
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • 19/0163/B1C3 23 Tenison Road - change of use to create nine 1-BR flats

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    no apparent cycle parking at all


    Prior Approval notification of proposed change of use from B1(a)(Office) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to create 9x 1-bed units. 23 Tenison Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2DG Cambridge Application reference : 19/0163/B1C3

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  • Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Created by Sylvia Gauthereau // 1 thread

    Furness Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Who is consulting?

    Highways & Infrastructure

    Why are we consulting?

    Each year we identify roads in Brent which have the highest numbers of recorded Personal Injury Accidents (PIA’s). We then consider the introduction of road safety measures to help reduce the number of accidents.

    The junction of Furness Road with Harlesden High Street and Harrow Road has been identified as a location with a high number of accidents. Over the last 3 years there have been 9 traffic accidents recorded at the junction. 1 accident resulted in serious injury and 8 accidents resulted in slight injury. 3 accidents involved a pedestrian, 2 involved a pedal cyclist and 2 involved motorcyclists.

    The existing pedestrian facilities at this junction are also inadequate. The only protected pedestrian phase is across the southern arm of High Street Harlesden, with no formal crossings across all other approach arms to this very busy junction. Also most pedestrians tend to cross the junction on the north side of High Street Harlesden, which is not a protected and formal crossing.

    The other problem with this junction is the Furness Road approach. This is only a single lane approach with a free flowing, uncontrolled traffic movement for left-turning traffic. The right turning traffic obstructs the free flowing left-turning traffic even though it is uncontrolled. This is mainly due to the single lane approach to the junction holding the left-turning traffic which then causes long tail backs on Furness Road on daily basis, particularly during the peak hour periods. We are therefore proposing to introduce a comprehensive set of measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents and also improve junction capacity.

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  • Managing traffic around the Peterborough Estate

    Created by Casey // 1 thread


    We’d like your views on how to reduce through-traffic in your area, reducing road danger and improving the environment to make your neighbourhood more pleasant.

    We’re aware that some roads in the Peterborough Estate get too many cars for such a residential area. In particular, Perrymead Street and its adjoining roads experience a high level of rat-running.

    Our proposal:

    Having spoken with residents and listened to their views, we’ve developed a scheme to reduce the number of vehicles using these residential roads.

    We would like to:

    • ban the right turn from Stokenchurch Street into Wandsworth Bridge Road (this will also prevent right turns into Stokenchurch Street from Wandsworth Bridge Road)
    • ban the right turn from Ryecroft Street into Wandsworth Bridge Road (this will also prevent right turns into Ryecroft Street from Wandsworth Bridge Road)
    • ban the right turn from Studdrige Street into Wandsworth Bridge Road (this will also prevent right turns into Studdridge Street from Wandsworth Bridge Road)
    • ban the right turn Cresford Road into Wandsworth Bridge Road (this will also prevent right turns into Cresford Road from Wandsworth bridge Road)
    • ban the right turn from Bovingdon Road into Wandsworth Bridge Road (this will also prevent right turns into Bovingdon Road from Wandsworth Bridge Road)

    To enforce these proposals, we plan to install refuge islands on Wandsworth Bridge Road - please see our mapbelow.

    We would make the changes by introducing an experimental traffic order and then monitoring the results for approximately six months. We will then ask you for your views again, to see if you think they’ve made a difference, before deciding whether to make these changes permanent.

    As part of the scheme, we’re also considering allowing vehicles to turn right from New King’s Road into Wandsworth Bridge Road, but this would take longer to introduce.

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  • 19/0156/FUL NW Cambridge Lot H - 150 room hotel, 180 room aparthotel, cafe, etc

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    D&A Part 14 has the details on cycle parking.

    118 long-stay spaces

    42 short-stay spaces

    40 cycle hire spaces

    Much of the long-stay is provided by Broxap Hi-Rise Two Tier Cycle Storage Solution (need to check if this is gas-assisted). The bottom row of these are provided by 'Sheffield stands' placed underneath the second tier. However it appears that these Sheffield stands are spaced at 800mm intervals.

    There are also 18 'off gauge' spaces provided by Sheffield stands (however these are not well-positioned and we should recommend that they use half-height Sheffield stands that are positioned to the side of the cycle parking space, not the middle).

    Southern guest cycle parking area page 143 has double doors of 1810mm width (not indicated whether it is easy to open the doors while walking a bike).

