
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • LCDS draft

    Created by charlie_lcc // 10 threads

    A section by section discussion list for recording comments on the current 2014 consultation draft of the London Cycle Design Standards - LCDS

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  • Triangle Road rat running

    Created by Tom2 // 1 thread

    Since the changes to Mare St at Westgate St some vehicles travel past the children's centre in Triangle Road, at excessive speeds, to avoid the traffic light at Mare St . Can Hackney Council add a restriction in Triangle Road.

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  • Kew Rd Puffin Crossing Proposal

    Created by Paul L // 3 threads

    Richmond Council say
    "a signalised PUFFIN crossing with pedestrian countdown outside number 182 Kew Road (previously outside 180) Footway widening both sides of Kew Road. We have attempted to minimise the impact on the cycle lanes by introducing long tapers and following existing extended footways where possible. The kerb widening is essential to ensure sightlines to the signal heads past the many street trees."
    We suggested cranked supports for the signals to avoid the loss of cycle lanes but they claim TFL disapproval.

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  • A316 Marksbury Avenue crossing

    Created by timlennon // 1 thread

    Text of message from TfL:


    We are proposing to convert the current dual PUFFIN crossing at the above location to a dual TOUCAN crossing, formalising the facility for cyclists.
    The initial design is attached, which includes localised resurfacing of footways and some carriageway works. A lighting assessment has also been undertaken which recommends a full lantern replacement of the columns retaining all lighting columns once structural testing has been completed and passed.

    We also propose to extend the shared use footway further north on Marksbury Avenue and further south on Manor Grove to enable safer entry/exits for cyclists to the TOUCAN crossing.

    The impact (if any) is currently being determined by Traffic Signals.

    If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me have these by cop Friday 27th June.

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  • Tower Bridge road surface

    Created by londoncycler // 1 thread

    On the south (Southwark) side of the bridge just before the central section there is a very prominent ridge approximately one metre away from the kerb and running parallel to the bridge for some 30 metres. It is located exactly in the path of cyclists crossing the bridge who can be knocked off as they cross the ridge in either direction. In the dark and in the wet the ridge is very hard to see and cyclists may not see the ridge. The fault has been reported repeatedly in the course of more than 2 years to the local highway authority but no action has been taken. Can the highway authority explain why the ridge has not been removed?

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  • New slip road A14 westbound to M11 southbound

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    The DfT have written to us with a proposed TRO to replace the sliproad from westbound A14 at Girton to southbound M11. This is also part of the widening scheme between Histon and Girton, but this aspect requires an order to give the lane motorway status. The main effect seems to be to lengthen the A14 part of the slip road to reduce queues on the main A14.

    I don't think anything particular needs doing with this, so I don't plan to scan the correspondence, but if anyone wants if, please ask.

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  • King's Lynn Transport Interchange

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    Some of (the last of?) the s106 money from two out-of-town big box supermarkets is being used to remodel the connections between the bus and rail stations. National Route 1 runs through this area and the bus station may also be Lynn's biggest cycle park, so there's quite a lot of potential for this to do good - or to do harm.

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  • Blackwater Valley Path closed to cyclists at Hollybush

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread

    Notices have recently been put up by the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership on the section of the Blackwater Valley Path which passes through Hollybush Lakes near North Camp station.
    Although there is a legal agreement to use this stretch as a footpath, there has never been one to permit cycling there and the owner is quite within his rights.
    This is not a historic route, there is no sign of it on my 1956 OS map.
    The Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership is trying to resolve this but the cycling route may have to be diverted.

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  • West/Central Area Committee

    Created by Al Storer // 9 threads

    Area Committees are a joint meeting attended by both city and county councillors. They decide on planning issues in the area, but also have a role in the allocation of community development money from S106 contributions. They offer an opportunity to engage with multiple councillors at once, through the Open Forum section and speaking on specific Agenda items. The East Area's website is here:

    Speaking at these meetings is a good way of making your feelings on matters the councils control public

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  • Beeston Tram / High St avoiding route - Northern corridor

    Created by BrianInBeeston // 1 thread

    As discussed between local cycling organisations there is a desperate need for a signed route which avoids Chilwell High Road where there have been a number of accidents now tram tracks are laid in places. This route also avoids Beeston High St which is a lengthy dismount section from 9-5. This route supersedes the previous northerly route. A southern avoiding route has also been plotted on cyclescape

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  • Regents High School Redevelopment Proposed Highway Works

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The proposals seek to improve road safety on the streets surrounding Regents High school in Somers Town which is being rebuilt. This school is labelled "South Camden Community School" on the map.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    Currently the school is accessed from Charrington Street but the new building is going to face the other way and will be accessed via Chalton Street. Therefore most of the proposal are related to making a new school entrance and building out the footways in Chalton Street while taking them away in Charrington Street. All of this is clearly necessary, but doesn't appear to add to road safety.

    The council also proposes a new speed table at the junction of Chalton Street and Aldenham Street. This would help with road safety.

