
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • 19/0347/FUL Parking reconfiguration & pedestrian crossing. Newmarket Road

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    External works including parking reconfiguration and new pedestrian crossing; new shopfront to western elevation; reconfiguration of rear ramped access; creation of three door openings; formation of loading bay; and raised plant deck.

    Unit 10 Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8WR


    Application reference : 19/0347/FUL

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  • Two second cyclist/ped green

    Anon // 1 thread

    The glorious development that was the removal of the barriers to Clifton Backies has revealed another problem: the green light (or phase, as highways engineers call it) for pedestrians and cyclists crossing from the east side of Water Lane to the west side of Water Lane just south of the junction with Green Lane has been dialled down to the absolute minimum. I swear it used to be a leisurely five seconds or so, allowing for parents with buggies to amble and cyclists to roll across with little fuss - their reward for having waited their turn to cross. Now however it's more like a blink-and-wasn't-that-light-green-a-second-ago two seconds: you glimpse the long-awaited green, start moving off and before you've even travelled a metre, it has disappeared.

    I know why this has happened: this junction gets really congested, particularly at peak times, largely because the new housing being built nearby was seemingly given the go-ahead without any consideration for the impact that it would have on the road network. Doubtless the Council has received a series of irate communications from frustrated motorists, and Council officers have responded not by acknowledging maybe giving permission to dozens of houses without considering the transport implications wasn't such a good idea, but rather by depriving cyclists and pedestrians of valuable seconds on their 'phase' of the crossing. It's utterly pointless, of course. I very much doubt these seconds 'solve' the congestion experienced by motorists, or whether they even have any real impact. But losing them does have a real impact for pedestrians and cyclists, who are pretty much guaranteed to find themselves in the stressful situation of being stranded on the crossing without a green light reassuring them they're safe.

    It's horribly undemocratic too: the decision to deprive pedestrians and cyclists this reassurance of being able to cross safely was, like other traffic light timing decisions in York, made without consulting pedestrians and cyclists. Rather, it was decided by a lone highways officer that motorists were being unduly impeded, they should therefore have longer green phases, and this time should come out of the pedestrian/cyclist phase. So much for the Council's transport hierarchy, which puts pedestrians and cyclists respectively at the top. So yeah, this is something to discuss with the Council...

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  • 19/0358/FUL David Lloyd Leisure - car park expansion, modification to the Tins

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    They are proposing to expand the car park by adding 45 car parking spaces along the service road that crosses the Tins.

    Transport Statement section 5.2.5 describes a set of measures to create proper visibility splays at the crossing of the Tins and reinforce the give-way markings for drivers. This sounded great...

    However, Appendix D several diagrams and some of them show give-way markings being painted on the cycleway in addition to the service road.

    In contrast, the existing situation is that the Tins is continuous and the give-way markings are painted on the service road.

    This may only be a mistake in some of the diagrams, it does not appear to be mentioned in the text, but we must object that these diagrams show an interruption of the Tins and a degradation of the cycleway.


    19/0358/FUL | Car park extension to provide 45no. new parking spaces. | 21-25 Coldhams Business Park Norman Way Cambridge CB1 3LH

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  • Waterloo and South Bank Public Realm Framework

    Created by Simon Still // 1 thread

    Waterloo and South Bank is experiencing significant development and economic growth. This brings both benefits and challenges, including increased pressure on infrastructure and the public realm.

    To understand the public realm Improvement needs of the area better and to prioritise and direct resources, Lambeth Council has worked with urban design and public realm consultants, Publica, to develop a Draft Public Realm Framework.

    The Framework provides an assessment of the existing public realm and identifies opportunities for improvement across Bishop’s Ward, Lambeth. Based on a rigorous baseline audit of streets and spaces, it establishes six guiding principles to shape better placemaking. These principles inform and infuse 18 location specific spatial briefs that describe the type of improvements that should be considered in each location.

    The Draft Public Realm Framework is intended to underpin the Lambeth Local Plan and other strategic documents, provide direction to the public and private sector, help secure support and funding from a variety of public and private sources, and act as a springboard for the improvement and investment necessary to support growth, resilience, independence and place.

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  • Western Road/Tate Road : Proposed improvements outside Homefield Preparatory Sch

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    The Sutton local area committee has agreed for officers to carry out improvements outside Homefield preparatory school in Western Road at its junction with Tate Road. Funding for the scheme has been secured from Transport for London (TfL) to address concerns raised by the school regarding unacceptable traffic speeds and difficulty in crossing the road outside the school.

    Highways officers have met with school representative to assess these issues and a preliminary improvement scheme has been drawn as shown on the attached plan which aims to address concerns regarding traffic speeds and pedestrian safety. The scheme is fully supported by the school. 

