Rampton to Northstowe Cycleway
The Rampton to Northstowe cycleway needs to have a decent surface so that people from Rampton and Cottenham can access Northstowe on a bicycle.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:
Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread
The Rampton to Northstowe cycleway needs to have a decent surface so that people from Rampton and Cottenham can access Northstowe on a bicycle.
Created by Robin Heydon // 3 threads
There is a need for a link between the A14 Histon interchange with Ring Fort Path in Orchard Park.
The A14 Histon Interchange is hostile to bikes as their is no way to safely cross the entrance slip roads onto the A14.
Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread
The Cottenham to Histon cycleway needs improvement.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 19 threads
Major planning for 3,000 houses between Madingley Road and Huntingdon Road.
It will also have shops, University laboratories, etc.
Vehicles are continually abusing cyclists who use the road here because the bus lane on the other side forces the carriageway to be narrow.
Although there is the cycleway, it has the usual problems of loss of priority at sideroads, bins in the way, people going in and out of driveways, etc.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 11 threads
Major planning application here - c. 10,000 homes
The new gate is exit-only but it's obvious that people will want to cycle in.
Created by Andy Field // 2 threads
Sign indicates permissive cycleway through Church although additional signage indicates that cyclists must dismount
Created by David Earl // 4 threads
There are some evil short grey posts on the busway cycleway that are really hard to see in the dark. I have heard of a number of people hitting them with disastrous consequences
Created by Andy Field // 1 thread
Lack of signage to indicate hidden corner and t-junction coming out of underpass on guided busway heading into Cambridge
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
It is intimidating to use this roundabout because of the high shrubbery in the middle. It is supposed to slow traffic down but my subjective feeling is that it doesn't
Created by Testing // 1 thread
Since the private enforcement regime stopped, car parking is becoming endemic here.
This is ruining the feeling of this estate.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread
This junction can be dangerous for cyclists due to narrow pinch points, and drivers being too eager to jump past them, and are happy to frighten cyclists by honking their horns due to them "being in the way", when they are just taking the primary position so that they don't get knocked off their bike.
Created by Andrew France // 1 thread
It has an uneven degraded surface in the cycle lanes from the Elizabeth Way roundabout until the bridge.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 3 threads
Downing College are cracking down further on people cycling through the area. Gate now moved and is locked.
Created by Andy Allan // 1 thread
Garratt Lane at Earlsfield station sucks massively for cyclists, and is a jarring interruption to the Wandle Trail (Sustrans route 20). It would be great to extend the riverside path underneath the railway to avoid this dangerous stretch of road.
Created by Andy Allan // 1 thread
When heading west along Leigham Court Road towards Streatham Hill Station, there is a sign saying no right turn into Mount Nod Road. However, there is a "cycle plug" there, so the no right turn sign should have an "except for cyclists" underneath.
Created by Andy Allan // 1 thread
There's a nice cycle route along Mount Nod Road into Hillside Road that's interrupted by a short section of path marked "No Cycling". Adding a cycle path would remove an (unsigned) detour via Faygate Road.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Get rid of the car parking in this street and replace with cycle racks - swapping 10s of customers for 100s for local businesses.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by Eric Booth // 2 threads
Tighter corners to favour pedestrians and manage speed.
Suggested points:
1. This is a 'gateway' to the 20mph area and the opportunity to mark this and make it work should not be missed. It's not enough to just narrow and reshape the carriageway. It should feel different.
2. Central islands and build-outs introduce pinch points that make cycling feel less safe. There should be a cycle lane through the pinch point in line with guidance.
3. A better option to emphasise pedestrian priority would be a zebra crossing
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 3 threads
Travis Perkins Development has major impact on Chisholm Trail.
We have a letter from the developer outlining their position - let's see if I can attach this...
There is a lengthy discussion of the Chisholm Trail, the gist of which is that they don't see why they should make any further accommodation for it when it is mainly Network Rail's land that is earmarked for the route. They dangle a small carrot in that they might release the corner piece of land to mitigate the pinch point you identified - but only if this application is given the go-ahead.
This stretch of NCN2 has not had the too-narrow footway widened to allow for safe shared use. Oddly the part just to the east, where the existing road was narrower, has been widened.
We need some of the wasted five lanes of motor vehicles to be re-allocated to allow the footway to be widened to be wide enough for shared use. They could even make use of the now-redundant cycle lane on the road heading west.
Created by Fonant // 0 threads
The current Promenade has "NO CYCLING" a few dozen yards before its western end, so cyclists have nowhere to go. The parallel road, especially Eirene Road, is dangerous and unpleasant for cycling, so many continue to ride along the footpath to Sea Lane.
