
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cyclenation:

  • Roehampton Lane, Upper Richmond Road, Rocks Road junction

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Letter for TfL, copied to RCC, by local resident:

    I am a resident of the Dover House Estate area and regularly use the crossroads of the Upper Richmond Road (A206) with Roehampton Lane and Rocks Lane (A306) as pedestrian, cyclist and/or car driver. There are three major issues with this junction which need to be addressed.

    The first is the pedestrian crossings, which are poorly timed/synchronised and inadequate. There is a significant volume of pedestrian traffic to and from the station and bus stops and the university, yet to cross the road safely using the crossings can easily add 5 mins to the journey. This is mainly as there are push button crossings on only two of the four arms of the junction, a third having provision to cross which requires too much calculated risk (and insufficient island space considering the probability of standing in the middle for some time), and the fourth having no sensible provision at all. There is a high proportion of children using the crossing - with buggies, scooters, bikes, and on the south west corner insufficient pavement space for the volume of pedestrian traffic at peak times. The timing/synchronisation of the green men requires pedestrians to stand in the middle islands for an overly long period of time - during which time they cannot help but notice the very high level of exhaust fumes. Given that the only traffic flowing south along the A306 and allowed to turn right on to the A205 is buses and cycles, the extended wait for the green man in the middle of the A205 to head south seems unnecessary. Heading north there is a similarly unnecessary wait for the green man, as motorised traffic heading east along the A205 is also at a red light while that heading north on the A306 is on green.

    The second major problem is the filter lane for motorists turning right off the A205 into the A306 to head north. This only operates at peak times, leaving motorists with a choice between being stuck in the middle waiting for a second round of lights or skipping through an amber or red light (frequently even though they were first in the queue). There is simply too much traffic heading east to not have the filter light operating for a greater part of the day. Even when the filter light is in operation it is for such an insufficiently short period that unless you are among the first three cars you are almost certainly going to wait for at least two rounds of lights - at peak times I have waited for the fifth round of lights. This in turn causes a tail back and high levels of air pollution.

    The third major problem is the lack of cycle ways. There is a large number of cyclists on both these major roads but for something like a 500m radius around this junction there is no cycle way despite it bring both possible and dangerous without. The temporary narrowing of Barnes Station bridge only exacerbates the situation and since being put there some years ago seems to have been forgotten. This area is a real hole in the cycle way network and a blackspot considering the attractive options in every direction coming into/out of it.

    The junction is an accident just waiting to happen on many levels. I would be grateful if you could me a detailed response to each of the points I raise with where at all possible a timetable for when they can each be expected to be resolved.

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  • Removal of cycle facility

    Created by fishter // 2 threads

    At the bottom of the hill there is a "chicane" for motor vehicles to negotiate. Northbound traffic must give priority to southbound traffic.

    The chicane is formed by an island on the northbound side of the road. This island has a bypass to the left to allow cyclists to proceed despite oncoming traffic.

    After a recent resurfacing of the road the markings for the cycle lane were omitted (see picture). This means that cyclists should now give priority to southbound traffic as the markings indicate they should not use the bypass.

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  • St Nicholas to Loke Road link

    Created by MJR // 1 thread

    There's an OK cycleway alongside the Bawsey Drain from the Loke Road Junction but the link from the edge of the town centre 20mph zone isn't very good. The section between North Street and Loke Road involves negotiating your way across the multiple lanes of John Kennedy Road which is the northern approach to the town, or illegally using the narrow footway as many people do.

    This section is crying out for one of the three or four lanes to be given back to cycling and walking and the 20mph zone to be extended to the north end of North Street.

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  • Removal of railings (where bikes are chained) at Addenbrookes

    Richard G // 1 thread

    I see Addenbrooke's have found a solution to all the bikes locked to the railings around by the front entrance.

    Not, as you might hope, by providing more cycle parking, but by removing the railings.