    The scheme proposes to change the priority at Western Road junction with Tate Road and introduce a raised table with a kerb build-out to assist pupils and parents to cross the road and to help reduce traffic speeds outside the school. The scheme also includes re-arranging and providing additional ‘school keep clear’ markings and installation of red/yellow pencil bollards.

    Whilst there were no pedestrian accidents recorded at the location in the last three years, the proposed measures will improve pedestrian safety and thus promote walking as a sustainable mode of travel.

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  • B1049/The Green Histon roadworks 8 April

    Created by Jonathan Gough // 1 thread

    I've read that there are to be roadworks on the B1049 in Histon at the Green, which means temporary traffic lights and the closure of the end of Impington Lane.  I can't find many details but the local HisImp News paper says it is starting 8th April for 8 weeks.

    I'm concerned about cycle & pedestrian access to Impington Lane from the B1049 during this period and whether access will have been fully considered.  Turning onto Impington Lane coming from the South normally quite dangerous as the road is narrow (hopefully to be improved by the works!)

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  • The Avenues cycle route

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    The Avenues Shambles

    Few people who live in the area will be happy with the situation on The Avenues. A couple of years ago the city won a grant to improve cycle routes around the city, called a “Cycle City Ambition Grant”. The first route to be improved was the one that came along the Avenues, known as the “Pink” route. After two years of planning, public meetings and proposals we are left with the dangerous inadequate mess we see today.

    Why is The Avenues Special?

    Far more bikes use The Avenues than any other road in the city, "nearly 700,000 in 2016 according to the Air Quality Status Report for 2018. Most are students at UEA or workers at the Hospital and Research Parks. It’s also the route hundreds of children should be using to cycle to the City Academy School, so the potential number of cyclists could be even higher if the road were not so dangerous. Logically it should have been the highest priority for providing proper cycle tracks, but it didn’t turn out like that.

    Why is it bad?

    The road markings only allow enough space for one direction of flow on a two way street, so if it needs to pass traffic has to drive in the cycle lanes and when it gets busy the cycle lane simply disappear. There is basically far too much traffic for this type of design.

    Why did we end up with this mess?

    That’s a good question but there are clues, take a look on Tombland and the expensive paving around the cathedral gate. All this meant there just wasn’t enough money left to build the proposed cycle tracks and the present botch is the result. The council decided that the cost of doing The Avenues didn’t represent good value for money, yet doing Tombland did. This is a very suspect situation which has left us with an unacceptable, dangerous mess that simply can’t be left as it is.

    What can be done?

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  • 'Barnwell Gate' planning application 19/0340/FUL 154 student rooms, Newmarket Rd

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Erection of student accommodation with 154 student rooms (following demolition of existing buildings). Together with ancillary accommodation comprising common/study rooms, laundry room, management office, plant room, bin and bicycle enclosures, landscaping and associated infrastructure including a Sub-Station.

    John Banks Honda 444 Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8JL

    Cambridge Application reference: 19/0340/FUL

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  • Difficult crossing on Airport Way (near the school)

    Created by Jacob Bramley // 1 thread

    This appears to be a busy crossing, and is used by parents and children heading to and from the school, both by cycle and on foot.

    The chicane barriers make it difficult to cross here with a standard bicycle, let alone a cargo bike or trailer. The cross-hatched area is much more practical to use than the island, but leaves users exposed on a fast road, especially considering that primary-school children are likely to be using this facility.

    On the western side, there is nowhere to wait to cross, so riders with large cycles an trailers have to block the path for other users whilst they wait to cross.

    This is outside the area of the Cherry Hinton North development, but both motor and cycle traffic through here is likely to increase when that is completed, so it is somewhat related.

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  • Difficult crossing at airport way roundabout

    Created by Jacob Bramley // 1 thread

    There are better-than-average cycle paths either side of this junction, but actually crossing at this point is very difficult because there is a near-constant stream of vehicular traffic leaving the roundabout to head into town.

    Alternative routes (avoiding this crossing) involve lengthy detours.

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  • Walworth Place

    Anon // 1 thread

    Residents and traders have told us that there are issues with fly tipping and market access on Walworth Place, near the junction with East Street.

    Following the award of funding by Borough, Bankside & Walworth Community Council in 2018, we are proposing to carry out some highway improvements on the northern section of Walworth Place. Along with the relocation of the existing waste compactor to a nearby alterative location, the proposed changes will  improve the area by preventing fly tipping from taking place, as well as providing extra space for additional market stalls.