There is plenty of room to widen the path, using concrete on top of the stable shingle. The same method could be used as was used to the east of Worthing some years ago.
This project has the full backing of local cyclists as their number-one priority in Worthing, and has local resident support too. It was included in WSCC's last LSTF bid document, which won them £2.36 million of funding from central government.
Can we just build it, please?
Created by LeedsCyclists // 1 thread
Central Leeds is badly lacking cycle parking. Many locations have no cycle parking at all, or only a few token stands, which are often full. At the recent Cycle Consultation Forum, the Council asked for suggestions of locations that need cycle parking: send your suggestions to Mark Robinson at Leeds City Council.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
More cycle parking is needed in the vicinity of the high street end of St. Margaret's Street in Canterbury. The photo shows that all available space on the stands is already used.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
More cycle parking is needed in the Clocktower Square area of Canterbury city centre. The photo shows that the existing cycle parking is completely full.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 2 threads
When cycling west bound from Rope Walk into Eagle Street through the cycle filter (where cyclists are unaffected by the traffic signals except giving way to the traffic from the left), the width between the bollard and the kerb and the sudden left movement required make the travel through the junction more difficult especially when using bikes with trailers, cargo bikes. Ordinary bike users also find it difficult to use and will avoid it instead.
Created by WillC // 1 thread
Cycle lane marking is badly worn which means other road users cannot tell if it's really there or not - which is bad news for cyclists, and dangerous. needs urgent re-painting. Lodged with highways@leeds.gov.uk twice in last 2 years but no action taken.
Created by cobweb // 43 threads
"The Greater Cambridge City Deal was signed by Central Government, Council leaders, businesses and the University of Cambridge and aims to secure hundreds of millions of pounds for the areas of Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire.
The Greater Cambridge City Deal aims to ensure that the success of the area continues by investing in the transport infrastructure, housing and skills needed to see future economic growth.
The first £100m of funding will be made available for transport improvements in the five years from April 2015."
Created by Matt Turner // 0 threads
Any cyclist using this cycle lane is at risk from vehicles using the narrow main carriageway as they move into the cycle lane to make it around the corner.
This junction is newly designed and was installed in Summer 2012.
Created by WildNorthlands // 1 thread
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a three/four storey building (including Cinema at third floor level) for use within Classes A1 (Shops), A2 (Financial and Professional Services), A3 (Restaurants and Cafes), A4 (Drinking Establishments), A5 (Hot Food Takeaways) and D2 (Assembly and Leisure), associated infrastructure and ancillary facilities
Location: Block 1 The Moor, Sheffield S1, (Land And Buildings At 16-18, 28-54 The Moor, 25-33 Charter Square, 15 Charter Row, Rockingham Gate And Multi Storey Car Park Rockingham Way), ,
Applicant: Ms Kerri Hunter
Grid Ref: Easting 435137 Northing 386821
Created by David Wilcox // 1 thread
Bristol City Council are changing the waiting restrictions across the whole of Clifton in Bristol. The number of places that you can legally park in are being decreased.
Cycle Parking is being removed on Victoria Street.
Created by David Wilcox // 1 thread
To provide either a fully segregated two-way cycle facility on the south side or a suitable alternative on Commercial Road and Clarence Road. If delivered this would provide an excellent East/West route that extends from Avonmouth to Temple Meads and beyond.
This scheme would tie in with proposals on Redcliffe Hill. BRT designs will be considered in conjunction with the proposals. This route will significantly help achieve the Local Enterprise Zone sustainable transport aims.
Research has identified three key perceptions that deter people from taking up cycling: lack of personal safety; inconvenience; poor image. Experience from countries in northern Europe shows conclusively that in order for cycling to become a mass activity attracting all ages and abilities these perceptions have to be tackled and potential cyclists must believe they will feel safe, valued and normal. Facilities are needed that form a coherent network, separate cyclists from fast, high volume traffic and offer them a high degree of priority and convenience both on main routes and local roads. The purpose of Bristol's 'Design Cycling' work programme is to create a network and that is convenient, safe and provides speedy access all over the city. A network which a 12 year old would feel comfortable using.
Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF Proposal.
To investigate the purchase of land adjacent to the Bristol Bath Railway Path (BBRP) to provide a link to the Dings Railway Path which connects to Temple Meads station.
The BBRP is one of Britain’s busiest off-road pedestrian and cycle paths with over 5000 people using it daily. The current link to Bristol Temple Meads is via St Phillips Road and Horton Street, both of which can be heavily trafficked with vehicles travelling at speed. A continuation of an off road route into Temple Meads would be very popular and help achieve the Local Enterprise Site aims for sustainable transport.
Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF proposals.