    I wandered around yesterday. There were 91 bikes parked outside of cycle rack spaces & 6 spaces free.

    should be interesting for anyone who usually cant park in a cycle space over the next few days


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  • Roehampton Lane needs safe space4cycling

    Created by MB // 0 threads

    A fast road - dual carriageway in both directioms and with 6 lanes at one end. Speed limit of 30mph rarely respected - except in rushhour when speeds can be down to zero mph at times.

    Cyclists can not cycle safely along either side of the road. Cars, lorries, busses etc are travelling too fast, with drivers jostling to change lanes, overtake busses or 'beat the lights'. The cyclists I see are on the pavement & I don't blame them - frankly the layout is not fit for cyclists. Fortunately the pavement is wide, there are few pedestrians and there is ample room for considerate cyclists to travel this way. More cyclists would use this roue if it was safer & if it joined up properly with Danebury Avenue & the other cycle routes in the area.

    With the wide pavements & carriageway there is room for segregated cycle, pedestrian and motor vehicle routes. There may even be room for 'floating' bus stops. A zebra or Toucan crossing on the road would also reduce average speeds.

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  • Cobbles on NCN 11

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    There are three strips of cobbles across NCN11 here, or maybe they're setts. It seems bad to have these on a cycle route because they are unpleasant for cycling and especially bad to put them so near a junction because rider attention should be on the junction and other road users, rather than man-made problems with the road surface.

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  • Royal College Street Southern Extension (Pancras Road)

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle tracks to the south, down Pancras Road towards Kings Cross. Unfortunately, the plans for the junctions at St Pancras and contra-flow up Midland Road are not ready yet, so it will remain difficult to get to and from the south and east until these are finalised, but this is another link in the planned North-South route through the borough as part of the London Cycle Grid.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Protected cycle lanes from Royal College Street to just south of Chenies Place.
    - Removal of two bus-stops to make the cycle lanes continuous
    - North-bound bus-stop converted to 'island' style.
    - Southbound bus-stop uses Royal College Street style due to lack of road width.
    - Additional protection for cyclists crossing Crowndale Road from Royal College Street.

    You can reply to the consultation via Camden's website. Please also add your comments to the threads on this issue, or by email to john AT . We have already had suggestions for improvements to the lane behind the bus-stop at Chenies Place. We will be saying that cyclists heading north to Royal College Street should use Goldington Crescent to avoid one set of traffic lights and the need to cross lanes. What else?

    Our response needs to be in by 14th November so we'll take comments on board until the 7th.

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  • Abbey To Addenbrookes

    Created by Al Storer // 1 thread

    A lot of attention is given, especially by the council, to the radial routes. This is OK. But what about this key (partial) orbital?

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  • Percival Road/Well Lane

    Created by Ross // 9 threads

    Well lane has been blocked to through motor traffic creating a nice quietway for walking and cycling.

    However where it meets Percival Road a dropped kerb has not been installed meaning that cycles, pushchairs and wheelchairs have to bump down to cross Percival.

    A couple of dropped kerbs and perhaps a parking restriction would really open this up as a nice cycle quietway.

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  • Dangerous corner for cycling at Storey's Way

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Bikes leaving the cul-de-sac, heading East, have to cross traffic twice. There is poor visibility and vehicles rat-run through the area.

    With the North West Cambridge development coming forward, this problem will get worse in time.

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  • Advanced stop lines/Cycle giveway on side roads off of Avenue

    Created by pmwebb // 0 threads

    The side roads that access the avenue are a danger to the users of the shared path. This is especially prevalent on the northbound side in the mornings. Cars seem to have two modes:
    1) stationary avenue traffic - approach at speed and hit the anchors in time not to hit the queue
    2) no queue on avenue - approach at speed hoping not to have to stop. Then go for it or again hit the anchors.

    In both stopping cases this blocks the crossing for the cycle/pedestrian

    Ideally there would be an advance giveaway line/colored tarmac to identify the possibility of crossing bikes/pedestrians

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  • Commuting and Health – Research and Policy Forum

    Created by David Earl // 0 threads

    We (Cambridge Cycling Campaign) have received an invitation to this event: Commuting and Health – Research and Policy Forum
    Wednesday 21 January 2015, 10.00am – 2.00pm
    Free, but registration required.

