
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Barnet Draft Local Plan

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The Local Plan is the key planning document for Barnet. This is your chance to influence its content.

    • sets out a vision for how Barnet will change as a place over the next 15 years
    • will replace the existing 2012 Local Plan
    • Chapter 11 covers transport and communication
    • You can also invite us to attend a meeting to present the Local Plan and feedback your views.

    Public Events:

    Date Time Location
    5th February 2020 6.30-8.00pm St Paul's, 50 Long Ln, Finchley, N3 2PU
    10th February 2020 6.30-8.00pm Barnet Council, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW
    11th February 2020 6.30-8.00pm Barnet House, 1255 High Rd, N20 0EJ
    4th March 2020 7.00-10.00pm 3 Resident's Area Forums at:
    • Chipping Barnet Library, 3 Stapylton Rd, EN5 4QT
    • Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4BG
    • Finchley Church End Library, 318-320, Gateway House, Regents Park Rd, Finchley, N3 2LN

    More info. and feedback options are availabvle on the link given in the issue.

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  • 19/1734/FUL Clerk Maxwell Road - 35 dwellings

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    19/1734/FUL | Erection of 35 dwellings involving the re-positioning of existing access onto Clerk Maxwell Road, provision of new spine road, parking, cycle provision, landscaping and associated infrastructure. | Clerk Maxwell Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire

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  • Crouch Street West contraflow spur used as further parking

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    The, albeit contrived, design expects cyclists travelling East (from or across Rawstorn Rd.) into Crouch Street to use this spur to cross to the opposite ("shared use") pavement to avoid the angled parking along the North side of the street.  Unsurprisingly, the spur isn't well used, while the short stay spaces are often full, so the spur is regularly used for parking.

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  • Rosehill Area Renewal

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    Have your say about Rosehill: What do you love about it? What would you like to change? And which changes would have the biggest impact on your life?

    Between January and February 2020, we are focusing on the physical side of your area. We're asking you and your community to let us know how we can change your area to make your life easier. Share your thoughts and help shape your area.

    Share your ambitions for Rosehill

    and what follows is a survey of likes and suggestions with ability to get more involved, a number of drop in sessions listed too. 

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  • No Entry at Clay Farm Centre

    Created by Eleanor Blair // 1 thread

    Bus gate at Clay Farm Centre is marked with a "no entry except buses" sign - this route it used by many bikes, and should probably be changed. I'd rather not go through no-entry signs, but I do at the moment as it's the only sensible route by bike from Trumpington Park Primary to Lime Avenue.

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  • Highway Code changes

    sound+fury // 1 thread

    A bill is being put forward to sentence any cyclist convicted of dangerous cycling to a 14 year prison term.

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  • Finchley Central station

    Created by Penny Lovatt // 1 thread

    Plans to develop the area around the station by TFL and Taylor Wimpey, with 560 new homes to be built.  

    There will be 60 + covered cycle spaces for commuters in a secure cycle hub which will include new e-bike charging points and a cafe. 
    A new dedicated cycle route is being provided between Crescent Road and the High Street. 

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  • West Finchley Neighbourhood Plan

    Created by JonC // 2 threads

    The West Finchley Neighbourhood Forum (as the qualifying body) has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for their area with the help of the local community. The NDP sets out a vision for the future of the local area and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

    You can make representations on the Regulation 16 West Finchley Neighbourhood Development Plan by using the following methods:

    Any representations must be submitted before 5.00pm 26 February 2020.  Documents can be downloaded from the following link.

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  • Harrow 'Northern' Cycle Route

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to build a 'Northern Cycle Route', mostly a signed route with minimal intervention and no changes to the road space allocated to motor vehicles. Some of the route follows existing advisory cycle lanes or signed-only routes along busy roads that do not meet cycle design standards. There are a few isolated improvements - small sections of segregated path on verges to connect service roads or other minor roads, and some new parallel zebras, but even these are poorly designed and take cyclists well away from the crossing desire lines.

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  • Wealdstone Town Centre Redevelopment

    Created by Anoop // 1 thread

    Harrow council is proposing to reroute buses in Wealdstone town centre in order to improve bus reliability. They are also proposing expensive re-modelling of junctions and repaving of the high street, but without any changes to the car circulation plan or new cycle routes.

    There will be a short section of cycle path along a short section of the high street (part of the TfL Quietway), but another section of the high street is becoming one-way with no cycling contraflow. Cycle desire lines to and from the station or Harrow Leisure centre are not catered for at all. Many of the pedestrian desire lines lack formal crossings.

    There are no measures to reduce car traffic or restrict cars from certain roads, beyond the restrictions that exist already. Overall this scheme will do little to increase walking or cycling in Wealdstone.

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  • Victoria Quarter Development

    Created by JonC // 3 threads

    • 692 much-needed new homes, including 35% affordable (242 homes) This is almost double the 2017 planning consent.
    • Creating a transition to Victoria Recreation Ground, improving public access and delivering new landscaping
    • 404 new car parking spaces, with 79 at the surface and the remainder undercroft
    • 1,317 new cycle parking spaces
    • 615sqm of mixed-use commercial space
    • New public realm and associated landscaping
    • Access and connectivity improvements

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  • Planning application : 19/1375/FUL Rebuild existing convenience store

    Created by KW // 1 thread

    Rebuild existing convenience store (including part demolition, external works, and refurbishment) - Use Class A1 (Shop), and the provision of 8no. one bed residential apartments above to create a two storey development, reconfiguration of the existing car park, cycle parking provision, landscaping and associated infrastructure works.

    1 Rectory Terrace High Street Cherry Hinton Cambridge CB1 9HU


    Application reference : 19/1375/FUL

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  • Access for people cycling to Milton Road Primary School

    Created by Sarah Hughes // 1 thread

    I'm concerned that the current entryway design and policy on entering the school grounds at Milton Road Primary School is dangerous for people cycling (many of whom are children). I would like to suggest an improved entryway design and policy on entering the school grounds to the school for their consideration. Is there anyone with experience in this area who could advise? Or anyone who'd like to join me in making the submission? 

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  • Bene't Street closed for sewer repair

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Bene't street will be closed for four weeks (until early/mid Feb 2020) so that Anglian Water can work to repair a collapsed sewer in Cambridge. A diversion for cars will in place. The footpath is open to people walking and pushing their cycles. The diversion for the cars means that Corn Exchange street is two-way for cars and this has implications for people cycling on the contraflow lanes. 

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  • Greenwich to Woolwich A206 CW4/CFR11 Part 1

    Created by Neil Robertson // 1 thread

    Woolwich Road A206 Woolwich to Greenwich Cycleway. CW4 / CFR11 Extension.

    This is the new consultation from TfL from 6 January 2020 to 16 February 2020 for part of the CW4 extension between Charlton (Hope & Anchor Lane) and the Woolwich ferry.

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  • Gritting and slipping

    Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 1 thread

    I'm investigating multiple reports of accidents with experienced cyclists suddenly slipping off their bikes and would appreciate knowing about anyone this has happened to recently.  The common characteristics are:

    Experienced cyclists.

    No frost/ice on road.

    Sudden loss of control of bike, wheels slipping out.

    Visible residue on the road.

    Injury serious enough to go to A&E.

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