Created by David Wilcox // 1 thread
To provide a shared use facility on St Phillips Road that links the Toucan Crossing on Midland Road with the Bristol Bath Railway Path. The route will then continue on a traffic calmed Horton Street
The Railway Path is one of the City's busiest parks, with an estimated 5,000 sustainable transport journeys made along the St. Philips end of the path each day either by foot or by bike. With this volume of traffic using the path, it is unsatisfactory that users are channelled into St Philips Road into a busy industrial estate. Since the bus priority measures on West Street and Old Market on the A420 corridor, there has been an increase in private motor vehicles using St Philips Road as a rat-run causing conflict with the volume of cycle traffic. The end journey for users of the Railway Path acts as a barrier to new cyclists.
An improved link form the railway path to Temple Meads would help achieve the Local Enterprise Site aims for sustainable transport and will help to provide for the 17,000 employees at the site.
Part of the 2013 Bristol City Council LSTF proposals.
The busway cycleway is sometimes flooded in this section.
The County Council need to address this.
Created by James Avery // 0 threads
As freeholders of the site, Tesco have applied for planning permission for two new restaurants between the roundabout shown and the railway tracks / A444 (above the dual carriageway).
Two core issues:
1) This is an extremely dangerous, uncontrolled crossing - traffic leaves the A444 at 50mph, and is still 30 as it reaches the roundabout. As the map shows, there are Belisha crossings both north and south of this roundabout, so why not to the west, where traffic is still fast and undivided?
2) Cycle parking on the rest of the site is still grossly inadequate. 18 cycle parking spaces are proposed with the restaurant - the same number as the rest of the site combined - although these are actually all in one place at the south of the site.
Created by James Avery // 1 thread
The UHCW NHS Trust has applied for planning permission for a new access roads and multistorey car parks, under a plan drawn up by leading global engineering firm Arup.
Please ask them to go back to the drawing board and come up with something better.
The planning application details are here:
Please state that you OBJECT to the current proposals as they don't give any consideration to encouraging more cycling (or walking).
The trust are open to discussion via twitter (@NHSUHCW), but the council need to be asked to bring this matter to the committee (currently it is just classed as deferred, which means officers decide themselves).
Created by Paul L // 1 thread
Despite having put in a cycle track from Richmond along the S side of Lower Richmond Road TFL claim that that it is impossible to link to the shared foot-way on Clifford avenue.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 6 threads
How can we support the growth of local initiatives ?
How can we overcome the division urban and rural cycling?
Would it be useful to establish a network of regional groups?
Could such a network become an interesting partner for the county planners?
Would politicians be able to hear us better if we speak from a position of regional awareness, a a group of groups?
Would it help the elected to understand that things are changing on our roads?
Could such a network support constituent groups, facilitate exchange between these groups, become a more important player in the national context?
Could such a network attract its own funding?
What would be a good name for such a grouping (NAMES ARE IMPORTANT)
We have CTC, Ely, A10 Corridor, Martin T thinking about something in Bury St Edmunds, "Routes around Chatteris", Wisbech forum (set up by the County), - anything else ?
Created by christhebull // 2 threads
A short section of Lower Redland Road adjoining Whiteladies Road is eastbound only, hindering cycling in this area. A simple remedial measure would be to allow legal contraflow cycling in the westbound direction on this road. Although no longer required for contraflows, a small traffic island exists at the exit of this one way street which could either removed, or utilised as the entrance to the contraflow. This would be relatively simple to implement as there are no intermediate junctions or traffic lights, only signs to be altered at either end and various formalities to go through.
Gallagher Estate, master planners of Orchard Park will soon hand over the highways for adoption by the County Council.
We won't be able to fix this car centric development, but within it there are many pavement cycleways, "cyclists dismount" signs, cul-de-sac signs and others which are wrong or don't apply. There are also issues with dropped kerbs etc.
I am looking for volunteers to audit Orchard Park, making a list of corrections we require before Gallaghers hands this project over.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 9 threads
Outline of issues affecting Histon Rd between Gilbert Rd and Victoria Rd. This stretch is without bike lane. Car parking on one side only, from Victoria Rd to pedestrian access to Recreation Ground.
The fuller length to the north is also part of a City Deal scheme.
Created by Sam Saunders // 1 thread
Northumberland Road (part of Concord Way at this point) has been deliberately narrowed to allow pedestrians to cross between the footbridge and the Sports Centre and a cycle lane marking has been placed to one side of the narrow gap. The gap, however, is not wide enough to allow a car and a bicycle to go safely through the pinch point at the same time. A cyclist needs to take the centre of the lane, or pull over and wait for vehicles to pass.
Either the carriageway should be re-widened (preferred) or the cycle lane indicator should be removed.