    "The way we travel can affect our health and the health of people around us. In the Commuting and Health in Cambridge study funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), researchers have been following the travel and physical activity patterns of commuters since 2009, seeking to understand more about why people use different modes of transport and how this is related to physical activity, health and wellbeing. A key aim of the study has been to assess the impact of new transport infrastructure in the form of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway, which opened in 2011 and provides dedicated traffic-free facilities for buses, cyclists and pedestrians."

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  • Cycle improvements for Fisk's Lane and Whitton Lane

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    There are 3 main problems with this cycle route which would be easy to rectify:
    * This cycle track is only signed from the retail park side, with no signage from the residential end of this link.
    * The surface is pretty poor along here, especially if you have some shopping in panniers.
    * There is also a problem with a gate part of the way along, which could pose a problem for people with a trailer or cargo bikes.


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  • A21 Bromley Common / Hastings Road and A233 Oakley Road junction improvement

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Working together with interested parties - including cycling, pedestrian and motorised road user organisations – we have reviewed the design of a number of key junctions identified as having road safety or other significant issues for cyclists and / or pedestrians.

    This junction was identified as having a particular cycle safety problem. We have therefore developed proposals to improve safety at the junction, in particular for cyclists.

    The responses to this consultation will help inform our decsion making as to whether we go ahead with the scheme as proposed or make changes to the scheme.

    Why We Are Consulting
    Our review of this junction has shown that there is a road safety issue for cyclists, in particular those travelling northbound along the A21.

    Our proposals for this junction are designed to improve sight lines to make it easier for cyclists, motorists and pedestrians to see each other and hence improve junction safety. In addition the opportunity will be taken to improve the informal pedestrian crossings to make these more visible and easier to use.

    Our proposed improvements include:

    Amended A21 and Oakley Road junction layout to bring the junction closer to a right angle – this will improve sight lines

    The cycle lane on A21 north bound (towards Bromley) will be widened to increase the separation of cyclists from other road users.

    Revised informal pedestrian crossings will be provided across Oakley Road and across A21 Hastings Road. A central island will allow roads to be crossed in stages. Informal crossing points offer pedestrians a safe point to cross, with tactile pavement for those with visual impairments.

    The right turn from Hastings Road to Church Road, which is not currently physically possible, will be specifically prohibited. The revised junction layout would make this a possible manoeuvre but it would conflict with right turning traffic into Oakley Road from the north and would not be a safe movement.

    We are not changing any other aspects of the junction. Traffic will still only be able to turn left (north) towards Bromley from Oakley Road, while Church Road will remain one way eastbound, with changes to the kerb layout to deter illegal movements.

    The map below illustrates our proposals.

    You can have your say on our proposals by following the link at the bottom of the page.

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  • NCN 15 Trent Bridge to Clifton suggested route

    Created by BrianInBeeston // 0 threads

    Proposed route of NCN 15 from Trent bridge to Clifton, following the south bank of the river Trent. The idea under discussion is for the route to be temporarily signed by Sustrans volunteer rangers in the first instance. there are also plans to sign an NCN 15 to NCN6 link route via Wilford Toll, Birdcage walk, Lenton Lane, Abbey St. NCN15 from Clifton westwards to East Midlands parkway station can be signed once the A453 works are complete.

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  • Downham Basil/Coriander/Bay 20mph

    Created by MJR // 1 thread

    Basil Drive, Coriander Road and Bay Walk are residential streets that probably should be a 20mph zone, at least to avoid sat-nav routing cars that way in preference to Rosemary Way.

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  • Tenison Ave parking restriction

    Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread

    "Following a request for a vehicular access outside of 27 Tenison Avenue it is

    proposed to revoke a 5 metre length of Residents Parking Bay and replace it with

    double yellow lines.

    If you wish to object to any of these proposals you should send the grounds for

    objection in writing to to reach us by no

    later than 19th September 2014 quoting reference PR0147."

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