
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Charles Cross Roundabout

    Created by WilliamNB // 1 thread

    Charles Cross roundabout is dangerous to cyclists. When approaching from Royal Parade side, intending to continue east along Exeter Street, there are 3 lanes, of which the left-most is a left-turn-only bus lane.
    Cyclists typically go into the middle lane when approaching the roundabout.
    On the roundabout itself. there are 3 lanes heading uphill, 1 of which is the bus lane. Cyclists typically tend to take the middle lane and follow it around.
    The trouble is, many vehicles in the right-hand lane on the roundabout leave the roundabout from that lane, to go straight up Charles Street, often cutting cyclists up in the process.
    Vehicles coming down Charles Street often don't yield to cyclists on the roundabout, and the same happens with vehicles joining from Hampton/Ebrington Street. Those vehicles often try to cut across two lanes to get to the innermost lane of the roundabout.
    There is a cycle lane along the southern edge of the roundabout, though that really is only of use for cyclists riding west along Exeter Street, towards Royal Parade. Cyclists wishing to exit the roundabout at either Charles Street or Hampton/Ebrington Street must leave the cycle lane.
    Vehicles entering or leaving the parking in front of Staples often do not yield to cyclists.
    Crossing Charles Cross from Exeter Street, while riding in a westerly direction has the benefit of using the bus lane, which allows cyclists to set off without having to compete with other traffic for road space.

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  • Fulbourn through-village route

    Created by Adrian Taylor // 0 threads

    Fulbourn School's travel policy leaflet this year suggests that kids should cycle to school along Pierce Lane. This is also what is suggested in the documentation for the Ida Darwin planning application.

    I don't particularly fancy taking my kids to school along such a busy road each day.

    Wouldn't it be more sensible to recommend a nearly traffic-free route through the village making use of the path connecting Dunmowe Way and Swifts Corner. This connects straight into the school, and using Caraway Road and Cherry Orchard is low-traffic almost all the way to the new Ida Darwin redevelopment.

    No changes are required; the route is already good enough. However, removal of the bollards between Cherry Orchard and Caraway Road would allow cycle trailers through, and a few more dropped kerbs would help here and there.

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  • Ham Gate Ave - parking narrows road causing conflict

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 2 threads

    Ham Gate Avenue: As you cycle past parked vehicles which narrow the road by almost half you are trapped in a long tunnel. Impatient motorists who want to enter from the other end do so and simply drive at you forcing you practically into the gutter or off the road completely. Would it be ever possible to ban parking on this avenue and limit the speed to 20mph as it is in the park?

    Note - there is a shared use segregated track alongside the road here (part of NCN 4) but it is frequently too narrow to cope with the volumes of cyclists and pedestrians; it is overhung with low tree branches and the surface is poor.

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  • Tudor Drive / Dukes Ave / A307 Junction

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    Dear RCC - I have written because of a junction which is a frequent danger spot to cycle through. It is the junction where Dukes Avenue and Tudor Drive intersect with the A307 Upper Ham Road and Richmond Road.

    1. The painted arrows in the middle of the junction suggest that turning traffic should pass on each other's left. This creates a serious blind spot for oncoming traffic and for the cyclist turning. Traffic code 181 suggests vehicles can pass either way but highlight that left to left is the more dangerous for this reason. 90% of the time motorists pass according to how the arrows are painted leaving a cyclist who is turning blind to oncoming traffic. The 10% of the time when a vehicle decides to turn right to right this puts them head on with a vehicle who may have decided to pass left to left. Very dangerous for a cyclist in either situation, there does't seem to be a safe way to tackle this junction as what ever you do.

    2. Recently I was waiting to turn right on this junction (left to left position) when a motorist behind me undertook me to place himself to my left blocking oncoming traffic to pass on my left and therefor forcing them to drive at me and pass on my right. Simply because he didn't want to wait behind me until the coast was clear that I could turn.

    3. Needless to say the ASL's at this junction are almost completely ignored.

    I hate cycling past and turning at this junction. Is there any way it can be improved to become safer for cyclists? A short head start (green light for cyclists) would be ideal but I doubt this will ever happen.

    Google Streetview shows the problem nicely:

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  • Add cycle-specific traffic lights at Victoria Bridge Road/Brougham Hayes junction

    Created by t1mmyb // 0 threads

    Cycling south from Victoria Bridge Road to Brougham Hayes either involves a multi-stage walk across the pedestrian crossings at the junction, or, more riskily, cycling across the junction between traffic light phases on the other arms of the junction.

    The exit from Victoria Bridge Road could have its own traffic light phase instead.

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  • Gagging Law

    Created by Phil Lee // 1 thread

    Are members aware that this bill would prevent us from virtually any activity at all during the 12 months before each and every election in the UK?
    Details can be found at various sources online, but there is a summary on Youtube at

    If this bill isn't defeated (or amended beyond all recognition) it will effectively stop us - and any similar group - from functioning at all.

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  • Charging for parking at Park & Ride sites

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    The County Council are proposing to move to a model where both the car parking and the bus element of park and ride are charged for. Effectively this is presumably aimed at stopping park and cycle, which seems counter-productive in transport strategy terms.

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  • Litlington to Therfield over the A505 at Royston

    Created by JonC // 0 threads

    Our club (South Herts CTC) had to cross the A505 to get back into Hertfordshire on Sunday and we took a route between Litlington and Therfield which involved 500 m along the A505 and a right turn at the roundabout west of Royston.