    Northern guest cycle parking area on page 144 includes a 'larger bike parking space' that is smaller than a bike.

    Both have 'Maintenance spaces' that mysteriously have a Sheffield stand in them - unclear what this is.


    Full Planning Approval is sought for 150 room hotel and 180 room aparthotel (C1 Use Class), with ancillary uses including a restaurant, bar, cafe, co-working space and gym, along with associated cycle parking, car parking, landscaping, utilities and associated ancillary structures. North West Cambridge Site Lot H Cambridge Cambridge Application reference : 19/0156/FUL

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  • 19/0143/CPP3 behind 56-58 Cherry Hinton Road - 9 new flats via change-of-use

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    No cycle parking proposed it seems.

    The residents who filed a DCF petition objection seem to refer to some level of cycle parking, but I cannot find it.


    Prior Approval notification of proposed change of use from Class B8 (storage or distribution centre), to a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses) of the Use Classes Order (1987) to provide 9no. flats. Building To Rear Of 56 - 58 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7AQ Cambridge Application reference : 19/0143/CPP3

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  • Bollard at Cambridge Retail Park

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The bollard at the Cambridge Retail Park, which is supposed to stop this being a through route for cars, has been down for months. Drivers are now using the retail park as a short cut. This has made cycling through here more dangerous as there is more traffic and some of the drivers are driving too fast (and passing too close). 

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  • Hatton Garden cycle permeability schemes: St Cross Street and Saffron Street

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    St Cross Street

    St Cross street runs from Farringdon Road, across Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden. It is currently one-way westbound between Saffron Hill to Hatton Garden.

    The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while reducing the short section between Saffron Hill and Farringdon Road to one-way eastbound for motor vehicles (with a cycle contraflow lane).

    Saffron Street

    Saffron Street connects Saffron Hill with Farringdon Road and currently the western end (as far as Onslow Street) is one-way eastbound.

    The consultation proposes two-way cycling all the way through while Saffron St is closed to motor traffic between Saffron Hill and Onslow Street in order to safely facilitate two-way cycling, and to create an improved environment for pedestrians.

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  • 19-storey tower proposed for Rockingham Street

    Created by John H Wood // 1 thread

    Plans have been revealed for a 19-storey tower on the corner of Rockingham Street and Tiverton Street.

    Although Waterloo-based developer Joseph Homes specialises in residential schemes, it is not proposing to build flats here.

    Instead, a range of options including offices, a hotel and student accommodation is being considered.

    Proposals for a 19-storey building – with up to 6,000 sq ft of office space – designed by ColladoCollins architects were shown at a public exhibition last week.

    The tower would be roughly as tall as nearby Metro Central Heights.

    A planning application is due to be submitted to Southwark Council this month. If approved, construction of the tower could begin in January 2020.

    In 2014, permission was granted for a 13-storey tower on the same site, but that scheme has not been built.

    The site – currently vacant and boarded up – was formerly occupied by a Latin American restaurant.

    Joseph Homes has a website here:

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  • Winton Primary School Streets Consultation

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme and left turn ban to improve air quality around Winton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Killick Street and Collier Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Killick Street, between Southern Street and Collier Street, and Collier Street, between Killick Street and Calshot Street, between 8.30am-9.15am and 3.15pm-4.00pm during school term time. A no left turn will also operate on Southern Street during those times.

    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.

    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed street. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Hugh Myddelton School Streets Consultation

    Islington Council is planning to introduce a School Street Scheme to improve air quality around Hugh Myddelton Primary School and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. The Council would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

    What is proposed for Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street? The proposal is to trial a temporary road closure on Garnault Place, Myddelton Street, Gloucester Way, Whiskin Street and Meredith Street, between 8.20am-9.15am and 3.00pm-3.45pm during school term time.
    Vehicles will not be able to enter the streets between these times unless they have been given an exemption. Residents and businesses who live and work on a school street will be able to register for an exemption as well as Blue Badge holders. The scheme will not operate in the school holidays or at weekends.
    Signs will inform drivers of the restrictions before the entrance to the closed streets. Non-registered vehicles entering the street during the times of operation may be identified by camera and issued a penalty charge notice.

