction in the speed limit along Barton Road? I think (but am not categorically sure) that Barton Road remains the last main road into Cambridge with a 60mph limit.

    Barton Road suffers from two problems with speed: heading out of town motorists accelerate from 30 to 60 after the speed camera; and heading into town motorists are coming off the motorway and are used to such speeds and continue to drive way over the 60 limit.

    According to the Barton Road has seen several fatalities and many accidents recently.


    Barnabas Baggs

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  • Better Bus Areas Fund

    Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread

    Proposed package: Streamlining bus services through Cambridge city centre

    A package of measures including some of the following is proposed:
    • Cambridge Core Scheme extension – potential remove all traffic but buses and cycles from St Andrews Street north of Emmanuel Street through the day.
    • Address taxi overcrowding in St Andrews Street.
    • Remove / relocate some on-street parking in Jesus Lane.
    • Bus priority measures along Chesterton Road
    • Improved bus stop infrastructure in Hobson Street and Jesus Lane.
    • Removal of some parking on Histon Road and Station Road.
    • On Street ticketing at busy or constrained boarding points to reduce bus standing time and pedestrian congestion.
    • Enhanced enforcement of infringements on key bus routes and stops.
    • Rerouting of some buses away from Bridge Street / Magdalene Street.
    • Park and ride capacity enhancements
    • Rural interchange enhancements on longer routes benefiting from the city centre improvements.

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