    I was quite surprised there was no cycle route to help cyclists here. It was a Sunday so at least there were fewer heavy vehicles than normal, but the speed of some cars coming up behind made it tricky to change lanes on a bike when turning right at the roundabout.

    Since then I have studied other ways of crossing the A505 (using Google Streetview) and can't find any easy crossing points near Royston. I see it is the boundary between Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, which complicates matters (although it looks like the A505 road is in Herts).

    To the east, I've used the B1368 crossing at Flint Cross, which is also a nightmare. To the west the crossing at Slip End does at least have a central refuge. It seems little or no thought was given to cyclists when the A505 was constructed.

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  • Baldwin Street Cycle Safety Fund scheme

    Created by aSemy // 0 threads


    The purpose of this scheme is to address the large number of crashes involving cycles on Baldwin St, at the junction with Queen Charlotte Street.

    We propose extending the existing cycle track at Welsh Back and take it across the junction via a humped crossing. We have introduced a ‘floating bus stop’ to separate buses and cyclists. There will be a formal crossing point for pedestrians to access the stop from the footway.

    A small number of parking places would be removed but loading, bus and taxi facilities are retained, although altered.

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  • Pavement cycling stops just before cycle shop

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads

    The legal pavement cycling is suddenly not allowed 3 car lengths before a cycle shop near this junction which has toucan crossings and cycle paths on all other sides of it. Why can't it be continued to the bike shop for a safe cycle route to/from the junction away from traffic?

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  • Consultation on Cobden Junction

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 5 threads

    Camden Council proposes major improvements to Cobden junction – the junction of Camden High Street with Crowndale Road and Hampstead Road at its southern end.

    They propose the following measures:

    - eliminate the unnecessary northbound road on the east side of the island

    - gain extra footway space on the east side of the road (uses to include cycle parking, trees, seating)

    - widen the footway outside Mornington Crescent Station

    - safer, quicker and simpler pedestrian crossings

    - improved link for cyclists to the Mornington Crescent quiet route (from Arlington Road).

    - new ASL boxes with lead-in lanes on the approach to the junction from Eversholt Street, Crowndale Road and Hampstead Road.

    - re-site the statue of Richard Cobden and the war memorial

    Proposal for contraflow cycling on Crowndale Road:

    A few months ago, we were shown designs for a contraflow on Crowndale Road between Hampstead Road and Bayham Street with some junction changes at the latter to accommodate it. Unfortunately, this was rejected by TfL on the grounds that it would delay buses. This consultation notes that the layout has been designed to accommodate the contraflow at a future date.

    This consultation also says that in addition, alternative options for providing a west to east link are being explored at both Delancey Street / Pratt Street and Oakley Square. We need to encourage Camden to pursue these essential links. In the case of the latter, there is an urgent need to allow cyclists to make right turn right into Hampstead road from the southern end of Mornington Crescent.

    See consultation on Camden Council website:

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  • Catholic Church junction surfacing

    Created by Aidan Van de Weyer // 0 threads

    The Hills Road / Regent Street axis of the Catholic Church junction was resurfaced overnight (28-29 August) as part of the junction upgrade.

    Many of the damaged iron works (manhole covers, etc) have not been changed. Some are in a bad state and quite dangerous because they have worn smooth, sunk or tilted.

    I have contacted the Traffic Signals team at CCC, as they seem to be responsible for the works, and they should be getting back to me.

    If anyone else fancies having a go at finding out what is going on and whether anything can now be done, it would be very welcome.

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  • New CCC website design and implementation

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    For discussions on the design of the new website, following the CCC Committee decision to initiate the construction of a new CCC website.

    A working party has been set up, consisting initially of George, Jean, Ben and Geoff.

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  • Burgess Road 80cm cycle lane

    Created by Dan Doherty // 0 threads

    Very narrow cycle lane between University Road and Violet Road and Broadlands Road. Encourages very close passes when cycling in the lane (with 10cm of your handlebars), or aggressive impatient driving if you cycle outside of the lane. Additionally to cycle within this cycle lane it is necessary to cycle closer to the kerb than the recommended 50cm from kerb (
    Lane markings are extremely faded. Lane contains several drains.

    No cycle lane would be better than the current cycle lane.

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  • Obstruction to family cycling

    Created by Martinn // 0 threads

    There is a set of bollard which have been placed that prevent cycling as a family, in order to reduce car journeys. Negotiation without manhandling the Bike and dismounting is impossible when riding a Tandem, and requires even more effort when a Tag -along is connected. Can these obstructions be removed please

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  • signage on cycle-pedestrian path next to Trumpington allotments, Cambridge

    Created by Robert Asher // 1 thread

    Hello, I'm wondering how many other Cambridge cyclists have shared the experience I've had (about once per month now) regarding a particular elderly lady who insists that bikes are not allowed on the "footpath" adjacent to the Trumpington allotments, between Shelford Rd & the new busway in CB2. This path seems clearly demarcated as a shared pedestrian-cycle path on the cycle maps provided at the council link (below). However, it is not clearly labeled as such on the path itself, leading her to become quite angry with any cyclist who gets near her & her dog while they're out walking (and obstructing the path to underscore her point). "It's a footpath" she yells, and storms away.
    So my questions are 1) am I correct in interpreting the council map (below) as permitting bikes on this path and 2) how might one go about requesting proper signage, clearly saying bikes & pedestrians are both welcome?
    Thanks for any feedback, Robert

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