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  • Proposed Barking Road A124/Greengate Street/Prince Regent Lane X junction change

    Created by MonegaCyclist // 1 thread

    LB Newham are proposing change to the Barking Road A124/Greengate Street/Prince Regent Lane cross junction with most of the reconfiguration work planned focused on the north side of the junction (i.e. the Barking Road A124/Greengate Street section).

    This major cross junction is on the Stratford Town Centre/West Ham Lane/Plaistow Road/Plaistow High Street/Greengate Street/Prince Regent Lane alignment which is on the TfL Strategic Cycling Analysis (SCA) 'corridors of interest - corridor 7' and acknowledged in the current LB Newham Cycling Strategy  as a route that needs a Cycling Level of Service (CLoS) of over 70% by year 2022 -  see pages 40 - 45 

    No consideration for safe cycling traffic provision on the Greengate Street/Prince Regent Lane alignment or pedestrian priority crossings at the nearby Dongola Road and Hollybush Street minor t-junctions or a formal crossing on Greengate Street for safe Plaistow Park footfall in these planned works.

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  • Champion Hill No Entry Trial Monitoring Form

    Anon // 1 thread

    Following consultation in late 2018, a trial no-entry restriction has been introduced on Champion Hill. This is intended to reduce the amount of through traffic using Champion Hill and surrounding roads, and make the streets safer and healthier for residents.

    The trial will run from February until Autumn 2019. We anticipate there may be a degree of disruption initially, as motorists become used to the changes. After this 'bedding-in' period, we will be using various methods to monitor the outcomes of the trial, but we also want to hear from residents.

    If you have observations or concerns about how the trial is operating in practice, please submit your comments using this form.

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  • Athenlay Road Traffic Calming

    Anon // 1 thread


    We want to hear your views on alternative traffic calming proposals for Athenlay Road.

    Southwark became a 20mph borough in March 2015. However, we have identified a number of sites where speeds regularly exceed 20mph, sometimes by a significant amount. This can increase the risk of accidents, as well as the risk that, when accidents occur, injuries may be more serious or even fatal.

    We have conducted a detailed review of the sites where traffic most regularly exceeds the 20mph limit, and we have identified measures to encourage reduced vehicles speeds and keep them to the posted limit.

    Average speeds over 25mph have been observed on Athenlay Road. The road is often used as a route for through-traffic, so overall traffic volumes are high. We have a duty to make any adjustments necessary to ensure that the law is being upheld, and to look after our residents’ safety.

    The plans below present two alternative proposals for Athenlay Road:-

    1. The use of 8 sinusoidal speed humps - if placed close enough together, these encourage drivers to slow down and maintain a slower speed. This is our preferred option as we think it will be the most effective way of reducing speeds. However, some residents may be less keen on speed humps as they can cause some vibration and noise.
    2. The use of 2 sets of build-outs - by narrowing the road for short sections, these cause vehicles to slow down in order to pass safely. However, these do involve loss of parking spaces adjacent to the build-outs, and may be less effective than sinusoidal humps at reducing speeds at times when traffic is lighter.

    Athenlay Road does not meet the criteria for installing speed cameras - therefore these are the two types of intervention that are possible.

    Please complete the survey below and let us know your preference - as well as any other suggestions that you think might improve the safety and accessibility of Athenlay Road.

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  • New Wheelsports Facility - Trumpington Recreation/King George V Playing Fields

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The City Council is consulting on a new wheelsports facility at Trumpington Recreation Ground / King George V Playing Fields. 

    More information:

    "We are proposing to install exciting new wheelsports tracks on Chesterton recreation ground and Trumpington recreation ground.

    The tracks will offer more inclusive and dynamic play and sport opportunities for 4 to 12-year-olds.

    We’d like to know what you think about the plans. Your comments will help us finalise the designs and carry the proposals forward to implementation."


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  • 19/0141/FUL Mortlock Ave - 2br detached dwelling

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cycle parking is a non-compliant 2500mm by 800mm box next to the house. 2 car parking spaces is higher than permitted 1.5 average.


    Erection of a detached two storey, two bedroom dwelling. Land Adjacent 2 Mortlock Avenue Cambridge CB4 1TE Cambridge Application reference : 19/0141/FUL

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  • S/4629/18/FL Science Park - new hotel & office on site of Trinity Centre

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Hybrid Planning Application comprising in Detail the demolition of the gym, Trinity Centre and Innovation Centre and the construction of hotel with gym, restaurant, café and business suite; and a building comprising multi-storey car park and three storey commercial floorspace (B1 floorspace to the first and second floor; flexible accommodation to the ground floor (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and/or D2)) along with associated access, infrastructure and landscaping, and the change of use of the Trinity Centre to B1 as part of a phased development; in Outline the construction of a building up to seven stories to provide B1floorspace, with all matters reserved.

