
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • pinch points Southwood Road

    Created by Sarah Wood // 0 threads

    There are several pedestrian refuges along the road particularly at the western end of the road. The refuges cause a pinch point for cyclists. The road marking confuse priorities between those using the on road cycle path and other traffic.

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  • Societies Fair

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads

    The annual university societies' fair is an opportunity to suggest to the student body the existence of the campaign.

    Historically we get few students joining, but it can be a useful networking opportunity.

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  • Route obstructed at Lammas Land

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.

    According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.

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  • Long Rd/Adrian Way junction modification

    Richard G // 1 thread

    At a recent BUG-WAG* meeting, the Trust reported that the council will be modifying the Long Road/Adrian way junction.

    Those of you that know the area will know that the exit from Addenbrooke's is 'no right turn' with a small shaped island to direct traffic westbound onto Long Rd

    plans were shown to create a cutout in the small island for bikes to exit eastbound. Presuamably with signs to indicate this too

    The trust said that suggestions to the junction would be welcome in the planning of further changes to Long Rd


    *BUG-WAG - the Bicycle User Group, Walking Action Group of interested parties on the Addenbrooke's campus

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  • Potential new secondary school

    Created by mike1727 // 0 threads

    Reported in the Herts Advertiser w/s 30/09/13

    "On Monday, the Herts county council’s (HCC) cabinet agreed to press ahead with the compulsory acquisition of up to 15 hectares of farm land on the corner of Common Lane, off Lower Luton Road."

    "The acquisition would provide a development site for a new school with a capacity of six to eight forms of entry." <...>

    "Cllr Chris Hayward, cabinet member for education, said if a decision is made to build on the site, it would go through a full planning application."

    The site is on a busy road but close to route 57. Planning should include at least a good link to route 57 as well as more local routes to the north- and possibly off road route next to Lower Luton road.

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  • Coombe Lane Flyover A238

    Created by Jose Ferraro // 0 threads

    Coombe Lane West heading towards Raynes Park: There is a long downhill slope which has new potholes appearing frequently which after a long while are filled with blobs of tarmac creating equally dangerous lumps. Grit fallen from HGVs and parked cars narrowing the lane make this a very risky road to cycle along at speed. A cyclist needs to slow down to be prepared to manoeuvre these hazards which puts them into conflict with motorised traffic behind them who wish to pass but lack the room. This is especially true when cycling uphill over the flyover (in either direction).

    There is a short piece of cycle lane only at the base of the hill which does not continue over the flyover and leaves slower cyclists to mix in with the much faster flow of motorised traffic.

    The result is frequent close passes unless you cycle in a primary position which invites further conflict (tailgating and intimidation) from impatient motorists.

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  • Should we campaign for more rush hour (enforced) loading bans?

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    Dropped bike off for service at Grand Arcade and walked to get Uni4 bus from outside Pembroke at around 8.30am today. At least four separate lorries stopped on double yellow lines between Little St Mary's Lane and Fitzwilliam Museum, causing traffic chaos. This is really dangerous for cyclists since even if a cyclist has had the courage to get past the obstruction, or has right of way, drivers just don't seem to see them or think they really are only about six inches wide. This also causes massive traffic hold-ups. Congestion (where there is no mandatory or advisory cycle lane) is generally dangerous for cyclists as it tends to lead to "white lining" or squeezing through gaps. This is a busy cycle route. I'm sure Peterhouse have a back entrance for lorries for example.

    Why is loading allowed on double yellow lanes on busy cycle and bus routes during the rush hours? OK, I know there's an alleged loading ban on Hills Road which is rarely, or if ever enforced, but at least there is a ban there. I've highlighted that bit of Trumpington St as road users were having to do a slalom there this morning, but this is a Cambridge-wide problem and I'm sure members can also provide evidence of other examples.

    I can't quite believe that certain businesses being allowed to hold up the traffic willy-nilly is good for the Cambridge-wide economy in general.

    Do we have a position on this? Should the new Police and Crime Commissioner have a position on this? Should Stagecoach (who probably find it causes them a problem, even though they're not our favourite people) have a position on this? Is there a Chamber of Commerce? What do they think about employees who are late for work or deliveries they are expecting being delayed by these sort of hold-ups?

    I have lots of photos which will tell me how long I was standing at the bus stop observing these lorries, which I will unload when I have the means.

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  • Alban Way widening Sutton Road

    Created by mike1727 // 1 thread

    There is a short section of the Alban Way where it is significantly narrowed as a result of encroachment from the morissons supermarket dite, leaving a width of no more than 1.5m. To the side the land falls away down to the caravan park road. It could be eaily widened with gabbions on the caravan park road side subject to land ownership and approval.

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  • Stonecross Junction redesign

    Created by mike1727 // 0 threads

    The Stonecross/Avenue road junction is to be redesigned. It is rounoured there may be a ban on bikes turning right from Stonecross onto Avenue road, which makes bike journeys W-E using Avenue road difficult. It would be better to redesign the junction to allow bikes through since many people will continue to ride/use the pavement as this is a desire line route.

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  • Off road route to redbourn

    Created by mike1727 // 1 thread

    Traffic on the redbourn road is often fast and uncomfortable for novice/nervouse riders. The footpath running along Redbourn road sees few walkers and appears suitable for a conversion to a bike route. This is being progresses through the Herts Cycle Forum

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