    The plan below presents the proposed interventions to be introduced at Walworth Place, which will include:-

    1. The use of 6 lockable bollards that will prevent vehicles from parking or entering the Northern Section of Walworth Place during market hours, which will provide a safe area for market traders and pedestrians.
    2. Removal of existing permit holder only bays which will be replaced with one time restricted loading only bay.
    3. Footway refurbishment between East Street and Bronti Close.

    We would appreciate your views on these proposals, and whether there are any additional approaches we could take.

    Why We Are Consulting

    We would be grateful if you could take the time to review the proposal attached below and let us know what you think using the online questionnaire by 15 April.

    Your views are really important to help us make sure the final design meets the needs of the local community.

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  • Roadworks: Guilford Street

    Created by John Chamberlain // 0 threads

    From 18th February to mid June, Guilford Street will be one-way westbound from Grays Inn Road to Grenville Street for the replacement of a 32" gas main. Eastbound traffic will be diverted via Theobalds Road and Roseberry Avenue but cyclists will be better off using Tavistock Place and Ampton Street (CS6). Note that Guilford Street is already permanently one-way westbound west of Grenville Street. At the same time, a raised junction will be installed at Guilford Place.

    Update 22/5/19: Works now extended till end May and new closure due to work on the Great Ormond Street Hospital building. As well as a new gas main, works include electricity and water.

    Update 5/6/19: Works complete as far as Guilford Place but still one-way from there to Grenville Street.

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  • 19/0288/FUL Former Ridgeons Cromwell Road - 295 dwellings

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Erection of 295 dwellings including 40% affordable housing; a nursery and community facility (D1), access, car and cycle parking, including basement car park, play equipment and landscaping, substation and associated works. Development Land At 75 Cromwell Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire Cambridge Application reference : 19/0288/FUL

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  • #camcyclequest - a treasure hunt by bike for the 2019 Festival of Cycling

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    We are planning a treasure hunt for the 2019 Cambridge Festival of Cycling in September.

    The idea is to produce a pocket-size, attractively-produced booklet with a suggested route and clues to solve, items to collect and so on, which will be sold for a modest price. There would be a prize.

    This topic is a place to discuss ideas for this. I (David Earl) will be taking the lead in getting this together. Roxanne and Anna are seeking funding partners.

    If you'd like to help, please say so in the thread.

    Just one thing though - please don't put clue suggestions or answers here! If you do chances are people taking part will have read them, which rather spoils the fun.

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  • Proposed A10/Lincoln Road Walking and Cycling Improvements

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    From the consultation hub, verbatim:

    These proposals are part of a wider TfL programme to encourage people to choose to cycle or walk in Enfield, which is being implemented by Enfield Council in partnership with us. We would like to hear your views on the proposals.

    What are we proposing?

    We propose to upgrade the existing staggered pedestrian crossing on the northern arm of the junction between Lincoln Road and the A10. The crossing would be made wider and would become a toucan crossing, enabling cyclists to use it as well. The existing zebra crossing on the western arm of Lincoln Road would become a parallel cycle/zebra crossing.

    Some areas of footway would be widened to enable people to access to both crossings more easily. The changes to the footway would mean that the entrance to the residential access road which joins Lincoln Road at the junction with the A10 would become narrower, and exiting vehicles would be asked to give way to any vehicles wishing to enter.

    See the website link for details including drawings and to submit comments.

    Enfield Cycling Campaign intends to submit a considered response after discussion.

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  • Balfour Street Raised Junction Survey

    Anon // 1 thread

    Why We Are Consulting

    Programming for forthcoming works have identified there will likely be significant disruptions to residents during works to improve the junctions on Balfour Street with John Maurice Close, Henshaw Street and Chatham Street.

    The works are now entering the most challenging phases of the project that are likely to cause the most amount of disruption.  These next phases of work involve implementing the junction improvements to Orb St, Stead St, Wadding St, Balfour St/Rodney Road, Chatham St, Henshaw St and John Maurice Close/Victory Place. 

    These works are likely to cause significant disruption to residents, therefore we are proposing an alternative option that will maintain vehicle access into John Maurice Close/Victory Place and Henshaw Street, but will significantly alter the aesthetic of the scheme and reduce the effectiveness in creating a more pedestrian friendly street character.

    We are asking residents to share their thoughts with us on the two options, to help us better understand the impact these works will have.

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  • A5 crossing A406

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Two lanes of traffic merging from left onto local designated cycle route No 5. Cyclists crossing bridge going north on the A5 have to cross fast moving traffic merging from the left. A waiting area for cyclists could be provided at the base of the bridge to allow cyclists to cross the slip road at right angles. (Southbound is in Brent)

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