    24, Cambridge Science Park, Milton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 0FN

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  • Two-way driving in Sedgwick Street for 54m requested by Tesco

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Tesco appear to have asked the County Council to enable them to drive lorries into their store from Sedgwick Street (despite moving in in 2009 knowing that this was prohibited).

    The proposal would make Sedgwick Street two-way for driving for 57m, then one-way for driving after that.

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  • Babraham P&R to Addenbrookes cycleway

    Created by wookey // 2 threads

    Out of the A1307 Linton Greenway consultation has come a plan for the section between Addenbrooke's roundabout and the Babraham P&R, which the county/GCP are keen to move forward. There was an initial invite-only consultation event on Thur 31st Jan for local residents/residents associations to comment.

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  • Mill Road (transporation) Survey (for edit)

    Created by Aldo // 1 thread

    In the coming weeks we, UoC Students from the Cambridge Hub, are going to do a survey on Mill Road in order to find out how people get to Mill Road and how they interact with it. The survey will be compared with the survey done last November in order to build momentum for the car-free Mill Road project.

    We would love your input. Please give suggestions below.

    For the survey, click on the link below.

    Deadline for edits is this friday.

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  • 21-month closure of cycle path from Cambridge North to Milton Road

    At the end of this blog post, it's reported that the segregated cycle path from Cambridge North station to the north of the Business Park will be closed to cyclists from March 2019 to December 2020 (a period of 21 months), for utility works relating to development on the Cambridge North site. Cyclists are to be diverted to the south side path (along the busway); pedestrian access on the north side will apparently be maintained.

    In particular, this appears to prevent cyclist use of the recently opened gate at the south end of the Business Park for the duration of the works (unless perhaps one pushes one's cycle). Getting from or through Cambridge North to the Science Park will be less convenient, too.

    Full text from Camcycle blog post. (Robin Heydon tells me this information originally came from Brookgate.)

    Development at Cambridge North

    Early works have begun on the further development around Cambridge North, where new offices and a hotel will be built. Within the next couple of months, a major cyclist diversion will be put in place which reroutes cyclists accessing the station via the segregated path along Cowley Road. This will be closed to allow utility works from Milton Road down to the station. Cyclists will be redirected along the Busway cycleway from Milton Road. There will continue to be road access for cyclists to the industrial and residential units off Cowley Road (including the Camcycle office), but not beyond this point. Note that there will be a signifidant increase in construction traffic along Cowley Road.

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  • Pavement missing on Cowley Road between Cambridge Commercial Park and NR land

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    There is no pavement at the end of Cowley Road between Cambridge Commercial Park and the Network Rail land. Historically before Cambridge North station opened no pavement would have been required along this section of the road. Now that Cambridge North is open this is a popular route.

    The lack of pavement here has meant one local business has setup a taxi service (other members of staff driving their cars) for the very short walk between the commercial park and Cambridge North station. This is resulting in more vehicular traffic (just this one business is around 2-8 extra car journeys per weekday) between Cowley Road and Cambridge North station making it less safe for people cycling.

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  • S/0296/19/DC Science Park - access from guided busway (eastern entrance)

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    While this is a discharge of condition 12 of a previous application this is quite a substantial project in its own right. It looks like a significant improvement, with a wide pathway for accessing the site, a bunch of fancy architecture (some sort of series of archways over the path), and even a parallel Zebra over one of the Science Park internal roadways.

    See part 6 of the D&A statement for several mentions of Camcycle input.

    While I am making this an issue I do not see any immediate reason to send in a response, but those involved with the pre-application talks may want to double-check, possibly even send a letter of support if happy.


    Discharge of condition 12 (a scheme detailing the widening of the footway to allow for shared use walking and cycling and a scheme showing the layout and design of the plaza area to the East of the site, including vehicle circulation, pedestrian routes, kiosks, shelters, bollards and other ancillary structures) pursuant to planning permission S/3590/17/VC Transport Plaza, Cambridge Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0FJ South Cambridgeshire Application reference : S/0296/19/DC

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