    Cyclists are already concerned with the rat-running on Ossulston Street; this quite likely accesses Eversholt Street via Chalton Street. Surely we should ask for this rat running to be prevented both for the safety of the cycle route and for children going to Regents High School?

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  • Poor road surface on Stockport Road (Nbound) after Plymouth Grove junction.

    Anon // 0 threads

    There is a very poor road surface on the left hand northbound lane of Stockport Road (A6) after the Plymouth Grove junction.

    This is dangerous as if you bear left it encourages traffic behind you to sneak past you, if you go through it can damage your bicycle or even cause you to come off, if you bear right brings you into direct conflict with traffic which often wants to merge into the right hand lane.

    The solution is very simple, resurface this small section of road.

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  • Two roundabouts and a dual carriageway are officially "unsuitable for even highly experienced cyclists"

    Created by Peter Loader // 0 threads

    Transport Initiatives LLP is an independent transport planning consultancy. They have carried out an audit for Three Rivers District Council classifying roads, paths and crossings in terms of the UK National Cycle Training Standard (Bikeability) Level needed to be able to ride in comparative safety. The results can be seen on Three Rivers District Council's web site.

    Transport Initiatives have classified the roundabout at M25 Junction 17, the adjacent Maple Cross Roundabout, and the dual carriageway between them as Level 3.5, i.e. "Roads & crossings with a very high level of risk, unsuitable for even highly experienced cyclists".

    For detailed documentation, please see

    and download

    Maps by area|Maple Cross


    Cycling safety audit|CSNA Leaflet

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  • Alresford Creek Crossing

    Created by Gary // 1 thread

    Following closely the route of an old railway line between Colchester and Brightlingsea this proposed route would link Colchester to Walton-on-the-Naze. It provides a much needed commuter route out of Brightlingsea linking it safely to Wivenhoe, the University of Essex and Colchester and creates a new leisure route in a holiday district. It builds on the existing four mile NCN51 route from Colchester to Wivenhoe by adding 5 miles off-road to Brightlingsea via a new river crossing at Alresford Creek. From there it utilises an existing pleasant frequent summer ferry crossing to Point Clear and creates a 25 mile coastal route much of it off-road.

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  • A120 Proposed Roundabout to improve safety - but will it help cyclists?

    Created by Gary // 0 threads

    To improve safety after numerous fatal car accidents the Highways Agency are currently implementing speed restrictions but are also designing a new roundabout for the A120 near Pellens Corner/Horsley Cross. NCN51 passes nearby. Cyclists don't generally want to cycle the A120 but we do have to cross it to get across Tendring District. Roundabouts are particular hard for cyclists to use on A roads. So will the Highways Agency proposal include the needs of cyclists?

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  • Gate on North Sea Cycle Route in Harwich

    Created by Gary // 0 threads

    Why would you put a gate across an official cycle route through the "Hangings" in Harwich, on the North Sea Cycle Route from Harwich International to Harwich Town? I've seen visitors from Europe try and cycle through this obstruction with trailers.

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  • West End Project consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 6 threads

    This scheme proposes to restore two way working in Tottenham Court Road (TCR) and in the Gower Street alignment which includes Bloomsbury Street and Shaftesbury Avenue. All the bus routes will be on TCR.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    In TCR, Camden proposes a "bus and cycle street" from 8 am to 7pm (Monday to Saturday) with local access for cars, taxis and loading on short sections of Tottenham Court Road via side roads.

    TCR will have a pair of 4.5m wide carriageways to be shared by cycles and buses (90 buses per hour in each direction) and by the additional local traffic.

    In the Gower Street alignment, Camden proposes two-way access for private motor vehicles (no buses) and that these roads will have a pair of 4.5m wide carriageways, each including a lightly segregated 1.5m wide cycle track.

    Other measures proposed:
    - in both TCR and the Gower Street alignment Camden proposes raised sections of road to reduce motor speeds
    - two-way cycling in all the side streets (except for Maple Street, University Street and Howland Street)
    - new public spaces including a new park on Alfred Place and a ladder of calm side streets.

    These changes to roads and to cycle permeability are shown in the diagram at:

    Details of the road layout for TCR are at:

    Details of the road layout for the Gower Street alignment are at:

    Exhibitions are to be held at the Building Centre, Store Street on 19th June (10 am to 5pm) and 7th July (5pm to 8pm),

    Camden Cyclists are holding a public meeting for cyclists to discuss this project.
    On 30th June 7pm - 9pm
    at the YMCA Indian Student Hostel, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ.

    We will finalise our response to the consultation early in July.

    The public consultation will run until Friday 18 July 2014.

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  • Proposed Cycle Lanes on Kingsmead

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 1 thread

    Proposal by HCC to add advisory cycle lanes on both sides of Kingsmead between the SUP near the junction with Victoria Road to the entrance of Pinehurst car park.
    The cycle lanes would have a contrasting red surface at the entrances to Sainsburys and the Kingsmead and Sainsburys car parks.

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